Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Claudio Santi
  • Claudio Santi
  • Ornelio Rosati
  • Luana Bagnoli
  • 42 ore - Claudio Santi
  • 8 ore - Ornelio Rosati
  • 8 ore - Luana Bagnoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Discipline chimiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Primary and secondary metabolites. Crude drugs and bioactive metabolites. Extraction of crude drugs. Essential oils: preparation, composition and analysis. Biosynthetic pathway of secondary metabolism.
Primary Metabolites: Lipids. Monosaccharides. Polysaccharides
Secondary Metabolites: Monoterpenes. Sesquiterpenes, Diterpenes, Triterpenes, Alcaloids, Phenolic Compounds, Cannabinoids, Tetracyclines, Flavonoids, Isoflavonoids and Coumarins.
Reference texts
Teacher's assignments

M.C. Marcotullio-Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali- Ilmiolibro.it

P.M. Dewick- Chimica, Biosintesi e Bioattività delle Sostanze Naturali-Piccin
Educational objectives
Provide students with the knowledge of the main classes of plant metabolites, their chemical structure, biosynthetic reactions that determine their formation with particular emphasis on nomenclature, reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry. General knowledge of the concept of crude drugs and bioactive compounds and about the commonest extraction and analysis techniques of secondary metabolites
To effectively follow and understand the topics covered in the course of Chemistry of the Organic Natural Compound is necessary for the student to have strong knowlege of Organic Chemistry and basic concepts of Plant Biology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information
Compulsory course attendance.
The students have to be positivelly evaluated in the Organic Chemistry Course before attend the examination in Chemistry of Organic Natural Compounds
Learning verification modality
Oral examination
(10 min) to evaluate the knowledge of the general part (Primary and secondary metabolites. Crude drugs and bioactive metabolites. Extraction of crude drugs. Essential oils: preparation, composition and analysis. Biosynthetic pathway of secondary metabolism)
(20 minutes). aimed at evaluate the ability to apply knowledge of organic chemistry to the study of reaction mechanisms. During the examination the student will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of the different biosynthetic pathways discussed during the lectures also by a written description of the different steps. The oral exam will also enable to evaluate the student's communication skills, the ability to use a scientifically relevant language and capacity in organizing the talk.
Extended program
Primary and secondary metabolites and their role in plants and humans. Coevolution. Crude drugs and bioactive compounds. Traditional extraction methods (maceration, decoction, infusion) and innovative (SFE, US, MW). Essential oils: composition, preparation and analysis. Biosynthetic pathway for secondary metabolites.
Primary metabolites: Lipids: definition and classification. Fatty acids: structure and biosynthesis. Chemical and physical properties of the fatty acids. pH, solubility, curing and rancidity, iodine number. Soaps and micellar formations. Acylglycerols, phospholipids. Carbohydrates: definition. Monosaccharides: structure, Fischer projection and forms D and L. Structure glucose, mannose and galactose. open and closed forms. Anomer. Mutarotation and anomeric effect. Reactions: oxidation with bromine water, oxidation with Fehling and Tollens. Reduction: formation of sugar alcohol. Glycosides: definition. chemical and biochemical formation of glycoside bond. Disaccharides: maltose, cellobiose, lactose and saccharose. reducing or non-sugars. Polysaccharides: starch and cellulose. Analysis. secondary metabolites: terpenes: definition. Isoprene biosynthesis unit via mevalonic acid and phosphate via deossixilulosio. Importance of two-way. Mechanism of the polyene precursor formation. processes of initiation, propagation and termination. Monoterpenes: definition. Biosynthesis of geranyl pyrophosphate, linalil-pyrophosphate and neril-pyrophosphate. formation of the skeleton mentanico and correlation between the different monoterpenic skeletons. Importance of stereochemistry. The biologically relevant monoterpenes. Thujone. Pyrethrins crisantemic acid. Iridoids: biosynthesis secologanina. Sesquiterpenes: biosynthesis of T, T-farnesyl pyrophosphate and T, C-farnesyl pyrophosphate. biogenetic correlations: germacrani, eudesmani and guaiani. cadinanico skeleton. Biogenesis ring alpha-methylene-¿-lactone and its biological role. Artemisinin: structure and nomenclature. Diterpenes: biosynthesis intermediate labdanic. Pimarano formation of the skeleton. ent forms. Biosynthesis of the taxane nucleus. Triterpenes, sterols and steroids: biosynthesis of squalene. Biosynthesis of lanosterol and dammarano of the skeleton. Transformation of lanosterol cholesterol. Nomenclature of the cyclopentane peridrofenantrene skeleton. Biosynthesis of phytosterols. ergosterol importance. Alkaloids: Definition and classification. Biosynthesis pirrolideine and piperideine. Biosynthesis of nicotine and tropanico nucleus. Piperine and coniine. Biosynthesis of Papaverine and the morfinano core. Quinoline alkaloids: Biosynthesis of quinine and its nomenclature. Nomenclature of camptothecin. Importance of secologanina in the biosynthesis of alkaloids. Indole alkaloids: Biosynthesis of strictosidina and lysergic acid. Core of yohimbano. Methods of extraction of alkaloids. Phenolic compounds: Street of polyketides and via acid shickimico. Biosynthesis of polyketides and differences with the biosynthesis of fatty acids. Biosynthesis anthrones, anthraquinone and diantroni. Cannabinoids. Nomenclature of Rifamycin. Tetracyclines. Biosynthesis of cinnamic acid. Biosynthesis of flavonoids, isoflavones and coumarins. Flavonoids as antioxidants. Furan and piranocumarine: biosynthesis. pharmacological importance. Isoflavones: biological activity.
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