Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Aldo Stella
  • Aldo Stella
  • 36 ore - Aldo Stella
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The main topics of general psychology will be addressed, paying particular attention to higher-order cognitive processes and their role in lower-order processes.
Reference texts
Required text:
One choice between

1. Stella, A. (2004). Cognizione e coscienza. Precisazioni su alcuni concetti di scienza cognitiva. Milano: Guerini;
2. Anolli, L. e Legrenzi, P. (2009). Psicologia generale. Bologna: il Mulino.

Reference texts:
1. Eysenck, M.W. e Keane, M.T. (2006). Psicologia cognitiva. Napoli: Idelson-Gnocchi;
2. Sternberg, R.J. (2000). Psicologia cognitiva. Padova: Piccin;
3. Couyoumdjian, A. e Del Miglio, C. (2006). Psicologia generale. Roma: Borla;
4. Cimmino, L. (2010). Breve introduzione all’epistemologia della mente e delle scienze umane. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino;
5. Stella, A. (2015). Realtà naturale e atto di coscienza. Milano: Guerini
Educational objectives
Knowledge and Understanding:

The Course aims to clarify the basic concepts of General Psychology, with particular reference to the distinction between lower-level cognitive processes and higher-level cognitive processes, to show their mutual dependence. The cognitive unconscious will be distinguished from the affective unconscious and the role and value of consciousness will be clarified.
Regarding the more general aspects of the program, it aims to pay particular attention to the theme of the report, due to the many relapses that relational dynamics have in the process of identification and social inclusion. Furthermore, it will be done in such a way that the students are involved in the climate of the school context and, in particular, in the field of learning, education, participation, school well-being and both school and professional orientation.
We will try to verify in progress how much the concepts and explanations are understood by the students and whether they have actually become acquired knowledge.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

The verification of the acquisition of knowledge and understanding will be measured on the student's ability to use a suitable language to express what he understands as well as to be able to translate it operationally within the educational processes. To this end, possible scenarios will be simulated, within which the student will have to show that he has taken on the notions because he is able to translate them into projects and interventions.
Are not required
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information
Office of reception at his studio in the Palazzina Valitutti (Università per Stranieri), Via Carlo Manuali (Traversa di Via XIV Settembre) – Perugia
Learning verification modality
Oral exam
Extended program
The Programme focuses on specific topics:

1. Scientific psychology and its characteristics;
2. Criticisms of the behaviorist model and the cognitive model;
3. The perception: stimulus, information and process of information processing;
4. The bottom-up process and the top-down process;
5. Categorization and coding of the percept;
6. Unconscious processes and consciousness;
7. Attention and selection of information;
8. Learning;
9. The memory;
10. The concept of inference and reasoning;
11. Communication and languages;
12. Emotions;
13. Culture;
14. Automatic thinking and critical thinking;
15. The theory of mental logic and that of mental models;
16. Neurosciences and Riduzionistici models.

As for the more General Aspects of the Program, it provides that yes
will pay particular attention to the theme of the Relationship, for the many relapses that relational dynamics have in the process of identification and social inclusion. Finally, it will be done in such a way that the students are involved in the climate of the school context and, in particular, in the field of learning, education, participation, school well-being and both educational and professional orientation.
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