Unit Sociology of the Environment and Risk

Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabio D'andrea
  • Fabio D'andrea
  • 36 ore - Fabio D'andrea
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Discipline sociologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course focuses on the complexity of the ecological relations of which man is part and parcel and on the inadequacy of the Western paradigm to account for it and to bring forth a realistic representation of humanity and of its knowledge. Environment, in accord with Beck, is an issue that requires a new knowledge to be successfully addressed.
Reference texts
L. Pellizzoni, G. Osti, Sociologia dell'ambiente, Il Mulino, 2008 (first four chapters); U. Beck, La metamorfosi del mondo, Laterza, 2017; research materials supplied by the teacher on the website www.sociologica.it. Suggested in-depth readings: U. Beck, Conditio Humana, Laterza, 2008; E. Morin, I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro, Cortina, 2001; E. Morin, Sette lezioni sul pensiero globale, Cortina, 2016.
Educational objectives
Improvement of professional skills by means of direct involvement in research activities and theoretical elaboration; specific sensibility and proactive capacity in the application of the course's issues to security; start of development of specialized skills in fields in evolution and definition.
Students must have a solid general knowledge and be familiar with the basic concepts of general and risk sociology.
Teaching methods
Academic and online teaching, workgroup, presentations.
Other information
The calendar of the exam dates is published on the Faculty site www.unipg.it/sdf. Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
Online written exam and/or oral interview with questions designed to assess critical understanding of the crucial issues discussed in the course and the ability to apply them to real case studies.
Extended program
Elements of sociology of the environment; Human condition in the XXI century as a consequence of Modernity; Environmental risk as a new conceptual category in the comprehension of reality; Necessity of a new inclusive paradigm to better understand humanity, its knowledge and its role in generating the world.
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