Chemistry and technology of drugs
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Claudio Santi
  • Claudio Santi
  • Luana Bagnoli
  • 72 ore - Claudio Santi
  • 10 ore - Luana Bagnoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Learning activities
Discipline chimiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to spectroscopic methods. The electromagnetic spectrum.
IR spectroscopy. Mass spectroscopy. 1H NMR spectroscopy. 13C NMR Spectroscopy Introduction to spectroscopy, 31P, 19F.
Overhauser Effect: 2D-NMR spectroscopy. Exercises and spectral interpretation.
Reference texts
Notes and exercises distributed free of charge by the teacher

Silverstein, Webster, Kiemle "Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds" Second Edition, Ambrosiana-(Optional)
Educational objectives
Learning outcomes expected:
Teaching is the first teaching of Sporetoscopic Analysis of Organic Molecules.
The main objective is to provide students with the basics for studying the structure of organic molecules as well as the composition as quantitative of organic compound mixtures using the spectroscopic techniques commonly used in research institutes, chemical / pharmaceutical industries and laboratories analysis.
The main acquisitions will be
- Basic knowledge of spectroscopic techniques
- fundamental notions on ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy
- fundamental notions on Infrared Spettroopia
- Essential Knowledge on Mass Spectrometry Techniques
- Basic and advanced observations on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
The main skills (understood as the ability to apply acquired knowledge) will be:
-Use the results obtained by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy for the quantitative determination of a compound or a mixture of chromophore compounds.
-correlate the molecular structure to absorb UV-Vis radiation
-Use the results obtained by Infrared Spectroscopy to detect the presence of one or more functional groups
-Use the results obtained by mass spectrometry techniques to calculate the brute formula of an organic compound and / or to identify the presence of heteroatoms such as Br Cl I P N S Se
-interpret the fragmentation of a mass spectrum to obtain structural information
-interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of the carbon proton and other eteronuclei to determine the structure of an organic compound.
-interpretation of bidimensional correlation spectra to assign the structure of complex molecular systems and to determine the spatial geometry of a structure.
-Use the results of UV, IR, MS and NMR spectroscopy in combination to assign molecular structures in a unique way.
In order to be able to understand and apply the issues described in Course you must have successfully defended the exams of Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry 1 .It is important that the student is familiar with the use of the IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds as well as the atomic and subatomic physics with particular reference to the theory of the spectroscopy .
Some topics covered in the module require you to have an adequate knowledge of the concepts of atomic structure , reactivity of functional groups in organic structures and stereochemistry . The knowledge of these matters is a prerequisite for the student who wants to succesfully follow the Course
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
- Frontal lessons that will cover all the subjects of the Course.
-In class exercises on spectrum reading and molecular structure determination.
Other information
Exercises will be provided during the course, at the end of the course and before the summer session appeals. Before the other hexam sections, the teacher and the integrative teaching staff will be available to the students for clarification and explanation.
During the course, 4 hours of supplementary teaching will be used for practical demonstrations to the NMR instrument
Learning verification modality
The exam consist in a written test and an oral test:
The written test focus on the determination of an organic structure on the basis of experimental data obtained from mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and proton, carbon and, if necessary, heteronuclear Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy mono and two-dimensional. The written test will also include the resolution of an issue relating to the stereochemistry of the molecule. (isomeric ratio, enantiomeric excess, determining the geometry of stereocenters). The written exam has a duration of no more than 120 minutes and is designed to test the student's ability to correctly interpret the experimental results of the spectroscopic techniques studied in the course gaining to the unambiguous determination of the structure of an organic molecule.
The oral exam consist in a discussion lasting about 30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the contents theoretical, technical and practical mentioned in the program (UV, IR, NMR, mass spectrometry and Advanced NMR techniques). The oral exam will also evaluate the communication skills of the student, the ability to use language scientifically relevant and capacity in organizing the presentation.
Extended program
Introduction to spectroscopic methods. The electromagnetic spectrum.
IR spectroscopy:
General techniques, instrumentation and solvents. Theory. Molecular vibrations. Types of vibrations. Active and inactive vibrations. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, olefins and aromatics. Ethers and alcohols. Carbonyl compounds. Amines. Years.
Mass spectroscopy:
Theory and instrumentation. Representations of the mass spectra. Factors governing the fragmentation. Principal modes of fragmentation. Readjustments. Molecular ions. Fragmentation associated with the main groups (aldehydes, ketones, esters, alcohols, ethers, halides, alkyl aromatics most important heterocyclic compounds). Applications of the mass of a biological problems.
Summary substantial problems in identifying substances and structures on the basis of the corresponding spectroscopic data.
Modern techniques of mass spectroscopy
NMR spectroscopy.
Generalities. Instrumentation. Magnetic properties of nuclei. Theoretical aspects. Relaxation processes. The chemical shift. The spin-spin interactions. Chemical exchange. Variable temperature spectra. Shielding mechanisms. Anisotropy. Ring currents. Correlation tables and their use. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, olefins and aromatics. Alcohols and other hydroxylated compounds. Amines and amides. Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids. Coupling constants. Systems A2, AB and AX. A3 systems, AB2, ABC, AX2, ABX, AMX. Systems AB3, A2B2, a2x2. Stereochemistry. Karplus rule. Applications of NMR spectroscopy to the solution of stereochemical problems. Double resonance. Special techniques. Problems and exercises. 13C spectroscopy, decoupling techniques and DEPT experiments and APT. Introduction to spectroscopy, 31P, 19F.
Overhauser Effect: chmico physical principles in structural analysis and interpretation.
2D-NMR spectroscopy: Experiments NOSY TOCSY COSY HETCOR
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