Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Nicoletta Ghigi
  • Nicoletta Ghigi
  • 36 ore - Nicoletta Ghigi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The concept of person and the formative education in Max Scheler and Edith Stein
Reference texts
I :
1. Edith Stein, Die Idee der Bildung;
2. Max Scheler, Schriften über Bildung.

II. :
1. A. Ales Bello, Edith Stein o dell'armonia;
2. N. Ghigi, L'orizzonte del sentire in Edith Stein;
3. G. Cusinato, "Katharsis. La morte dell'ego e il divino come apertura al mondo nella prospettiva di Max Scheler", Napoli 1999;
G. Cusinato, "La totalità incompiuta. Antropologia filosofica e ontologia della persona", Franco Angeli, Milano 2008;
V. D'Anna, "Max Scheler", Roma 2006;
G. Ferretti, "Max Scheler", Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1972.

1. M. Dupy, "La philosophie de Max Scheler. Son évolution et son unité", Paris 1959;
2. M. Barber, "Guardian of Dialogue: Max Scheler's Phenomenology, Sociology of Knowledge, and Philosophy of Love", Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg 1993;
3. A. Deeken, "Process and Permanence in Ethics", New York 1974;
4. K.W. Stikkers, "Persons and Power: Max Scheler and Michel Foucault on the Spiritualization of Power", in "The Pluralist"
Vol. 4, No. 1 (SPRING 2009), pp. 51-59.
5. A. Calcagno, "The Philosophy of Edith Stein", Duquesne Press, Pittsburg (Pa), 2007;
6. H. Gerl-Falkovitz, "Unerbittliches Licht. Edith Stein: Philosophie, Mystik, Leben", Gruenewald, Mainz 1991;
7. C.M. Wulf, "Freiheit und Grenze: Edith Steins Anthropologie", Patris, Vallendar-Schenstatt 2002.
Educational objectives
The course aims THE FOLLOWING learning' results, whose acquisition will be evaluated in the examination:
- Knowledge of the fundamental lines of philosophical anthropology of Edith Stein e Max Scheler,
- Acquisition of tools and skills of the phenomenological concept of formation,
- Ability to apply tools acquired in a critical and individual way.
In order to understand the content of teaching, it is necessary that the student has an appropriate knowledge of the history of philosophy (useful, in this regard, sufficient knowledge of phenomenology) and knows how to make an atractive process of historical and conceptual considerations. Indispensable is a critical attention during lessons and an ability to find solutions to problems of the cours.
Teaching methods
1. Theoretical lessons face-to-face
2. Seminars and/or Laboratoty (Lectio magistralis)
Other information
The cours will be by Palazzo Peiro
Learning verification modality
The examination will be oral (30 minutes). The valuation is measured thirty and intends evaluate the methodological capacities and abilities taken during the Lesson.
Information for support to the disabilities: http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
The course aims to address the issue of education, considering the philosophical proposals of Edith Stein and Max Scheler. Through the consideration of the person from all its perspectives (soul, body and spirit), education ora personal formation will aim at the recognition of the spiritual reality in the human being and an ethics of values, material for the autonomous and unique value of the individual person.
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