Environment and workplace prevention techniques
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50541502
Teacher Francesca Blasi
  • Francesca Blasi
  • 20 ore - Francesca Blasi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro
Academic discipline CHIM/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Chemistry of food constituents. Composition of some animal and vegetable foods. Alteration and adulteration phenomena of food matrices.
Reference texts CHIMICA DEGLI ALIMENTI Cappelli e Vannucchi (Zanichelli Editore).

Mannina, Daglia, Ritieni (Zanichelli Editore).

Updated educational material available on the Unistudium platform.

Lecture notes.
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to provide adequate knowledge regarding: chemical structure and properties of food constituents; mechanisms of the main reactions of alteration.
The main acquired knowledge will be: food composition; structure of food constituents; modification of food.
The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge, with the following competences (ability): assess food quality, based on the data of the composition and on eventual alteration and adulteration.
Prerequisites For an optimal understanding of the contents and to achieve the objectives of the course, the student must have general knowledge on: inorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; biochemistry.
Teaching methods The course is based on lectures face to face (20 hours) on all topics of the course.
The lessons take place at Polo Unico Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, (Centro didattico d'Ateneo).
Other information Course attendance is strongly recommended.

For information on student support services (disability and/or DSA): http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Learning verification modality The written test is based on:
- Close questions (item/questions or multiple choice tests), the number and the value of which is directly proportional to CFU of every integrated module and to CFU total number of discipline
- One open question for every discipline module. The open question, according to the didactic method used in the modules, can be replaced by different examination mode: team work, plenary presentation of individual research program, solution to special cases or exercises, project elaboration.
Essential conditions to pass examination and to obtain its certification.
- First condition. Total result (the sum of close and open questions marks) must be at least 18/30.
- Second condition. For every module: A) certain minimal percentage of right answers (on the total number of close questions) must be achieved; B) the evaluation for open question answer or for any other different examination mode must be positive.
In case the student reaches the first condition but do not achieve one (A or B) of the second condition, he can do the oral exam to recover the insufficient part. If the student fails the oral exam, he fails the exam of discipline.
Extended program Food: constituents and nutrients.
Carbohydrates: generalities and classification. Monosaccharides and derivatives, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides in foods. Dietary fiber: chemical composition and importance in diet. Modification of food carbohydrates.
Proteins: generalities, functions, structures. Aminoacids: structures functions and classification. Classification of protein based on form, function and chemical composition. Modification of food proteins.
Lipids: generalities, classification and functions. Fatty acids: nomenclature, biosynthesis, classification, chemical-physical properties. Simple and complex lipids. Unsaponifiable constituents. Modification of food lipids.
Composition, preparation, conservation, modification of some foods: milk and dairy products, fat and oil, cereals, beverages.


Code 50590102
Teacher Carla Maribelli
  • Carla Maribelli
  • 20 ore - Carla Maribelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro
Academic discipline VET/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code 50541302
Teacher Maurizio Servili
  • Maurizio Servili
  • Agnese Taticchi (Codocenza)
  • Sonia Esposto (Codocenza)
  • Ombretta Marconi (Codocenza)
  • 4 ore - Maurizio Servili
  • 4 ore (Codocenza) - Agnese Taticchi
  • 8 ore (Codocenza) - Sonia Esposto
  • 4 ore (Codocenza) - Ombretta Marconi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro
Academic discipline AGR/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Agro-food industry.
Reference texts Lecture notes.
CAPPELLI P., VANNUCCHI V., Chimica degli Alimenti. Conservazione e Trasformazione, Zanichelli, Bologna.
Educational objectives Basics on the processes for agri-food industries.
Interpretation of process flow-sheet for agri-food industries.
Evaluation of incoming raw materials in agri-food industries.
Enhancement and empowerment of the knowledge already acquired by students, with particular stimulus interdisciplinary use of the same, including that of the English language.
Prerequisites Basics on chemistry, physics, microbiology and mathematics.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Other information -
Learning verification modality The written test is composed by:
- Close questions (item/questions or multiple choice tests), the number and the value of which is directly proportional to CFU of every integrated module and to CFU total number of discipline
- One open question for every discipline module. The open question, according to the didactic method used in the modules, can be replaced by different examination mode: team work, plenary presentation of individual research program, solution to special cases or exercises, project elaboration.
Essential conditions to pass examination and to obtain its certification.
- First condition. Total result (the sum of close and open questions marks) must be at least 18/30.
- Second condition. For every module: A) certain minimal percentage of right answers (on the total number of close questions) must be achieved; B) the evaluation for open question answer or for any other different examination mode must be positive.
In case the student reaches the first condition but do not achieve one (A or B) of the second condition, he can do the oral exam to recover the insufficient part. If the student fails the oral exam, he fails the exam of discipline.
Extended program Provide students with scientific and technical knowledge for understanding the major processes of transformation of the agro-food industry.
Will learn more in food technology, production processes, technologies, packaging and distribution of products, process parameters and their unit operations, methods of representation in the form of process flow diagrams (flow-sheet, flow chart).
Some information will be also given on the disposal of waste- and by- products.
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