Degree course in Finance and quantitative methods for economics
- Course Name
- Course Code
- LM90
- Class (Ministerial code)
- LM-16, LM-83
- Website
- Field(s) of study
- - ISCED Area 04 – Business, administration and law
- Qualification award
- - Laurea Magistrale
- Level of qualification according to the NQF and the EQF
- - EHEA Second cycle; EQF Level 7
- Length of programme / number of credits
- - 2 years / 120 ECTS
- Language of Teaching
- - Italian/english
- Mode of study
- In-class
- Didactic centre
- Perugia
- Programme director
- Prof. Marcello Signorelli
- Access to the course
- - open access with assessment of personal competencies
- Specific admission requirements
- - Formal Requirements Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or foreign equivalent in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if required competences are lacking.
- Evaluation of specific subject knowledge on entry
- Verification of the possession of the curricular requirements with the methods indicated in the academic regulation of the course of study Foreign students are required to take a test to verify their proficiency of the Italian language, except Erasmus Incoming students, Exchange Students and students in mobility as per the Cooperation Agreement
- Profile of the programme
- The Master Degree in Finance aims to train graduates with in-depth knowledge knowledge of financial and insurance activities and contracts, as well as the organization and functioning of markets and financial intermediaries. The course pays particular attention to value control processes and methods of the financial and "technical" risks of companies and intermediaries, emphasizing the tools and mathematical-statistical models for risk management and, more generally, for analysis and the interpretation of economic and financial phenomena in conditions of uncertainty. The strategies adopted by financial intermediaries and insurance companies and the choices made by companies and investors are read in the light of the most recent developments in the picture normative-regulatory. The course is composed by two main curriculua.
- Programme learning outcomes
- Graduates will acquire: - ability to develop an independence of assessment thanks to the frequent meetings with external experts stimulating participation and commitment; - communication skills that can successfully support a professional interaction in a broad range of organisational contexts. To this end, during the courses discussions, individual and group presentations, business cases and short research project are promoted and implemented. Moreover, the discussion of the thesis in the final test will enhance this ability. The course also develops the ability to interact in an international environment thanks to the use of the English language and the incentives provided to develop Erasmus experiences; - ability to analyze and assess a wide range of strategic, administrative and operational business issues as well as to identify specific decision-making solutions, thanks to the integrated contribution of accounting, managerial, legal and analytical skills.
- Qualification requirements and regulations
- Admission to the final test for the achievement of the qualification will require that the student has acquired all the credits foreseen in the study plan for training activities other than the final test. The final test for the achievement of the qualification is public and consists of the presentation of a thesis work to a special commission. The dissertation has to refer to a discipline included in the students’ training path, both at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. The final dissertation is discussed with a special Graduation Commission composed by seven effective members and two substitute members. The Commission is appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the Department of Economics Council. The final score of the Degree is expressed in one hundred and ten and it is obtained as the arithmetic average of the marks of the exams, weighted in relation to the formative credits corresponding to each exam, plus the mark attributed to the dissertation by the Graduation Commission. If the final vote is the maximum, the Commission can unanimously confer the “laude”.
- Examination regulations and grading scale
- Assessment is normally an oral or written exam; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other evaluation elements (seminars, reports, etc.) can be foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles. The grades for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude), in case of excellence. Grades are given by an exam commission of at least two teachers, whose President is the chair of the subject. The main exam sessions are held in January/February, March/April, June/July, September/October. Students may retake exams, if not passed. The University provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme.
- Obligatory or optional mobility windows
- Optional mobility windows
- Work-based learning
- A curricular internship is an experience intended to complete the University education of students, by enabling them carrying out practical work in structures within or outside the University, in Italy or abroad, and to obtain the University educational credits envisaged in the course structure diagrams for their degree programmes. See the website at, or contact the relevant Internship office.
- Occupational profiles of graduates
- The program presents many career opportunities as managers, analysts and economists at banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, as well as consultants in either corporate finance advisory or finance divisions of large consulting companies and financial authorities and regulators.
Unit | Language | Anno | Period | CFU |
APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 1 | I | 9 |
APPLIED CORPORATE FINANCE Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 1 | I | 9 |
ECONOMETRICS Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ECONOMETRICS Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL POLICIES Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL POLICIES Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
INSURANCE LAW Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
INSURANCE LAW Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | Italian | 1 | II | 6 |
MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR RISK MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 1 | I | 9 |
MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR RISK MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 1 | I | 9 |
MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 1 | II | 9 |
MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 1 | II | 9 |
PRIVATE BANKING AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 1 | I | 6 |
PRIVATE BANKING AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 1 | I | 6 |
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ECONOMY AND FINANCE Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 1 | whole year | 12 |
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR FINANCE Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 1 | I | 6 |
BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 2 | I | 6 |
BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 2 | I | 6 |
COMPUTER LAB 1 Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | Italian | 2 | I | 3 |
COMPUTER LAB 2 Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | II | 3 | |
ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 2 | I | 6 |
ELECTIVE EXAM Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
ELECTIVE EXAM Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | whole year | 9 | |
ENGLISH ADVANCED Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | whole year | 3 | |
ENGLISH ADVANCED Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | 2 | whole year | 3 | |
FINANCE AND INSURANCE Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | I | 6 | |
FINANCIAL HEDGING AND RISK MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 2 | II | 6 |
FINANCIAL HEDGING AND RISK MANAGEMENT Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 2 | II | 6 |
INSURANCE Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | I | 12 | |
INTERNSHIP Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | 2 | whole year | 3 | |
INTERNSHIP Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | 2 | whole year | 3 | |
STAGES OUTDOOR Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | Italian | 2 | whole year | 3 |
STAGES OUTDOOR Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | Italian | 2 | whole year | 3 |
STATISTICAL COMPUTING METHODS Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 2 | whole year | 12 |
STATISTICAL MODELS FOR CREDIT SCORING Curriculum: Statistics for finance and economics | English | 2 | I | 6 |
STATISTICAL MODELS FOR CREDIT SCORING Curriculum: Finanza ed assicurazione | English | 2 | I | 6 |
Free-choice training activities
Unit | Period | CFU |
Group 6 CFU A SCELTA TRA CARATTERIZZANTI CFU (University training credits) required: 6 | ||
Group 6 CFU A SCELTA TRA CARATTERIZZANTI CFU (University training credits) required: 6 |