- Course
- Civil engineering
- Study-unit Code
- A001086
- Curriculum
- Infrastrutture
- Teacher
- Piergiorgio Manciola
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2021/22
- Type of study-unit
- Opzionale (Optional)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | A001090 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Piergiorgio Manciola |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Ingegneria civile |
Academic discipline | ICAR/02 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course is based on the theoretical and applicative aspects for the design, check up and management of the complementary works of the dams: forced pipelines; spillway, bottom outlet, piezometric wells for pressure tunnels protection; static and dynamic control of dams. |
Reference texts | Duplicated Lecture notes SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS: Filippo Arredi, Costruzioni Idrauliche, Volume I, II, UTET, Torino. |
Educational objectives | The course ADVANCES IN HYDRAULICS WORKS is aimed at providing the theoretical knowledge and skills applied to the design, check up and management of hydraulic works complementary to the dams. Among these in particular: pipelines; spillway; bottom outlets; stilling basin; dam diversion tunnel; spillway gate; morning-glory; pressure tunnels; piezometric wells; instrumentation for the static and dynamic control of dams and shores of the reservoir basin. The course completes the skills acquired with the courses of Hydraulic Infrastructures (Graduate Diploma) and with the courses of Hydraulic Construction, Hydrology, Management and Monitoring of Water Systems (Master's Degree) in the framework of a complete training on Hydraulic Works for civil use of water. |
Prerequisites | In order to deeply understand mathematical models involved in the program of the course and to reach the expected learning results the following elements are required: •Mathematical analysis: analytic functions, differential and integral calculus of functions of single and several variables, partial differential equations. •Physics and Rational Mechanics: vector calculus, cardinal equations of statics and dynamics. •Hydraulics: elements of Hydrostatics, open channel flow and pressurized flow. •Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials: materials mechanical response, continuum mechanics, elements of structural analysis •Municipal Water Systems: static analysis of underground pipes. •Hydrology: main components of hydrological cycleand basic hydrological modeling. • Hydraulics Works: structural and static characteristics of the dams. |
Teaching methods | Classroom lectures on all subjects of the program with interactive involvement of students. Classroom exercises performed on the blackboard. Seminar frontal lessons with projector support. |
Other information | The course of ADVANCES IN HYDRAULICS WORKS (6 CFU) is integrated with the course of Management and Monitoring of the Water Systems (6 CFU) in the general course called Water Systems (12 CFU). The course of ADVANCES IN HYDRAULICS WORKS includes the analysis of elementary case studies. Therefore the newly established course is not available statistical data related to the exam grades achieved by students: Day and time of reception: Wednesday, 3.30pm - 5.30pm Office of reception: Study Prof. Manciola Piergiorgio, Water Engineering Section, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, via G. Duranti, 93 Perugia (tel 335 6209101). For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa. |
Learning verification modality | The assessment of learning consists of an oral test lasting about 45 minutes aimed at ascertaining: i) the level of knowledge of the theoretical-methodological contents of the course, ii) the level of competence in exposing possible technical solutions to problems of dimensioning and verification of the complementary works of the dams, iii) autonomy of judgment in discussing the contents of the course, iv) awareness of the simplification hypotheses adopted in the hydraulic and static modeling, v) the perception of the indetermination levels of the results achieved. The oral exam also aims to verify the student's ability to express himself with language properties, to support a dialectical relationship during the discussion and to effectively summarize the applicative results of the studied theories. |
Extended program | Pipings static: analysis of external actions; resistance analysis across the central pressure; transverse flexion in thin tubes; thermal actions; transverse support reactions; longitudinal static of rectilinear pipes. Recalls and complements on hydraulic transients in hydroelectric systems. Piezometric wells: cylindrical wells; wells with lower and upper chamber; wells with bottlenecks; differential wells; wells with spillway. Surface spillway. Regulation bodies: flat sluices; segment gates; fan gates; drum gates. Arrangement of surface discharges: overflowing dams; separate spillways; goblet spillways. Hydraulics of surface discharges: overflowing edge; lateral collecting channel; slide; foot heat sinks; reversible heat sinks; goblet spillways. Bottom discharges. Interception organs: flat gates; segment gates; axial valves. Arrangement of the bottom discharges. Hydraulics of the bottom discharges in stationary and non-stationary conditions. Dams control instrumentation: level control, foundation pressure, temperature; stresses and displacements control; geophysical surveys with sonic methods. |
Code | A001088 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Bruno Brunone |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Ingegneria civile |
Academic discipline | ICAR/01 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Fundamentals of Hydralics of pressurised flow Hydraulics of water distribution systems Piping materials Distribution and transmission system valves Pump system Hydraulics design Transient design for pipeline systems Optimal design of water distribution systems Water quality Techniques for fault detection and leakage management (with a brief analysis of measurement devices). Maintenance and rehabilitation/replacement techniques |
Reference texts | Mays, L.W. (2000). Water Distribution Systems Handbook, McGraw-Hill. Brunone, B., Ferrante, M., e Meniconi, S. (2008). Ricerca e controllo delle perdite nelle reti di condotte. Manuale per una moderna gestione degli acquedotti, CittàStudi Edizioni (in Italian). |
Educational objectives | The aim of the course MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING OF PIPE SYSTEMS is to provide students with the most important techniques for pipe system management and monitoring. Attention will be focused not only on the Hydraulics aspects but also on those related to energy saving for both transmission mains and water distribution networks. Furthermore, techniques for the monitoring of the systems (with some notes about the most used probes), flow and pressure control devices, techniques for fault detection and leakage management will be analysed. Topics will be discussed in the context of Italian and international groundrules. |
Prerequisites | In order to be able to understand and apply most of the topics explained during the course, you must have successfully passed the Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works exams within the Bachelor's degree. |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follows: - lectures on all the topics of the course; - exercises about all the practical topics discussed during the course; - laboratory tets at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale (http://www.ing1.unipg.it/laboratori/sede-principale/laboratorio-di-ingegneria-delle-acque) about steady-state flow and transients in pipe systems; - a case study will be analysed by students in groups For all topics, the strong links between theory and practical engineering problems are pointed out. |
Other information | As additional teaching activity, students will execute tests at the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL). Specifically, steady- and unsteady state tests will be carried out in pressurized pipes to analyze energy dissipation and pressure wave mechanisms. Moreover plant visits will be organized. |
Learning verification modality | The exam is oral with the discussion of the case-study. |
Extended program | Fundamentals of Hydralics of pressurised flow Hydraulics of water distribution systems Piping materials Distribution and transmission system valves Pump system Hydraulics design Transient design for pipeline systems Optimal design of water distribution systems Water quality Techniques for fault detection and leakage management (with a brief analysis of measurement devices). Maintenance and rehabilitation/replacement techniques (in progress) |