Mechanical engineering
Study-unit Code
Maria Cristina Valigi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 70153005
Teacher Silvia Logozzo
  • Silvia Logozzo
  • 45 ore - Silvia Logozzo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria meccanica
Academic discipline ING-IND/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents • Kinematic pairs and mechanisms: graphical and analytical tools for kinematic and kinetostatic analysis.
• Friction, wear.
• Mechanical efficiency of machines and mechanisms.
• Gears and transmission systems.
Reference texts 1) Funaioli E., Maggiore A., Meneghetti U., Lezioni di Meccanica applicata alle macchine. Prima parte: Fondamenti di Meccanica delle Macchine, ed. Patron, Bologna.
2) Papini S., Malvezzi M., Falomi S, Esercitazioni di meccanica applicata alle macchine: 1, Ed. Esculapio
3) Papini S., Malvezzi M., Valigi M.C., Esercitazioni di meccanica applicata alle macchine: 2, Ed. Esculapio
4) Callegari M., Fanghella P., Pellicano F., Meccanica applicata alle macchine, Ed. CittàStudi
5) Lecture notes
Educational objectives Competence in the main methods for the functional analysis of machines and mechanisms, with particular regard to kinematic and kinetostatic problems.
Knowledge of the main motion transmission mechanisms and systems, of friction and wear phenomena.
Prerequisites Rational Mechanics exam, as well as good knowledge of Physics I, some topics of Geometry, and vector calculus.
Teaching methods The course is organized in frontal theoretical lessons and exercises.
Other information Attending students have the possibility of partial ongoing tests.
Learning verification modality Written and oral test.
Extended program • Definition of machine, kinematic chain, and mechanism. Kinematic pairs.
• Contact forces, friction, Coulomb friction, rolling friction, wear, Reye’s principle and contact pressure distribution, disc brake, clutch mechanism.
• Articulated mechanisms Kinematic analysis of the slider-crank mechanism and four-bar linkage.
• Cams.
• Mechanical joints: Cardan joint and homokinetic joints.
• Kinematic and kinetostatic analysis of mechanisms, kinetostatics of vehicles.
• Mechanical efficiency of different machine configurations
• Conjugate profiles and tracking methods.
• Friction wheels
• Spur gears with involute teeth: geometrical characteristics and dimensioning. Motion continuity and interference. Helical gears, bevel gears.
• Ordinary and Epicyclic gearings.
• Belt transmissions.


Code 70153105
Teacher Maria Cristina Valigi
  • Maria Cristina Valigi
  • 45 ore - Maria Cristina Valigi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria meccanica
Academic discipline ING-IND/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents -Vibrations with 1 dof
-Free vibrations
-Forced vibrations
-Suspension optimization
-Reduction of vibrations generated by a vibrating ground
-Vibration with 2dofs
-Vibration with n dofs
-Modal Analysis
Reference texts -Umberto Meneghetti, Alberto Maggiore, Ettore Funaioli"Lezioni di meccanica applicata alle macchine. Vol. 1: Fondamenti di meccanica delle macchine."

M.Malvezzi,M.C.Valigi "Esercitazioni di meccanica applicata alle macchine: vol.2 Ed.Esculapio

-Massimo Callegari , Pietro Fanghella , Francesco Pellicano
"Meccanica applicata alle macchine"
Educational objectives Basic knowledge of dynamics and vibrations needed to describe the dynamic behavior of a mechanical system.
Ability to study mechanical vibrations, the causes that determine vibrations and the effects caused by them.
Prerequisites Physics-Theoretical mechanics
Teaching methods Face-to-face theoretical lessons and exercises
Other information Attending students have the possibility of examination in itinere.
Learning verification modality Oral examination and exercises.
Extended program -Vibrations with 1 dof
-Free vibrations
-Forced vibrations
-Suspension optimization
-Reduction of vibrations generated by a vibrating ground
-Vibration with 2dofs
-Vibration with n dofs
-Modal Analysis
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