Sustainable agriculture
Study-unit Code
Agricoltura biologica ed ecocompatibile
Stefano Ciliberti
  • Stefano Ciliberti
  • 54 ore - Stefano Ciliberti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
1. Agriculture and economic development (0,3 credits)
2. Economic aspects in the study of agriculture and rural development (0,3 credits)
3. Agri-food policy instruments (0,6 credits)
4. EU: institutions and policies (0,1 credits)
5. The common agricultural policy for the stabilization of markets and incomes (1,0 credits)
6. Territory Development Planning (0,5 credits)
7. Rural development policy (0,4 credits)
8. The risk management policy (0,2 credits)
9. International agricultural policy (1,0 credits)
10. Cohesion policy (0,2 credits)
11. The Italian agricultural policy (0,2 credits)
12. Agro-energy policies (0,2 credits)
13. GMOs (0,3 credits)
14. The food quality policy (0,7 credits)
Reference texts
1. Material provided by the teacher.
2. Segré A. (2008), Politiche per lo sviluppo agricolo e la sicurezza alimentare, Carocci editore, Roma.
3. Sodano V., Sassi M., Marchini A., Economia agroalimentare: mercati e politiche, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2010.
4. Vieri S. (2001), Politica Agraria, Edagricole, Bologna.
5. Commissione europea, Come funziona l’Unione europea, Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunità europee, 2014.
Educational objectives
This course aims to provide students with a wide science knowledge of the aims, instruments and effects of the agricultural policies at the international, European and national levels.
It particularly contributes in training future graduates to competently carry out all the activities related to agricultural policies, as a professional (agronomist) and/or a collaborator of societies for consultancy and planning in agriculture and/or an official in public or private institutions – specifically:
- analyzing and evaluating changes in the socio-political context and in the agri-food sector legislation;
- drawing up and implementing consultancy plans and business projects relating to European agri-food policies, rural development policy and national agri-food regulations;
- planning, implementing and evaluating local development programs and projects, in implementation of European and national policies;
- design programs and tools for food quality.
In order to properly understand the content of the course, you need to have knowledge of Economics Institutions and Economy and agricultural policy.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons: 44 hours
Classroom exercises: 8 hours
Seminars with external experts: 2 hours
Other information
Other activities:
Student run lessons.
Learning verification modality
Ongoing tests: reports on practical case studies, prepared using both MS Word and MS Excel.
Final written test: 30 multiple-choice questions – time 15 minutes
Final oral exam: 10 questions about theoretical aspects of the module issues, in order to assess the student’s knowledg and comprehension, together with his/her ability of exposition – time 45 minutes ca.
Ongoing test assessments: multiple-choice tests.
Assessment at the end of some lessons or practical exercises.
Individual written reports home-based: as an alternative to the ongoing classroom exercises.
Extended program
1. Agriculture and economic development (0,3 credits)
Economic development, economic growth and structural economic dynamics. Agriculture and economic development.
2. Economic aspects in the study of agriculture and rural development (0,3 credits)
Market failures. Externalities. Common goods and common resources. Information asymmetries. Goods of experience and trust.
3. Agri-food policy instruments (0,6 credits)
Market policies. Income policies. Structural and rural development policies. The rational and economic implications of agricultural policy instruments for market control. Control on foreign trade. Price stabilization measures. Checking stocks and adjusting production. Indirect agricultural policy tools.
4. EU: institutions and policies (0,1 credits)
The institutions of European Union. EU policies.
5. The common agricultural policy for the stabilization of markets and incomes (1,0 credits)
European Union: Institutions and policies. The European integration process and its evolution. The decision-making process of the European Union. The original setting of the Common Agricultural Policy. The evolution of EU market policy. CAP Reforms: the MacSharry Reform and Agenda 2000. The Fischler Reform. Decoupling and conditionality. Health Check. The EU Budget. The CAP 2014-2020: direct payments. Market measures and the unique CMO. The CAP 2021-2027.
6. Territory Development Planning (0,5 credits)
Statistics for territory. Local Work Systems. The planning process. SWOT analysis for the territory. Impact, Result and Output Indicators. Monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
7. Rural development policy (0,4 credits)
Evolution of the EU rural development policy. The second pillar of the CAP. Planning the rural development policy. Rural development policy 2014-2020. The LEADER approach. Agro-environmental policy.
8. The risk management policy (0,2 credits)
The risk in agriculture. The evolution of risk management policy. The facilitated insurance. Mutualization funds.
9. International agricultural policy (1,0 credits)
Economic theory and foreign trade. Consequences of agricultural policies on the international trade. How WTO works. Negotiations and agreements. The Uruguay Round agricultural agreement: market access, export support measures, internal support measures. The Doha Round and the future of multilateral trade negotiations. U.S. agricultural policy.
10. Cohesion policy (0,2 credits)
Evolution of the EU cohesion policy. Structural funds. Reform of structural funds. Policies at a territorial level. Instruments for territory planning. Building programs for the economic and territorial development. Program evaluation.
11. The Italian agricultural policy (0,2 credits)
Evolution of the institutional intervention on agriculture from the second post-war period to the Nineties and the reorganization of agricultural skills. Italian agricultural policy from 2000 up to now. National institutions for agricultural issues. National agricultural policy and public expenditure for agriculture. Orientation laws for agriculture. Farmers’ organizations and their policies.
12. Agro-energy policies (0,2 credits)
Agro-energy: reality and perspectives. Agro-energy policy.
13. GMOs (0,3 credits)
14. The food quality policy (0,7 credits)
Mandatory and voluntary standards. HACCP. Traceability. Funding for food quality.

1. Term paper on an issue of agricultural policy, european or international.
2. Cross-compliance acts and standards and the farm advisory dossier.
3. Analysis and application of a measure from the RDP, Rural Development Plan.
4. Territory analysis and the drafting of a Local Development Plan.
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