Business administration
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Margherita Giannoni
  • Margherita Giannoni
  • 63 ore - Margherita Giannoni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of economic theory by focusing on the subject of economic discipline as a tool for understanding and knowing the world in which we live. In the first part of the course (first module) the course will provide the tools of modern microeconomic analysis to address the analysis of competitive markets in partial equilibrium, the study of the choices of consumption, work and investment families and the choices of companies in the short and long period. In the second part (second module) we will focus on general equilibrium, on the analysis of market forms other than perfect competition, on game theory, on uncertainty theory and market failures.
Reference texts
Katz M et al. Microeconomics, McGraw Hill, 6 ed 2020
Educational objectives
The course aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of economic theory by focusing on microeconomics as a tool for understanding and knowing the world in which we live.
The course requires general mathematics fundamentals. It does not require previous knowledge of economics, but requires an active participation of the student in the topics covered in class.
Teaching methods
In addition to lectures, case studies will be assigned to be carried out in groups also in the form of a laboratory (in-depth analysis of the modern developments of the discipline such as, for example, internet of things, experimental economics, etc.). There are also theoretical and practical exercises that are essential to follow in order to achieve a complete preparation.
Learning verification modality
Written examination.
For details
please see the course materials made available in the UNISTUDIUM platform
Extended program
Program (paragraph numbers refer to the chapters of the recommended textbook)

I module. Economic decisions of families and businesses, the competitive model

1.The market economy
Part 1 - Families
2.Consumer choices
3. The demand curves
4.The changes in price and the well-being of the consumer
5.The Family as a Resource Provider - chapter available online

Part 2 - Businesses

6.The firm and the production
7. The costs of the company

Part 3 - The competitive model
8. The company in competition
9. Equilibrium in competitive markets

II module, general equilibrium, market forms, uncertainty and market failures

10.The general economic equilibrium and the economics of well-being

Part 4 - Market power
11 The monopoly
12 Monopolistic Behaviors
13.The theory of games
14. Oligopoly and strategic behavior

Part 5 - Uncertainty and market failures
15. Choices under uncertainty
16. Asymmetric information
17 Externalities and public goods
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