Social policies and social work
Study-unit Code
Progettazione delle politiche sociali
Mariella Ursini
  • Mariella Ursini
  • 42 ore - Mariella Ursini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline sociologiche e di servizio sociale
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course starts from an analytical framework between welfare state and subsidiary welfare, trying to order and define criteria and areas of interaction. Particular emphasis will be placed on the connection between the two types of welfare, their evolution and the possible joints. Some thoughts about these joints will be proposed in order to understand the possible consequences of wellbeing production. The community welfare is collocated into this contest, focusing the attention on the importance of social networks and cooperation of local stakeholders. The course will be completed by constructive interactions between students and local stakeholders using meetings, seminars, workshops and other forms of cooperation useful for learning. Students will be invited to contribute to the educational path through critical reflections and reworking of their acquired knowledges.
Reference texts
Ranci C., Pavolini E., (2015), Le politiche di welfare, Il Mulino, Bologna
Ferrera M., (2015), Le politiche di sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna
Bezzi C., (2015), che cos’è la valutazione, Franco Angeli, Milano
Materials provided by the teacher: slides shown during lessons and other material of in-depth
Educational objectives
Starting by the welfare state evolution, the aim of the course is to provide knowledges concerning subsidiary welfare and the role of the community welfare in the wellbeing production.
Furthermore, by analyzing the principal concepts, the course wants to investigate some connection between welfare state and subsidiary welfare proving how necessary is their collaboration and their positive interaction (nesting) in order to provide services to the community in an equitable and effective way. Focusing the role of the community welfare in the wellbeing production, the course aims to highlight that the comparison among public authorities and different stakeholders of the area is an opportunity to define in the best way the strategic directions for public policymaking.
No one in particular
Teaching methods
Most of the course is made of frontal teaching. To these are added:
Meetings and seminars in depth with stakeholders, workshops to apply information in a real-life situation (case analysis, simulator games, team work) ; staging posts and evaluation of learning process (plenary debate)
Learning verification modality
oral examination
Extended program
Dal welfare pubblico al welfare sussidiario: una cornice analitica tra primo e secondo welfare
Le declinazioni del secondo welfare, I soggetti promotori/facilitatori e le iniziative per la produzione di benessere locale.
Welfare occupazionale/aziendale, filantropico, confessionale, assicurativo e comunitario: caratteristiche, soggetti promotori, azioni sul territorio
Le possibili interconnessioni fra le diverse forme di secondo welfare e il welfare pubblico nella produzione di benessere.
Il welfare di comunità: principali caratteristiche, attori e funzioni nel welfare locale
Le nuove forme di solidarietà sociale: dalla lettura del territorio alla produzione di servizi
Presentazione di esperienze concrete e discussione con stakeholder del territorio
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