Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Federica Marabini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A000046
Teacher Federica Marabini
  • Giuseppe Caforio (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Giuseppe Caforio
Learning activities Affini o integrative d.m.270/04
Area Attività formative in ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi a quelli di base e caratterizzanti, anche con riguardo alle culture di contesto e alla formazione interdisciplinare
Academic discipline IUS/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Teaching is directed, in line with the objectives of the degree course, the formation of
lawyers can operate in the activities and legal professions. The intent is to provide
students an understanding of the key institutions of industrial law - which will form
I examined in depth later in the studies and completion by
preparation of materials nel'ottica of Community law - in order to
allow them the purchase of adequate preparation for the world of work in which
They will operate. In consideration of the essence of the matter, it will be a preferred method
learning suitable to continuously make evident the integrations between experiences
legal and economic. It will be so facilitated the acquisition by the student, a
sensitivity able to grasp - and to represent - the connections between the various sectors
undoubted positive effects on the operator's training and professional expert in the law
Reference texts Adriano Vanzetti - Vincenzo di Cataldo, Manuale di diritto industriale, Giuffrè editore, edizione 2012

Giuseppe Caforio - I trovati biotecnologici tra i principi etico giuridici e il codice di proprietà industriale- Giappichelli- 2006
Educational objectives The course is divided into lessons in which the main law institutes will be treated
industrial. The intent is to provide the
students a knowledge of the main institutes of industrial law - which will constitute
object of study in the continuation of the studies and of completion through the
preparation of subjects from the point of view of Community law - for the purpose of
enable them to acquire adequate preparation for the world of work in which
they will go to work. In consideration of the essence of the subject, a learning method will be privileged to make the integrations between experiences constantly evident
legal and economic The acquisition by the student of one will be facilitated
sensitivity able to grasp - and to represent - the connections between the various sectors with undoubted positive repercussions on the training of the operator and of the professional expert in industrial law.
Prerequisites No prerequisite
Teaching methods Lessons will be exclusively frontal
Other information frequency not mandatory but recommended
Learning verification modality The final test is essentially oral, finalized the verification of the knowledge acquired.
Extended program Unfair competition
The Related Subjects
Correct professional and competitive harm
Concurrency for confusion
Denigration and appropriation of qualities
The case art. 2598 cc
The action and sanctions
Commercial Parthian scroll
The brands
The brand
use of the mark
violazone and protection of the right
vicissitudes of the right
nullity and extinction of the right
collective brands
international conventions and Community law
The Community trade mark
The brand does not registrtao
The company and latri brands
Inventions and models
The requirements for patentability
The patent process
The rights arising from patenting
The nvenzione of the employee
Extension and protection of patents
The movement of the patent rights and patent rights
Extinction and nullity of the patent
new sectors and special patents
The models
Process and sanctions


Code A000047
Teacher Federica Marabini
  • Federica Marabini
  • 18 ore - Federica Marabini
Learning activities Affini o integrative d.m.270/04
Area Attività formative in ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi a quelli di base e caratterizzanti, anche con riguardo alle culture di contesto e alla formazione interdisciplinare
Academic discipline IUS/04
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Antitrsut, EU Community Law, National Law, procedure, enforcement, unfair competitio
Reference texts Mangini - Olivieri, Diritto antitrust, last edition .(antitrust)

Adriano Vanzetti - Vincenzo di Cataldo, Diritto industriale, Giuffrè editore, lats edition (part unfair competition)

Federica Marabini, La funambolica posizione di Google tra antitrust e patent war, Cedam, 2015 (special part)
Educational objectives The course is designed to familiarise students with the key principles regarding Antitriust ed unfair competition Law. During the degree course, students will elaborate upon these topics by studying complementary subjects from the perspective of Italian and European Community Law. The interdisciplinary approach adopted during the course will enable the students to easily understand the links between national and european competition and antitrust Law ed in general industrial law.

With the help of practice exercise students will be actively involved during the teaching activities and encouraged to give their contribution
Prerequisites Commercial Law exame
Teaching methods Frontal lessons.Attendance Sgggested. pecific documents will to be supplied during the course

Furthermore, specific topics (the timetable of which will be communicated to interested in students during the class), in particular concerning antitrust ed unfair competition cases , will be studied in depth during dialectic and interactive lessons.

Practice exercise done in class by the student are to be considered for (for antitrust) the final exame
Other information Student assistance during the cours and to find judgemenys to be discussed during the course in practice exercise

The course, according to the objective of the degree, aims to train legale operators able to practice law providing them with the opportunity to obtain the requisite knowledge in order to approach the professional filed. During the degree course, students will elborate upon these topics by studying complementary subjects from the perspective of Italian and Europena Community Law. The Interdisciplinary approach adopted during the course will able the students to easily understand the links between national and Community Law
Learning verification modality Final exame and practice tests during the lessons
Extended program Market and relevant market. Values and “contingencies”. Competition and regulation.

Community and Italian normative. Attributions and assignments

The antitrust rules. The recipients. Relationship of competition, power of market and remarkable market.

Agreements that may affect trade between European Union (EU) countries and which prevent, restrict or distort competition

Dominant position and abuses. Carrying out of the procedure and results.
EU REgulation 139/04_ mercger, joint venture, control. Th eenforcement.

The appointments: national and community discipline

Guardianship of the consumer and right antitrust.

Antitrust and special sectors: the essential facilities discipline

Unfair competition

The Parties
Professional fairness and damage to competition
Competition and confusion
Denigration and merits appropriation
Cases ex art. 2598 of the Italian Civil Code
Action and sanctions
Unfair commercial practices
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