Italian, classical studies and european history
Study-unit Code
Civiltà e cultura dell'antico
Emilio Rosamilia
  • Emilio Rosamilia
  • 36 ore - Emilio Rosamilia
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Greek historiography: introduction and main research tools.
The Pentekontaetia (478-431 BC) and Thucydides' first book.
Reference texts
A) Textbook on Greek Historiography:
- M. Bettalli (ed. by), Introduzione alla storiografia greca, Roma: Carocci 2009 (second edition).
B) Readings in ancient Greek:
- Thucydides, book 1 (reference edition: Thucydidis Historiae, vol. I, rec. I.B. Alberti, Roma: Poligrafico 1972). Students are welcome to recur to translations in any language in order to prepare for the exam. For Italian translations, please refer to the Italian version of this same page.
- Passages from other ancient texts and document that will be discussed and commented during the lectures. A list of the relevant passages will be made available by the end of the course.
C) Other compulsory readings:
- H.-J. Gehrke, "Greek Representations of their Past", in Intentional History. Spinning Time in Ancient Greece, ed. by L. Foxhall, H.-J. Gehrke, N. Luraghi, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2010, pp. 15-33.
- other papers to be precised.

N.B. In addition, students attending less than 60% of the lessons (except working students) will be requested to read:
- a selection of four other papers from The Oxford Handbook of Thucydides, to be approved beforehand by the lecturer.
Educational objectives
After completing the course students will achieve a critical awareness in the field of Greek historiography, especially of classical age. They will be able to use the basic tools for research, to update their knowledge with scholarly tools, to communicate orally and to critically discuss the main problems addressed, relying directly on the texts.
It is recommended to have taken an exam in Greek history.
Teaching methods
Seminar lessons and/or paper, if requested by the students
Attendance checked by roll call.
Supplementary readings are imposed to students who attend less than 60% of lessons. Attendance by working students is not checked.
Other information
Beginning, schedule and room of the lessons, see Department Official Pages http://www.lettere.unipg.it/didattica/calendari
Learning verification modality
Oral exam (ca. 40', after the course). Each oral exam will include:
A) Up to two questions about the textbook and other compulsory readings from modern scholarship.
B) Reading, translation and discussion of two short passages in Ancient Greek, of which at least one chosen from the whole first book of Thucydides.

N.B. During the exam, students from the LM-15 master degree are expected to show their ability to translate and comment on passages in Greek, chosen from the list of those examined during the lessons. Students enrolled in other master degrees are expected to contact the lecturer before the exam in order to discuss possible syllabus alterations.
Extended program
The course will consist of two sections:
A) General introduction to studies on Greek historiography, with particular emphasis on recent developments, and presentation of the main research tools for this discipline.
B) Reading and commentary of selected passages from Thucydides 1, as well as parallels from other ancient authors and contemporary epigraphic documents.
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