Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Andrea Bartoli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005093
Teacher Fabio Massimo Botti
  • Fabio Massimo Botti
  • 30 ore - Fabio Massimo Botti
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive and endocrine systems
Reference texts Principi di Fisiologia - L. Zocchi – Ed. EdiSES

Edi-Ermes Fisiologia dell'uomo. AAVV ISBN-13: 978-8870512519

R. Poltronieri Elementi di Fisiologia
Educational objectives knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive and endocrine systems
Prerequisites the student should possess the fundamental knowledge in:
Human anatomy
Teaching methods frontal lessons
Other information -
Learning verification modality progress evaluation with multiple choice questions and a final oral test
Extended program Physiology of the cardiovascular system
Heart: Cardiac automatism: pace-maker cells of the nodal tissue, rhythmism and conduction of cardiac action potential. Mechanisms of atrio-ventricular delay.
Cardiac mechanics: Action potential of cardiomyocyte due to electro-mechanical coupling in cardiac fiber. Factors that determine the contractile strength of the heart. Isometric and isotonic contraction and the length-tension relationship in the cardiac fiber. The meaning of Laplace's law applied to the heart. Cardiac cycle: cardiac, arterial and venous pressure changes. Heart valves and heart sounds. Cardiac output. Regulation of cardiac activity:. Intrinsic Mechanisms and Frank-Starling Law. Effects of the autonomic nervous system. Electrocardiogram.
Principles of hemodynamics: Physical factors that regulate blood flow in the circulatory system. Relationship between pressure, flow and resistance, the Hagen-Poiseuille law. Laminar and turbulent flow. Blood viscosity and hematocrit. Compliance. Factors determining blood pressure and the creation of pressure gradient in the circulatory system. Functions of the arteries: elastic and resistance vessels Systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure. Blood pressure measurement.
Physiology of the microcirculation. Mechanisms underlying blood - interstitium exchanges. Role of the lymphatic system Factors determining interstitial edema.Physiology of the venous system: mechanisms of venous return . Regional Control of blood flow: Metabolic, humoral and nervous mechanisms. Circulation control in special districts: coronary, cutaneous, muscular and cerebral circulation.
Short medium and long term Regulation of arterial pressure Baroceptive and chemoceptive reflexes. The renin-angiotensin system. Renal factors.
Physiology of the respiratory system
Respiratory mechanics. Lung volumes and capacities. Lung and alveolar ventilation. Spirometric examination Respiratory muscles. Elastic properties of the lung, intrapleural pressure, pressure-volume curve, role of the surfactant. Elastic properties of the rib cage. Dynamic resistance to gas flow . Gas exchange - Partial gas pressure in the ambient, inhaled and alveolar air. Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in the blood. Ventilation / perfusion relationship. Nervous control of breathing.
Physiology of the urinary system
The nephron. Glomerular filtration and its regulation. Tubular functions - Resorption and secretion. Resorption of water and solutes. Action of antidiuretic hormone and aldosterone. Excretion. Urination. Renal clearance: meaning, utility. Short-medium and long-term mechanisms of pH control
physiology of the digestive system
Smooth muscle: functional organization, and excitation-contraction coupling. Regulation of electrical activity and contraction of smooth muscle fibers. Functions and processes. regulation of intestinal motility. Secretion. Phases of digestion: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal. Digestion and absorption.
Physiology of endocrine systems:
function and organization, types of hormones, general control mechanisms. Hypothalamic-pituitary axis: structure and controlled hormones. GH: functions and control of secretion. Thyroid hormones: functions, control of secretion, related pathologies.
Integrated blood glucose control: hormones involved, mechanisms of action of insulin and glucagon. Control of serum calcium: parathormone, calciferol and calcitonin, action and integration mechanisms. Integrated stress response: phases of stress according to Selye, nervous and chemical factors. Effects on theme tabolism and on the nervous system


Code GP005094
Teacher Claudia Monari
  • Claudia Monari
  • 30 ore - Claudia Monari
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction
Reference texts
Microbiologia Clinica (Lanciotti)
Microbiologia Medica (La Placa)
Educational objectives
Provide the students of the Degree Course in Nursing with the knowledge of Microbiology capable of guaranteeing the skills required to achieve the essential levels of professional performance.
Teaching methods
Learning verification modality
Oral examination
Extended program
Bacterial cell structures (Gram+ e Gram- cell wall, nucleic aid, cytoplasm, cytoplasmatic membrane).
Facultative bacterial cell structures (capsule, pili, flagella, spore).
Bacterial virulence factors (toxins, capsule, adhesins, exoenzymes).
Metabolism, Nutrition. Colture mediums. Bacterial genetics.
General features of Fungi, Viruses, Protozoa.
Bacterial microbiota. Routes of transmission of infections.
Antibiotic susceptibility tests.
Sterilization /Disinfection.
Bacteriology: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterobatteri, Neisseria, Legionella, Mycobacterium.
Virology: orthomyxovirus, hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, HPV, Herpesvirus, Coronavirus
Micology: cutaneous mycoses, opportunistic mycoses (Candida, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus).
Parasitology: Plasmodium, Giardia, Toxoplasma.


Code GP005092
Teacher Teresa Zelante
  • Emanuela Rosati (Codocenza)
  • Teresa Zelante
  • 10 ore (Codocenza) - Emanuela Rosati
  • 35 ore - Teresa Zelante
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze biomediche
Academic discipline MED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
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