School of dental medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabrizio Stracci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003681
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Rosario Salvato (Codocenza)
  • 12 ore (Codocenza) - Rosario Salvato
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Inglese scientifico e abilità linguistiche, informatiche e relazionali, pedagogia medica, tecnologie avanzate e a distanza di informazione e comunicazione
Academic discipline M-PED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian language
Contents Pragmatic dental knowledge, which often is reduced to a surgical practice, when facing the world of children, needs a deep comprehension of those childhood behaviors in order to get the best collaboration to achieve suitable dental treatment.
Great importance is given to a proper way of receiving parents in the operative unit in order to know possible socio-educational criticalities, and styles of life, therefore making it easier to show prevention strategies.
It is necessary to take care of several educational aspects such as relationship with parents, health education, correct styles of life and food habits. Reflections are very meaningful on the politics of welfare for a proper integration among area-heathcare-social policy- educational policy.
Reference texts S. Benini, Reti di possibilità. Quando la pedagogia incontra le prassi sanitarie, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2016.
Educational objectives Learning the most important indicators, in Special Teaching.
Knowing applicatory contexts of the Special Didactics: the programming curricular (in his phases) and the study of appropriate methodologies.
Teaching methods The course is made up of:
- Classes (compulsory) on all themes of the course
- workshops and practice for those students who attend in order to make a socio-educational project.
Other information Attendance is not compulsory but advisable.
Learning verification modality The test, which is oral and lasts about 15/20 minutes, is aimed at checking the knowledge students have acquired during the course, the ability to elaborate and internalize the contents, the ability to communicate and use the proper vocabulary.
Extended program The few clinical criticalities in managing the odontostomatological illnesses of childhood-adolescence have some aspects which involve the experiential and emotional side of children. To deal in an effective way with these aspects you need specific pedagogical and psychological competences. The difficulty in managing a number of patients in evolutionary age, very young or with special needs, represents a further and more difficult step in the ordinary clinical practice. The Ministero della Salute, through new guidelines, gives great importance to these difficulties, in terms of adopting precocious and well-planned strategies to prevent oral illnesses.
In other words, pragmatic dental knowledge, which often is reduced to a surgical practice, when facing the world of children, needs a deep comprehension of those childhood behaviors in order to get the best collaboration to achieve suitable dental treatment.
Great importance is given to a proper way of receiving parents in the operative unit in order to know possible socio-educational criticalities, and styles of life, therefore making it easier to show prevention strategies.
It is necessary to take care of several educational aspects such as relationship with parents, health education, correct styles of life and food habits. Reflections are very meaningful on the politics of welfare for a proper integration among area-heathcare-social policy- educational policy.


Code GP003679
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Francesco Santini (Codocenza)
  • 30 ore (Codocenza) - Francesco Santini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Inglese scientifico e abilità linguistiche, informatiche e relazionali, pedagogia medica, tecnologie avanzate e a distanza di informazione e comunicazione
Academic discipline INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents HTML and CSS programming, visualization of content through a Webpage. Basic notions of Word and Excel.
Reference texts Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML (O'Reilly Media; 2nd edition (September 8, 2012)) ISBN-13: 978-0596159900
Educational objectives All students completing this course should be well-versed in computing technology and usage. Students should be literate about concepts and techniques of computer programming.
Prerequisites No prerequisite.
Teaching methods Slides and classroom exercises.
Learning verification modality The exam consists in the discussion of home assignment. The assignment is an HTML website with 4-5 pages in HTML and a CSS style. In addition, also an EXCEL exercise will be discussed.
Extended program Programming assignments will primarily be done in HTML/XHTML and CSS, which are the principal programming languages used for producing pages for the World Wide Web.
Basic notions of Word and Excel from Office suite.

General Psycology

Code GP003682
Teacher Innocenza Ritacco
  • Innocenza Ritacco
  • 12 ore - Innocenza Ritacco
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline generali per la formazione dell'odontoiatra
Academic discipline M-PSI/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIANO
Reference texts COMPENDIO DI PSICOLOGIA GENERALE, Leonardo Abazia, Vincenzo Avallone, ed. Franco Angeli, 2016
Educational objectives Apprendimento teorico-pratico degli elementi di psicologia generale.
Conoscenza delle tematiche relative alla comunicazione, relazione terapeutica, delle tecniche efficaci e della comunicazione assertiva; nonchè nozioni sullo sviluppo dei processi cognitivi e dei disturbi reattivi agli eventi traumatici.
Teaching methods Le lezioni saranno in modalità frontale. All'interno del corso saranno organizzati gruppi di lavoro su tematiche attinenti al programma.
Learning verification modality Colloquio orale.
Extended program LE BASI DELLA PSICOLOGIA: il cervello, l'attenzione, l'apprendimento, la memoria, le emozioni.
IL MONDO SOCIALE E IL POTERE DEL GRUPPO: linguaggio e comunicazione, l'interazione sociale, stereotipi e pregiudizi, la leadership, il gruppo, l'equipe.
ELEMENTI DI PSICOLOGIA CLINICA: teorie di base, l'età evolutiva, l'anziano, il malato terminale, la relazione paziente-operatore.
IL COMPLESSO MONDO SANITARIO: dal modello bionedico al modello biopsicosociale, stress e burnout nell'operatore.


Code GP003680
Teacher Fabrizio Stracci
  • Fabrizio Stracci
  • 24 ore - Fabrizio Stracci
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline generali per la formazione dell'odontoiatra
Academic discipline MED/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italiano
Contents Study design in medical research

Definitions and role of Statistics in medical research

Descriptive statistics

Statistical inference

Correlation and regression

Survival analysis
Reference texts Biostatistica Pagano M Gavreau K Gnocchi ed. Napoli

Statistica per Discipline Biomediche Glanz S . McGrawHill Milano
Educational objectives Students will be able to use basic statistical tools and concepts

They will appreciate the role of statistics in medical research

Students will be able to read critically and understand statistical methods used in research articles
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Learning verification modality The examination is based on a written test. An oral examination may be requested by students (optional).

Duration: 1h.

The written test requires the solution of three exercises and multiple response test. The exercises are designed to assess knowledge of descriptive statistics, statistical testing, and regression. Score (range 8-12) is indicated for each exercise and the sum of scores is 30 points. It is possible to

Oral examination is intended to assess the general understanding of statistical methods. Duration about 20 minuts. The possibility to take the oral exam is limited to students which have passed the written test
Extended program 1. Introduction

1.1 Statistics definitions and scope

1.2 Statistical methods in medical research

2. Data

2.1 Types of variables

2.2 Tabulation and processing of data

2.3 Diagrams

2.4 Descriptive statistics

2.5 Measures of central tendency

2.6 Measures of variability

3. Probability

3.1 Frequentist definition of probability

3.2 Probability distributions

3.3 The normal or Gaussian distribution

3.4 Probability distributions and applications

4. Populations and samples

4.1 Parameters and their estimation

4.2 Sampling

5. Statistical inference

5.1 Point and interval estimation

5.2 Confidence interval for the sample mean

5.3 Significance testing

5.4 Parametric Hypothesis Tests: Student’s t test and Analysis of Variance

5.5 Confidence interval for the difference between two means

5.6 Non-Parametric Hypothesis Tests: chi-squared test

6. Regression and correlation

6.1 Regression models

6.2 Linear regression

6.2.1 Linear regression equation: parameters estimation using the ordinary least squares method

6.2.2 Tests of significance in regression

6.2.3 Confidence interval for the linear regression coefficient b

6.3 Correlation

6.4 Critical reading of results from multivariable regression models

7. Evaluation of diagnostic tests

8. Time to event data analysis, an introduction
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