Chemistry and technology of drugs
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Sabata Martino
  • Sabata Martino
  • Sabata Martino
  • 48 ore - Sabata Martino
  • 4 ore - Sabata Martino
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline biologiche e farmacologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Biological macromolecules. Genome, transcriptome and proteome. Nucleic acids: expression and use of the information contained therein. Recombinant DNA technologies. Use of internet and databases in molecular biology
Reference texts
J.D.Watson, T.A.Baker,S.P.Bell, A.G.Gann, M.Levine,
R.Losick: Biologia Molecolare del Gene, 7a Ed. Zanichelli

B. Lewin: Il Gene X, Ed.Zanichelli

T.A.Brown: Biotecnologie Molecolari-Principi e tecniche Zanichelli

Materiale didattico fornito dal docente
Educational objectives
The aim is to provide the basic knowledge of the structure and biosynthesis of biological macromolecules: DNA, RNA and proteins; to make students able to correlate structure and function of macromolecules and understand the functioning of cells at the molecular level; to provide the basic knowledge on experimental tools that are basic for molecular biology.
Basis of Biochemistry, Chemistry, Cellular Biology
Teaching methods
Lectures will be made by using slides and movies. Some lessons could be dedicated to revision and depth of issues also proposed by the students and that could involve students themselves. Some practical lessons will be taught in the classroom and laboratory of bioinformatics.
Other information
Attività di didattica integrativa:
It is planned a tutorial activity during the course and for students who request help in the preparation of the exam. The dates of receiving students are available in the professor's website.
Learning verification modality
They consist of a written test followed by an oral test. In the written test (max 2 hours time long) students have to answer to thirty multiple-choice questions and to two questions with a short open answer. This text will be used to verify the level of knowledge acquired.
The oral exam is only for students who pass the written exam with a score equal to or greater than 18/30. This test will allow to resolve gaps emerged on written test and to check their communication ability, proper scientific language and autonomous capability of the presentation of topics of the course. The final score will consider both written and oral exams.
Students, who have not passed the written test, will have the possibility to discuss about their problems with the teacher, the day of the oral examinatio
Extended program
Biological macromolecules.
Proteins, structure and functions (overview)
Enzymes (outline)
The double helix structure of DNA.
Organization of eukaryotic chromatin.
DNA replication.
Mechanisms of DNA repair
Mechanisms of DNA recombination.
Retroviruses and retrotransposons.
Structure and function of bacterial RNA polymerase
Basic mechanism of regulation of transcription in prokaryotes
Structure and function of eukaryotic RNA polymerase.
Study of eukaryotic promoters and transcription units.
Basic mechanism and regulation of transcription in eukaryotes.
The maturation of transcripts and splicing mechanism. RNA editing.
Ribozymes and RNA "interference"
Protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Recombinant DNA technology: methods of extraction and analysis of nucleic acids
Plasmid vectors, phage, cosmids; vectors for specialized applications;
Construction, cloning and selection of the recombinant DNA.
The products of recombinant DNA technology.
Principles of bioinformatics for Molecular Biology. Use of databases and analysis of nucleotide sequences
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