Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Pietro Meloni
  • Pietro Meloni
  • 36 ore - Pietro Meloni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline storiche, geografiche e socio-antropologiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
In the first part of the course, the theoretical foundations and the main concepts of the discipline, with brief notes on the history of Anthropology – as well as classic and contemporary ethnographic cases – will be illustrated. In the second part, referring to the key concepts of the scientific debate, we will try to reflect – opening the discussion in the classroom – on complex issues such as: culture, economy, religion, family, gender, tradition, transmission of knowledge, heritage. In the third part attention will be paid to studies on everyday life and material culture.
Reference texts
1. Fabietti U. 2015. Elementi di antropologia culturale. Milano: Mondadori.
2. Bernardi S., Dei F., Meloni P. 2011. La materia del quotidiano. Per un’antropologia degli oggetti ordinari. Pisa: Pacini.
Educational objectives
The main knowledge that students will acquire will be:
- Critical analysis of social and cultural phenomena
- The “view from afar” and the “view from near”
- Methodologies of anthropological research
- Knowledge of the cultural and political uses of heritage, time and identities

The main skills that allow to apply the acquired knowledge will be:
- Ability to deconstruct common sense
- ability in data analysis and reporting research results
- ethnographic writing
Teaching methods
The course is organized as follows:
- Frontal lesson
- Discussion groups
- Meetings with scholars
Other information
Learning verification modality
oral verification and/or test
Extended program
In the first part of the course, the theoretical foundations and the main concepts of the discipline, with brief notes on the history of Anthropology – as well as classic and contemporary ethnographic cases – will be illustrated.
Specifically we will address the following topics:
- Introduction to the anthropological perspective
- cultural anthropology in the frame of human sciences
- Origins of Anthropology
- The anthropological definition of the “concept of culture”.
In the second part, referring to the key concepts of the scientific debate, we will try to reflect – opening the discussion in the classroom – on complex issues such as: culture, economy, religion, family, gender, tradition, transmission of knowledge, heritage.
Specifically we will address the following topics:
- The construction of “race” concept.
- The deconstruction of the concept of “race”.
- The notion of relativity: questions of method and ethics.
- The concept of culture: definitions and etymology. Essentialist conceptions and processual conceptions. Some anthropological definitions of the concept of culture.
- The relational notion of “identity”: “us” and “them”.
- New forms of separation. Forms of racism. Institutional racisms. Cultural relativism and ethnocentrism. Critical ethnocentrism.
- “Biological” and “socio-cultural”: gender, gender and sexuality. Family-families. Contextualization of the family concept.
In the third part attention will be paid to studies on everyday life and material culture.
Specifically we will address the following topics:
- home cultures
- theory of gift
- material culture
- memory
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