European legal integration and human rights
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Claudio Vinti
  • Claudio Vinti
  • 54 ore - Claudio Vinti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline linguistiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Language, linguistics, translation. From theory to practice. French Culture.
The course is divided into 3 modules:
1. Language and Translation Theory;
2. Practice of translation: newspaper article;
3. Module by rof. Natasa Raschi
Reference texts
A document prepared by the teacher will be made available to the students.
L. Parodi-M. Vallacco, Nouvelle Grammaire savoir-faire (libro, CD audio e CD-ROM), Genova, Cideb, 2010 (aggiornare);
D. Abry – M.-L. Chalaron, Les 500 exercices de phonétique, CD MP3 inclus (6 h 45 d’enregistrement, niveau A1/A2), Paris, Hachette, 2010 ;
Morfology: F. Bidaud, Traduire le français d’aujourd’hui, Torino, Utet, 2014 ;
F. Bidaud, Grammaire d français pour italophones, Torino, Utet, 2015 ;
F. Bidaud – M.-Ch. Grange, Manuerl du français intermédiaire (Corso di lingua francese livelli B1 – B1+), Milano, Hoepli, 2017.
Educational objectives
Language reflection will be conducted through communicative and oriented approachs, so as to ensure at the end of the course the full achievement of CECR level A2
In order to successfully use the teacher's course (which will be held in French and Italian), the student will need to have the French language rudiments or acquire them at CLA following the language courses with the mother-tongue readers
Teaching methods
Language reflection will be conducted through communicative and oriented approachs, With the main semiotic communication strategies
Other information
At the same time as the official course in the I and II semesters, at the University Linguistic Center (CLA), there will be exercises held by Mother-tongue Readers to enable the student to acquire the necessary linguistic tools to support the official exam
Learning verification modality
The exam provides for the following assessment of learning:
1. Written test
2. oral test
An independent review is scheduled at the end of the CLA exercises
Extended program
The course aims to offer students the opportunity to enrich and improve their linguistic, communicative and cultural skills, through the study and targeted exercises of morphology and phonetics, as well as the theoretical-practical approach to translation (from French to Italian). Linguistic reflection will be conducted through communicative and oriented approachs, which will be complemented by the application of the main semiotic strategies. The course is held in French after a first period of acclimatization in which the teacher will speak in Italian. The predefined language competence level is a full A2 of the CECR.
Frequency is strongly recommended.
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