- Course
- Civil engineering
- Study-unit Code
- GP004415
- Curriculum
- Strutture
- Teacher
- Filippo Ubertini
- Teachers
- Filippo Ubertini
- Marco Breccolotti (Codocenza)
- Hours
- 63 ore - Filippo Ubertini
- 21 ore (Codocenza) - Marco Breccolotti
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ingegneria civile
- Academic discipline
- ICAR/09
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Notes on seismology. Structural dynamics. Static and dynamic, linear and non-linear seismic analysis. Building and earthquake-resistant systems. Regulatory requirements. Seismic zoning. Seismic-resistant design criteria. Seismic isolation and dissipation. Details of reinforced concrete and steel constructions in seismic prone regions. Seismic analysis of bridges. Elements of modal identification of existing structures for the evaluation of seismic actions. Design application laboratory.
- Reference texts
- Didactic material and specific bibliographic references by the instructor made available on UNISTUDIUM.
Castellani A., Faccioli E. "Costruzioni in zona sismica". Hoepli.
Parducci A. "Fondamenti di ingegneria sismica in 80 lezioni". Liguori.
Additional textbooks:
Chopra A. "Dynamic of structures: theory and application to earthquake engineering ". Prentice Hall. 1995.
Bozorgnia Y., Bertero V.V. "Earthquake Engineering". CRC Press.
Brincker R., Ventura C. "Introduction to Operational Modal Analysis". Wiley, 2015. - Educational objectives
- The course of Earthquake Engineering completes the training of the Master in Civil Engineering from the point of view of the anti-seismic structural design of civil buildings.
The course illustrates the methods of static and dynamic, linear and non-linear seismic analysis; the earthquake-resistant structural schemes; regulatory requirements for constructions in seismic areas; the seismic-resistant construction details of the reinforced concrete and steel structural members; seismic isolation and energy dissipation. An educational space is dedicated to the guided and assisted development of a design application. The expected learning outcomes are as follows.
The main knowledge acquired will be:
• knowledge of the methods for the analysis of structures subject to seismic actions
• knowledge of the seismic-resistant behaviors of the fundamental structural schemes for the resistance to lateral actions;
• knowledge of the Italian and European regulatory recommendations regarding general and detailed aspects of the earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete and steel structures;
• knowledge of the fundamental principles of seismic protection of structures (strength, redundancy, resilience, ductility, hierarchy of resistances);
• knowledge of advanced seismic protection systems based on the use of base isolation and energy dissipation.
The main skills acquired, understood as the ability to apply knowledge and to adopt the most appropriate approach with autonomy of judgment, will be:
• ability to select and apply the appropriate approach for evaluating the consequences of seismic actions on a building, with awareness of the meaning and values ¿¿of the parameters and quantities involved;
• ability to select and apply a behavioral model of a structural scheme for the purpose of interpreting the seismic-resistant capacity of a structure in relation to the expected performance in case of an earthquake;
• ability to select and apply the relevant regulatory requirements to the design of a building in a seismic area and to translate them into detailed construction configurations;
• ability to design a seismic resistant structural system suitable for the seismic safety of a building. - Prerequisites
- The following knowledge is required to understand the contents of the course and to achieve the expected training objectives
• Calculus: techniques of derivation and integration of functions with several variables, ordinary differential equations.
• Mathematical Physics: vector calculus, static and dynamic equilibrium equations.
• Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis and Design: elements of strength of materials; static analysis of prismatic solids; static analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures (method of forces and displacements); elements of continuum mechanics; safety verification methodology with the semiprobabilistic method of limit states; modeling, analysis, solution of structural systems (beams, frames); methods of verification of elements in reinforced concrete and steel; code references for the design and verification of elements in reinforced concrete and steel. - Teaching methods
- The course is organized as follows:
- classroom lectures on all the topics of the course;
- classroom exercises for the development of the earthquake-resistant structural design of a building in reinforced concrete or steel. - Other information
- Additional information materials will be provided through the university's teaching platform.
- Learning verification modality
- Verification of the educational objectives of the course (exam) involves an oral test. As part of the test, the project developed in the design laboratory (exercises) will be presented.
The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting no more than 40 minutes aimed at ascertaining: a) the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the project developed in the project laboratory (exercises); b) the level of knowledge of the theoretical-methodological contents of the course; c) the level of competence in exposing possible technical solutions to modeling problems and solution of seismic-resistant structural schemes, dimensioning and verification of structural components under seismic loading conditions in the elastic and post-elastic field; d) the autonomy of judgment in proposing the most appropriate approach for each application area, with full awareness of the simplifying hypotheses adopted in the various modeling of the structure and seismic action, of the physical meaning of the quantities involved, of the level of uncertainty of the results achieved; e) the student's ability to present the arguments proposed by the Commission with language properties, to sustain a dialectical relationship during the discussion and to summarize the applicative results of the theories studied.
The final evaluation will be made by the Commission out of thirty on the basis of the test result. - Extended program
- Elements of seismology
Dynamics of the lithosphere. Causes and mechanisms of earthquakes. Propagation of seismic waves. Laws of seismic motion, magnitude, energy, intensity. Elements of seismic risk and vulnerability.
Dynamics of systems
Elements of structural dynamics: seismic dynamics of the simple oscillator, response spectrum. Elastic response spectrum of the Italian building code. Seismic dynamics of systems with N degrees of freedom; modal analysis; modal truncation. Equivalent static analysis, modal analysis with equivalent static forces. Calculation codes for seismic analysis.
Non linear seismic analysis
Equation of motion of the simple elasto-plastic oscillator. Ductility: demand, capacity. Inelastic response spectrum. Behavior coefficient. Non linear dynamic analysis. Non linear static analysis. Capacity spectrum.
Italian and European seismic regulations
Italian legislation, comparisons with previous regulations, references to Eurocodes. Zoning of the territory. Historical seismology. Microzonation. Capacity design. Seismic analysis of buildings: distribution of equivalent static forces on floors, center of mass, center of stiffness, twisting actions.
Setting up the anti-seismic project of a building
Seismic-resistant configurations and systems. Load analysis, equivalent static analysis, modal analysis. Structural morphology and behavior coefficient for types of seismic-resistant systems. Seismic behavior of non-structural elements.
Seismic analysis of structures
Reinforced concrete buildings: earthquake-resistant behavior; ductility mechanisms; structural details. Steel buildings: earthquake-resistant systems; behavior coefficient; ductility; construction details. Outline of the seismic design of bridges.
Seismic isolation and energy dissipation
General concepts. Isolation and dissipation devices for the reduction and control of oscillations.
Elements of modal identification of existing structures for the evaluation of seismic actions. Introduction to inverse problems and modal identification of structures, differences between EMA and OMA, recalls on stochastic processes, power spectral density matrix, spectral decomposition and decomposition by singular values. Mode estimation errors: colored excitation, spurious modes due to noise and overshaping. Review of signal analysis. Frequency domain output only identification. Comments on the identification of damping and time domain modal identification techniques. Outline of the continuous monitoring of structures for the identification of damage caused by earthquakes. Practical examples of experimental identification of real constructions.
Design laboratory: Development of the anti-seismic project of a building in reinforced concrete
Design and verification of structural elements and nodes. Resistance hierarchy. Design and verification of a base isolated version.