Philosophy and ethics of relationships
Study-unit Code
Filosofia della relazione tra giustizia e ambiente
Fabio Marcelli
  • Fabio Marcelli
  • 36 ore - Fabio Marcelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2023
Learning activities
Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course will investigate, in a historical perspective and in the contemporary horizon, the relationships between the artistic phenomenon, philosophical speculation and environmental and anthropic ecosystems. Particular attention will be dedicated to the season of Renaissance humanism and to the consolidated debate during the 20th century and today, marked, in the latter case, by the close correlation between art, civil and social commitment of artists, education and global ecological activism.
Reference texts
The preparation materials are made available on Unistudium.
Educational objectives
The specific skills developed by the course can be usefully listed through the international system of the 5 Dublin descriptors:
I - Knowledge and understanding: the student will have acquired in-depth knowledge and understanding to read the artistic phenomenon in relation to the philosophical, historical-political, cultural, socio-religious and economic context that produced it, determined and favored, applying an analytical, interpretative and comparative study methodology between historical evolution and international contemporary reality.
II - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the course aims to enhance the student's ability and talent, educating him on the value of personal reflection and the use of the most up-to-date resources, to disseminate with rigor methodological and communicative and pedagogical effectiveness the identity and value of our very rich artistic heritage to understand the main phenomena of interaction between the person and environmental and anthropic ecosystems.
III - Making judgments: the knowledge acquired during the course of study will allow the student to develop a solid ability to read the artistic heritage, as an expression of Italian and European identity.
IV - Communication skills: the student will acquire solid communication skills, exercising and refining skills and talent in the dissemination of cultural contents in a lucid and sensitive way to empathic dialogue with the interlocutor, enhancing the ethical physiognomy of the protection of cultural heritage and the transmission of knowledge as founding values of democracy and civil society.
Teaching methods
The course will take place according to a calendar of face-to-face lectures. Seminar reports may be added to the lessons. Attendance at lessons is not mandatory but is strongly recommended as it is consistent with the proposed training model, which aims to encourage gradual learning, active participation of the student in class, dialogue between teachers and students.
Learning verification modality
The exam will be oral. The main object of evaluation concerns the acquisition of critical ability and the individual use of the methodologies and tools acquired during the course, through the critical and methodical reading of the texts indicated in the program. The evaluation of the skills acquired during the exam is measured out of thirty. The exam will take place with an oral test lasting thirty minutes in which the fundamental issues of the course will be covered.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
1) The perception of environmental and anthropic ecosystems in medieval arts.
2) Renaissance Humanism and relationships between philosophy, science and environmental and anthropic ecosystems.
3) The evolution of modern and contemporary ecological thought, in relation to the philosophy of art.
4) Ecology and contemporary artistic experiments: 20th and 21st centuries. Emblematic case studies.
5) Identity and role of the arts in contemporary and future society: the contribution to ecological awareness and knowledge.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Quality education
Sustainable cities and communities
Taking action for the climate
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