Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Cataldo Arcuri
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005087
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Cataldo Arcuri
  • Cataldo Arcuri
  • 45 ore - Cataldo Arcuri
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/16
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Cardiovascular system. Respiratory apparatus. Alimentary apparatus. Urinary apparatus. Reproductive system. Endocrine system. Nervous system: sensory system, motor system. Ear.
Reference texts Anatomia dell'Uomo, Autori Vari, edizioni edi-ermes (vol. unico); Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Netter F.H., Ed. Elsevier; Atlante di Anatomia Prometheus, EdiSES.
Educational objectives Improving the knowledge of macroscopic and topographic anatomy of human organs, and their organization in systems and apparatuses. Understanding the anatomical correlations between organs, and the microscopic structure of the organs in relation to their functions.
Prerequisites To understand the contents discussed in the course, the student must have acquired basic knowledge about the organization and functioning of cells in living organisms.
Teaching methods Face-to-face.
Other information The course is structured in three parts: Anatomy, Physiology I, Istology.
Learning verification modality Oral examination.
Extended program 1. General organization: anatomical apparatuses and systems. 2. Skeletal system. Bones of thorax, abdomen and pelvis. 3. Cardiovascular system: heart and major vessels. 4. Respiratory apparatus: nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs (gross and microscopic anatomy). Respiratory muscles. Diaphragm. 5. Alimentary apparatus: oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, salivary glands, liver, pancreas (gross and microscopic anatomy). 6. Urinary apparatus: kidney and urinary tract (gross and microscopic anatomy). 7. Reproductive system: male and female genital organs. 8. Endocrine system: general organization and principal glands. 9. Nervous system: general organization and nervous activities. 10. Spinal cord; brainstem; cerebellum; diencephalon; cerebrum. Primary, secondary and associative cortical areas. 11. Sensory system. Motor system. Proprioceptors. Cranial and spinal nerves. 12. Ear: general organization.


Code GP005088
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Fabio Massimo Botti
  • Fabio Massimo Botti
  • 15 ore - Fabio Massimo Botti
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents neuron
sensory systems
Motor systems
Reference texts Principi di Fisiologia - L. Zocchi – Ed. EdiSES

Edi-Ermes Fisiologia dell'uomo. AAVV ISBN-13: 978-8870512519

R. Poltronieri Elementi di Fisiologia
Educational objectives Knowledge of the physiology of the nervous system
Prerequisites the student must possess the fundamental knowledge in:
Human anatomy
Teaching methods frontal lessons
Other information none
Learning verification modality progress evaluation with multiple choice questions and a final oral test
Extended program Homeostasis and control mechanisms. Transport through the cytoplasmic membrane: simple diffusion, ionic channels, facilitated diffusion, primary and secondary active transports. The Membrane potential of the neuron. Action potential: mechanism, voltage sensitive ionic channels, types of propagation and role of myelin. Electric synapses: structure and characteristics. Chemical synapses: structure and functioning. Release and neutralization of neurotransmitter. Types of receptors. Excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Synaptic integration: spatial and temporal summation. Synaptic plasticity.
Esthesiology: receptors and their characteristics. Intensity coding. Adaptation. Somato sensory systems: touch , proprioception, thermoception and nociception. Special senses: Vision (receptors, pathways, cortical processing), hearing (receptors, pathways, signal analysis), vestibular apparatus (receptors, function).
Physiology of human movement Skeletal muscle functional organization. Structural basis of muscle contraction, Theory of filament flow, cross bridges and power strokes. Excitation-contraction coupling. Types of muscle contraction. Shock and tetanus. Isometric and isotonic contractions. Strength speed and tension-length relationships. Fast and slow fibers. Motor unit. Superficial and deep spinal reflexes: involved receptors and functional characteristics. Basic mechanisms of walking. Posture maintenance and postural reactions. Voluntary movement: spinal pathways and cortical areas involved. Cerebellum: structure and functions. Basal Ganglia: structure and function, direct and indirect way. H emispheric asymmetries and specializations.
Autonomic nervous system Functional organization. Generalities on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.


Code GP005089
Location FOLIGNO
Teacher Lorella Marinucci
  • Lorella Marinucci
  • 15 ore - Lorella Marinucci
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Epithelia. Exocrine and endocrine glands. Connective tissues tissue. Aponeurosis, tendons and ligaments. Adipose tissue. Types of cartilage. Bone tissue. Bone formation. Blood. Smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues. Nervous tissue.
Reference texts Istologia per le Professioni Sanitarie -G. Sica et al.  Ed Idelson Gnocchi.
Educational objectives The main aim of this teaching is to provide students with the bases needed to address the study of Anatomy and Physiolgy. Main Knowledge acquired will be: Knowledge of  the structure and ultrastructure of cells, tissues and organs;The main competence (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge)will be:analysis of correlation between structure and function; understanding of  the phisio-pathogenetic processes.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand the topics described within the Course, you must possess basic knowledge about Chemistry and Cell Biology.
All the didactical units are mandatory
Teaching methods Face to face with slide projections
Other information The attendance is compulsory, at least 75% of lessons.Room first year  Scienze Infermieristiche, via Oberdan 123 Foligno.
Learning verification modality Written tests, oral tests
Extended program Epithelia. Exocrine and endocrine glands. Connective tissue. Extracellular matrix. The cells of the connective tissue.  Adipose tissue. Types of cartilage. Bone tissue. Intramembranous bone formation. Endochondral bone formation. Blood. Smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues. Nervous tissue. Nerve fibers. Interneuronic synapses. Neuromuscular synapse.
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