- Course
- Civil engineering
- Study-unit Code
- A000510
- Curriculum
- Strutture
- Teacher
- Vittorio Gusella
- Teachers
- Vittorio Gusella
- Federico Cluni (Codocenza)
- Hours
- 42 ore - Vittorio Gusella
- 21 ore (Codocenza) - Federico Cluni
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Ingegneria civile
- Academic discipline
- ICAR/08
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Yield criterion - Constitutive relations - Postulates of plasticty - Limit analysis - Lower bound theorem - Upper bound theorem - Plane problems - Structural stability
- Reference texts
- Lectures Notes
Riccardo Baldacci - Scienza delle Costruzioni - UTET
Riccardo Baldacci, Giulio Ceradini, Elio Giangreco - Plasitictà - Cisia
Leone Corradi dell'Acqua - Meccanica delle strutture - Mc Graw Hill
Rodney Hill The mathematical Theory of Plasticity - Oxford Classic Texts - Educational objectives
- With reference to Dublin Descriptor 1 - knowledge and under standing, learning outcomes, expected and verified in the examination, are relative to the knowledge of following topics: modeling of the behavior of materials in elasto-plastic range, yield criteria, limit analysis, modeling of plane problems,stability of the structures. The main skills acquired (applying knowledge and under standing - Dublin Descriptor 2) are realtive the estimation of critical load and the collapse mechanism of structures,assessment of the strains/stresses in plane problems, estimation of instability load. As regards the calendar of the exams: http://www.ing1.unipg.it/didattica/studiare/34-calendario-appelli-esam
- Prerequisites
- Knowledge of structural mechanics and strength of materials: mechanics of solids materials, stress analysis, strain analysis, linear elasticity, mechanics of beam
- Teaching methods
- Theoretical lessons and practical training
- Other information
- -
- Learning verification modality
- The exam consists of an oral test. This is an interview aiming to ascertain the knowledge (Dublin Descriptor N. 1 - knowledge and understanding) level and the understanding capability (Dublin Descriptor N. 2 - applying knowledge and understanding) acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program : Structural Non-linear Mechanics and Structural Dynamics. These topics have a very important significance in the professional role of civil engineer in the context of design and built of structures and infra-structures. The making judgements (Dublin Descriptor N. 3) and communication skills (Dublin Descriptor N. 4) are verified during the test.
- Extended program
- Plasticity - Yelding Function - Description of the Yelding Function - Deviatoric stresses - Yeld criterion: Rankine, Grashof, Tresca, Huber - Von Mises - Hencky, Hill, Coulomb, Drucker - Prager - Constitutive relations - Elasto-plastic material - Levy-Mises equations - Prandtl-Reuss equations - Stable material (Drucker) - Postulates of plasticty - Plastic potential, convexity, normality - Limit analysis - Collapse - Lower bound theorem - Upper bound theorem - Elasto - plastic internal forces - Plastic himge - Application of limit analysis -Plane problems - Strain plane problem - Stress plane problem - Generalized plane problem - Mechanics of cable,. Mechanics of membrane and plate. Mechanics oh shells, Analysis of masonry arch. Structural stability - Imperfections - Shear strain - Ealsto-plastic analisys.