Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005627
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Efisio Puxeddu
  • Paolo Sportoletti (Codocenza)
  • Efisio Puxeddu
  • 3 ore (Codocenza) - Paolo Sportoletti
  • 9 ore - Efisio Puxeddu
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline MED/50
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Real-Time (PCR)
- Direct Sanger Sequencing
Reference texts Pubmed references will be indicated during the lesson
Educational objectives Ability to understand the techniques and the meaning of molecular diagnostic investigations. Ability to interpret the result of molecular laboratory tests related to specific diseases.
Prerequisites To be able to understand and face the course, the student must have passed with huge success the exam preparatory described in the regulation on the degree course.
Teaching methods Face-to-face
Other information N/A
Learning verification modality Oral exam
Extended program - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Real-Time (PCR)
- Direct Sanger Sequencing


Code GP005629
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • 12 ore - Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Clinica delle specialità medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIANO
Reference texts Manuale di endocrinologia. A cura di F. Lombardo - A. Lenzi. EdiSES, 2017.
Educational objectives Alla fine del corso i discenti dovranno saper raccogliere correttamente una anamnesi endocrino-metabolica e condurre un esame obiettivo del paziente; dovranno conoscere i più importanti elementi clinico-laboratoristici per individuare le più importanti patologie endocrino-metaboliche e di queste dovranno saper tracciare i più comuni protocolli terapeutici. Dovranno saper inquadrare le varie patologie nosograficamente e di queste conoscere i più comuni elementi diagnostico-terapeutici. Dovranno saper interpretare i dati ormonali più comuni e i più importanti test diagnostici di stimolazione e di inibizione e la loro importanza nella diagnosi delle più importanti malattie. Inoltre, lo studente dovrà essere in grado di a) raccogliere e analizzare gli elementi anamnestici e obiettivi per formulare correttamente una ipotesi diagnostica delle più comuni nefropatie, b) di delinearne seppur sommariamente le possibilità terapeutiche, c) di conoscere le condizioni di maggior rischio che richiedono interventi di urgenza. Altro obiettivo è quello di consentire allo studente di risalire, attraverso i sintomi e i processi diagnostici, alla patologia urologica; conoscere i più comuni comportamenti terapeutici di essere in grado di valutare criticamente e correlare tra loro i sintomi clinici, i segni fisici, le alterazioni funzionali, interpretandone i meccanismi di produzione e comprendendone il significato clinico.
Prerequisites Lo studente deve: conoscere i meccanismi che regolano le attività metaboliche, la secrezione e l'azione dei vari ormoni e quelli che sono alla base delle malattie nefro-urologiche; avere una solida conoscenza di anatomia, istologia e fisiopatologia relativamente alle malattie endocrino-metaboliche e nefro-urologiche.
Teaching methods Lezioni teoriche
Learning verification modality Endocrinologia ed Endocrinochirurgia Adenomi ipofisari secernenti e "non secernenti"; ipopituitarismi; diabete insipido; "inappropriata secrezione di ADH". Lineamenti di auxologia e turbe dell'accrescimento corporeo. Ipertiroidismi; gozzo eutiroideo; "noduli" e neoplasie della tiroide; tiroiditi; ipotiroidismi. Iperparatiroidismo primitivo e secondario; ipoparatiroidismo; osteomalacia e osteoporosi. Malattia e sindrome di Cushing; iposurrenalismi primitivi e secondari; ipertensione endocrina: eccesso di mineralcorticoidi e di catecolamine. Difetti enzimatici della steroidogenesi. Ipogonadismi maschili e femminili primari e secondari; patologia della pubertà; infertilità maschile; turbe della differenziazione sessuale. Sindromi del sistema endocrino diffuso e poliendocrinopatie. Tumori e carcinomi neuroendocrini. Indicazioni chirurgiche nelle endocrinopatie; insulinomi. Malattie del metabolismo Diabete mellito Obesità Iperlipoproteinemie primitive e secondarie Sindrome plurimetabolica Ipoglicemie Iperuricemie e gotta


Code GP005626
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • 12 ore - Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Clinica delle specialità medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP005624
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Antonio Orlacchio
  • Antonio Orlacchio
  • 24 ore - Antonio Orlacchio
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline generali per la formazione del medico
Academic discipline MED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Structural and functional organization of the human genome. DNA mutations and their correlation with: i) mode of inheritance; ii) diagnostic procedures; iii) pathogenetic role; iv) clinical manifestations. Classification of genetic diseases (Mendelian inheritance, multifactorial, chromosomal, and mitochondrial). Atypical inheritance. Imprinting defects. Taking care of the patient and/or the family with hereditary disease: "genetic counseling." General and specific criteria with reference to the different clinical conditions. Genetic counseling before and after genetic testing. The causal treatment of genetic diseases.
Reference texts Genetica & Genomica nelle scienze mediche
Authors: Strachan Tom, Goodship Judit, Chinnery Patrick
Publisher: Zanichelli (1st Edition - 2016)

Genetica umana e medica
Authors: Neri Giovanni, Genuardi Maurizio
Publisher: Edra Masson (3rd Edition - 2014)

Genetica medica essenziale
Authors: Dalla Piccola Bruno, Novelli Giuseppe
Publisher: CIC (3rd Edition - 2012)
Educational objectives To know the contents and methods of communication of the genetic counseling. To recognize the clinical manifestations of the major classes of genetic diseases with prenatal and post-natal care. To be able to correlate the clinical phenotype with the corresponding biological causal factors (phenotype-genotype correlation) with the following purposes: 1) setting of an analytical path, 2) identification of mutations responsible for the disease (etiologic diagnosis) and 3) interpretation of the results for diagnostic purposes, assessment of prognosis, and clinical follow-up, 4) risk assessment procreative and relatives of the proband (risk of recurrence), based on the model of inheritance; 5) planning of interventions aimed to prevention.
Prerequisites The student must have argued with success the examination of "General Pathology". Furthermore, must have acquired a good research methodology.
Teaching methods The teaching will be carried out with face-to-face and practical lessons that will cover the entire program of study.
Other information Oral explanations will be coadiuvated by PowerPoint presentations. Summaries of these presentations, other additional didactic materials and possible updatings and communications, will be made available to students, in pdf format for download, through a dedicated homepage of the University of Perugia. During the whole Academic Year, students may request by e-mail personal reception to the teacher.
Learning verification modality The examination will consist of a written test with multiple answer choices on the topics listed in the syllabus.
Extended program - Introduction
- Organization and changes in the human genome
- Human Chromosomes and mechanisms of formation of chromosomal abnormalities
- Methods for molecular analysis of nucleic acids
- Mendelian inheritance and fundamental principles of medical genetics
- Order of genes on chromosomes
- Cytogenetics techniques
- Multifactorial characters and epigenetic
- Atypical mechanisms of inheritance
- Chromosome number abnormalities
- Chromosome structural abnormalities
- Genetic counseling
- Abnormalities of the sex chromosomes
- Diseases by defects of genomic imprinting
- Defects to the receptor fibroblasts growth factors - Hereditary diseases of the connective tissue - Disorders related to CFTR gene
- Genetic defects of the sense organs
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Disorders of sexual development
- Genetics of epilepsy
- Genetics of neuromuscular diseases
- Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases (monofactorial)
- Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases (multifactorial)
- Congenital defects
- Diseases by dynamic mutations
- Genetics of mental retardation
- Phacomatosis


Code GP005625
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Antonio Orlacchio
  • Antonio Orlacchio
  • 24 ore - Antonio Orlacchio
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline pediatriche
Academic discipline MED/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Structural and functional organization of the human genome. DNA mutations and their correlation with: i) mode of inheritance; ii) diagnostic procedures; iii) pathogenetic role; iv) clinical manifestations. Classification of genetic diseases (Mendelian inheritance, multifactorial, chromosomal, and mitochondrial). Atypical inheritance. Imprinting defects. Taking care of the patient and/or the family with hereditary disease: "genetic counseling." General and specific criteria with reference to the different clinical conditions. Genetic counseling before and after genetic testing. The causal treatment of genetic diseases.
Reference texts Genetica & Genomica nelle scienze mediche
Authors: Strachan Tom, Goodship Judit, Chinnery Patrick
Publisher: Zanichelli (1st Edition - 2016)

Genetica umana e medica
Authors: Neri Giovanni, Genuardi Maurizio
Publisher: Edra Masson (3rd Edition - 2014)

Genetica medica essenziale
Authors: Dalla Piccola Bruno, Novelli Giuseppe
Publisher: CIC (3rd Edition - 2012)
Educational objectives To know the contents and methods of communication of the genetic counseling. To recognize the clinical manifestations of the major classes of genetic diseases with prenatal and post-natal care. To be able to correlate the clinical phenotype with the corresponding biological causal factors (phenotype-genotype correlation) with the following purposes: 1) setting of an analytical path, 2) identification of mutations responsible for the disease (etiologic diagnosis) and 3) interpretation of the results for diagnostic purposes, assessment of prognosis, and clinical follow-up, 4) risk assessment procreative and relatives of the proband (risk of recurrence), based on the model of inheritance; 5) planning of interventions aimed to prevention.
Prerequisites The student must have argued with success the examination of "General Pathology". Furthermore, must have acquired a good research methodology.
Teaching methods The teaching will be carried out with face-to-face and practical lessons that will cover the entire program of study.
Other information Oral explanations will be coadiuvated by PowerPoint presentations. Summaries of these presentations, other additional didactic materials and possible updatings and communications, will be made available to students, in pdf format for download, through a dedicated homepage of the University of Perugia. During the whole Academic Year, students may request by e-mail personal reception to the teacher.
Learning verification modality The examination will consist of a written test with multiple answer choices on the topics listed in the syllabus.
Extended program - Introduction
- Organization and changes in the human genome
- Human Chromosomes and mechanisms of formation of chromosomal abnormalities
- Methods for molecular analysis of nucleic acids
- Mendelian inheritance and fundamental principles of medical genetics
- Order of genes on chromosomes
- Cytogenetics techniques
- Multifactorial characters and epigenetic
- Atypical mechanisms of inheritance
- Chromosome number abnormalities
- Chromosome structural abnormalities
- Genetic counseling
- Abnormalities of the sex chromosomes
- Diseases by defects of genomic imprinting
- Defects to the receptor fibroblasts growth factors - Hereditary diseases of the connective tissue - Disorders related to CFTR gene
- Genetic defects of the sense organs
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Disorders of sexual development
- Genetics of epilepsy
- Genetics of neuromuscular diseases
- Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases (monofactorial)
- Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases (multifactorial)
- Congenital defects
- Diseases by dynamic mutations
- Genetics of mental retardation
- Phacomatosis


Code GP005628
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Gianpaolo Reboldi
  • Gianpaolo Reboldi
  • 24 ore - Gianpaolo Reboldi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Clinica delle specialità medico-chirurgiche
Academic discipline MED/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP005630
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
  • 25 ore - Carmine Giuseppe Fanelli
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP005631
Location PERUGIA
Teacher Gianpaolo Reboldi
  • Gianpaolo Reboldi
  • 25 ore - Gianpaolo Reboldi
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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