Unit Cultural Heritage
- Course
- Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
- Study-unit Code
- A002677
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Daniele Parbuono
- Teachers
- Daniele Parbuono
- Hours
- 54 ore - Daniele Parbuono
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Academic discipline
- M-DEA/01
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- The teaching is aimed to reflect about cultural heritage and about notions of tangible and intangible, by discussing methodological postures and interpretative models, starting from the history of the studies.
The concept of heritage will be approached from a socio-anthropological perspective, paying particular attention to the practices, poetics, rhetorics and policies of construction, of manipulation and re-semantization of time and space, local and global, public and private, history and imaginaries of history. Using the blended teaching methodology, recorded lessons concerning readings and textual insights will alternate. These will open up spaces for in-depth study and debates during the face-to-face lessons. The training path, which will also include seminars and meetings with important researchers, will close with the workshop “Tangible and intangible. Object-person relationship” - Reference texts
- - Parbuono Daniele, Sbardella Francesca (eds.), Costruzione di patrimoni. Le parole degli oggetti e delle convenzioni, Pàtron, Bologna, 2017.
- Palumbo Berardino, Patrimonializzare, «AM Antropologia Museale», 8, 22, 2009, pp. XXXVIII-XL.
- Lenclud Gerard, La tradizione non è più quella d’un tempo, in Clemente Pietro, Mugnaini Fabio (eds.), Oltre il folklore. Tradizioni popolari e antropologia nella società contemporanea, Carocci, Roma, 2001, pp. 123-133.
- Poulot Dominique. Elementi in vista di un’analisi della ragione patrimoniale in Europa, secoli XVIII-XX, in Maffi Irene (ed.) Il patrimonio culturale, «Antropologia» 6, 7, 2006, pp. 129-154.
- de L’Estoile Benoît, Musei post-etnografici. Le trasformazioni dei rapporti tra antropologia e museo in Francia, «Anuac», 4 (2), 2015: 78-105.
Letture facoltative di approfondimento:
- Cirese Alberto Mario, Cultura egemonica e culture subalterne. Rassegna di studi sul mondo
popolare tradizionale, Palermo, Palumbo, 1971.
- Clemente Pietro e Rossi Emanuela, Il terzo principio della museografia. Antropologia, contadini,
musei, Carocci, Roma, 1999.
- Dei Fabio, Beethoven e le mondine. Ripensare la cultura popolare, Roma, Meltemi, 2002.
- Palumbo Berardino, L’UNESCO e il campanile. Antropologia, politica e beni culturali in Sicilia
orientale, Roma, Meltemi, 2003. - Educational objectives
- The teaching aims to provide the knowledge bases on the anthropological study of Intangible Cultural Heritage and patrimonialization processes. The main knowledges that students will acquire are:
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological references of heritage anthropology;
- knowledge of the relationship between heritage practices, ethnography and frameworks of law.
The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge will be:
- ability to formulate the research problem and to adopt effective and innovative methodological choices;
- anthropological analysis capacity of patrimonialization processes. - Prerequisites
- The student must have basic notions concerning the theories of Social Sciences and the History of Cultural Anthropology. This prerequisite is valid for both attending and non-attending students.
- Teaching methods
- Lectures with a strong interaction and group works.
- Other information
- /
- Learning verification modality
- The exam consists of a final oral test that develops as a discussion-interview on the topics covered during the lessons and deepened on the recommended texts. The examination serves to ascertain the levels of knowledge, the ability to understand, as well as to synthesize and critical analyse the data. The interview will also allow to verify the ability to communicate what has been acquired, with method, language properties and clarity in exposing.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD visit the page https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa - Extended program
- First block (valid for LM-1 and LM-88): 27 hours
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). Presentation of the course: didactic calendar; program, textbooks and readings. Introduction to the use of the UniStudium platform. Illustration of the examination procedures.
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). From demological studies to cultural heritage. The “power” of objects: presentation of the workshop “Tangible and intangible. Object-person relationship”.
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented reading: the words of the “Codice” and the words of the “conventions” (15 min).
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented reading: the words of the “Codice” and the words of the “conventions” (15 min).
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). The concept of cultural heritage. Categories to think about: tangible, intangible; material, immaterial; mobile, immobile.
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Identity (15 min).
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Identity (15 min).
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). The concept of heritage in the construction of local contexts. Memory, identity, authenticity, awareness of places: festivities, folklore, community.
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Patriomonialization processes (15 min).
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Patriomonialization processes (15 min).
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). Essentialism and patrimonialization processes. From the management of tradition to patrimonial policies.
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Museum metamorphosis in France. Musée de l’Homme (15 min).
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Museum metamorphosis in France. Musée du quai Branly (15 min).
- Registration (LM-1 + LM-88). Commented readings. Museum metamorphosis in France. Musée du quai Branly (15 min).
- 3 hours (LM-1 + LM-88). Anthropology and museums. The French case. Ethnographic object, object of art. Relations between digitization and heritage.
Second block (valid for LM-88, optional but recommended for LM-1): 18 hours
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 1 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 1 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 1 (15 min).
- 3 hours. Seminar n° 1 (LM-88). Heritage dialogues. The life of things.
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 2 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 2 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 2 (15 min).
- 3 hours. Seminar n° 2 (LM-88). UNESCO and anthropological work.
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 3 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 3 (15 min).
- Registration (LM-88). Commented readings. Preparation for seminar n° 3 (15 min).
- 3 hours. Seminar n° 3 (LM-88). Anthropology and Demoethnoanthropological museums in Italy.
Third block (valid for LM-1 and LM-88): 9 hours
- 3 hours. Lesson (LM-1 + LM-88). Conclusion of the workshop “Tangible and intangible. Object-person relationship”. Students dialogue with teacher and course colleagues.
- 3 hours. Lesson (LM-1 + LM-88). Conclusion of the workshop “Tangible and intangible. Object-person relationship”. Students dialogue with teacher and course colleagues.
- 3 hours. Lesson (LM-1 + LM-88). Reconstruction of the educational path. Conclusion of the teaching.