Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Maria Caterina Federici
  • Maria Caterina Federici
  • Marta Picchio
  • 36 ore - Maria Caterina Federici
  • 10 ore - Marta Picchio
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Sociology as a science: origin and epistemological status. The theories of social action. Social relationships and social interaction. Action and structure. Social facts. The social change. Modernity and post-modernity. Simmel as an interpreter of modernity and forerunner of postmodern themes. The market in post-modernity as an indicator of change and social action, through the reflections of authors founding theory of the discipline as Pareto, Simmel, Sorokin. The diversified analysis regarding globalization.
Reference texts
Required texts:M.C. Federici, Idolon. L'idea di mercato negli autori sociologici, Morlacchi, Perugia 2003. M.C. Federici, M. Picchio (a cura di), Pensare Georg Simmel: eredità e prospettive. Edizione per la didattica, Morlacchi, Perugia 2013.A text chosen from the following:U. Conti (a cura di), La pace è un prodotto artigianale, Mondadori Università, Milano, 2016.G. Simmel, L'educazione in quanto vita, il Segnalibro, Torino 1995.M.C. Federici, I. Frezza, F. Soldà, Se la tradizione orale lascia un segno. Filastrocche e proverbi: frammenti di una saggezza antica, Morlacchi, Perugia 2015.Z. Bauman, Fiducia e paura nelle città, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005.Recommended reading for Erasmus students and for internationalization:Ali Aït Abdelmalek, Edgar Morin, sociologue de la complexité, préface d'Edgar Morin, Editions Apogée, Rennes 2010.A. Bouvier, Philosophie des sciences sociales : un point de vu argumentativiste en sciences sociales, P.U.F., Collection Sociologies, Paris 1999.H.J. Gans, Popular Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation Of Taste, Basic Books, New York 1999.A. McGrew, D. Held, Globalization Theory: Approaches and Controversies, Polity Press, Cambridge 2007.H. McLeod, Secularisation in Western Europe 1848-1914, Palgrave McMillan, New York 2000.
Educational objectives
Knowledge of the principal authors, concepts and theories of sociology as a science; ability of critical argument on matters relating to social change in the transition between modernity and post-modernity; knowledge and understanding of Georg Simmel’s sociological thought of and capacity to application his interpretative categories to the contemporary society; ability to use  social action theory as indicator of human behavior.
The student must have basic knowledge of modern history, of history of  the twentieth century  science and a good command lexical essential to understanding the technical language of sociology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, seminars, study groups.
Other information
Voluntary frequency but highly recommended
Learning verification modality
Intermediate written test to be carried out during the course, inherent part of the program, accessible to all, attending and non-attending, recommended but not required, consisting of a closed questions multiple choice test of the length of about 40 minutes; final oral exam by the time variable, if the intermediate test is performed, about 10-15 minutes, if you bring the entire program, about 25 minutes. The final oral examination consists of a discussion-interview on the topics covered during the course and details of recommended books. Objective evidence: monitoring of the learning and analysis of program understanding level.
Extended program
The course aims to give the mastery of social, cultural and economic change, in perspective to make the student operational in the complexity of social reality, doing dialogue methods, analyzes and results of national and international research, all-inclusive paradigms of sociological thought. Authors of reference will be Pareto and Simmel. Sociology as a science: origin and epistemological status. The theories of social action. Social relationships and social interaction. The social facts and their scientific study. The paradigm of the action and the paradigm of the structure. The social change. Modernity and post-modernity. Simmel as an interpreter of modernity that also illuminates issues "postmodern": the relevance of Simmel’s interpretive categories for the understanding of contemporary society. Values and tradition as substantiality of culture; the ambivalence of modernity as constitutive of contemporary hyper complexity; the various analyzes of the phenomenon of globalization.
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