Unit Contract and Business Law

Politics, administration, territory
Study-unit Code
Scienze dell'amministrazione
Alessandra Bellelli
  • Alessandra Bellelli
  • 42 ore - Alessandra Bellelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Contract in general: essential elements; condition, contractual effects, invalidity. Special business contracts: purchasing contracts, leasing, factoring, franchising, know-how, outsourcing, contract of advertising, insurance and financial investment contracts.
Reference texts
General text-book:
C.Massimo Bianca, Diritto civile, 3, Il contratto, III ed., Giuffrè, Milano, 2019 (only the following chapters: chapters III-X, chapter XII.
Specialized text-book:
S. Monticelli-G. Porcelli, I contratti dell'impresa, last ed., Giappichelli, Torino.
Educational objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide students with a complete legal framework regarding contract law, especially with reference to business contracts.
The teaching activity aims at giving appropriate legal research methods and instruments, with the final objective of giving students the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge in resolving legal problems, through the techings of lawmakers, courts and legal scholars. The final objective is to inable students to apply their knowledge, to address complex law issues, on the basis of the acquired communication skills.
Knowledge of institutional notions of Private Law.
Teaching methods
The teaching methods are characterized by theoretical lectures and practical seminars.
The first part of the course is based on face to face lectures on the fundamental notions of the contract and business law.
The second part of the course foresees the active participation of groups of two or three students: each of them has the opportunity to study a specific contract in depth and to write a thesis, following the professor’s guidelines. The students’ thesis will be presented and discussed by the students in the lecture hall.
Other information
The students' attendance is strongly suggested.
Learning verification modality
Students will be examined in two phases according to the following plan.
A first step of evaluation concerns the thesis presentation that each student can write on the specific issue whithin the thematic group.
The final exam is the second part of evaluation; it is oral (of approximately 15 minutes) and it consists in 3 questions concerning the teaching program and the thesis issue.
The objective of the final exam is to check applying knowledge and understanding on the theoretical and methodological contents of the subject.
Extended program
Contract in general: essential elements; condition, contractual effects, invalidity. Special business contracts: purchasing contracts, leasing, factoring, franchising, know-how, outsourcing, contract of advertising, insurance and financial investment contracts.
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