Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 50009701
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Management sanitario
Academic discipline IUS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Lisa Taschini
  • Lisa Taschini
  • 15 ore - Lisa Taschini
Language of instruction
The course aims to offer students of the degree course in Nursing the legal foundations necessary for a conscious and informed approach to the world of work. We will therefore study the fundamental juridical institutions of the contract and of the public and private employment relationship, with specific regard to health.
Reference texts
S. GIUBBONI, A. DI STASI, V. PINTO, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Il Mulino, 2022, in addition to the materials shared in class.
Educational objectives
The module aims to offer the student a targeted insight into the essential issues of current labor law. The aim of the course is to develop in the nursing student a juridical method of approach to the problems presented in the professional reality, which allows to correctly apply the notions learned.
No educational prerequisites. General culture, attention to current affairs and logical skills.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Other information
Attendance strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
Written multiple-choice exam integrated with the other teaching modules on the Libreol platform.
Extended program
Origin and evolution of labor law
Trade union freedom and representation. Union activity in the workplace. Collective bargaining in the health sector.
The subordination and qualification of employment relationships. The employment contract.
Flexible working relationships. Time and place of work performance.
Powers of the employer. The classification of the worker, the duties required and their change. The salary.
Equal treatment and fight against discrimination in the workplace.
The suspension of the employment relationship. Termination of relationship. Remedies.

Canale B

Lisa Taschini
  • Lisa Taschini
  • 15 ore - Lisa Taschini
Language of instruction
The course aims to offer students of the degree course in Nursing the legal foundations necessary for a conscious and informed approach to the world of work. We will therefore study the fundamental juridical institutions of the contract and of the public and private employment relationship, with specific regard to health.
Reference texts
S. GIUBBONI, A. DI STASI, V. PINTO, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Il Mulino, 2022, in addition to the materials shared in class.
Educational objectives
The module aims to offer the student a targeted insight into the essential issues of current labor law. The aim of the course is to develop in the nursing student a juridical method of approach to the problems presented in the professional reality, which allows to correctly apply the notions learned.
No educational prerequisites. General culture, attention to current affairs and logical skills.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Other information
Attendance strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality
Written multiple-choice exam integrated with the other teaching modules on the Libreol platform.
Extended program
Origin and evolution of labor law
Trade union freedom and representation. Union activity in the workplace. Collective bargaining in the health sector.
The subordination and qualification of employment relationships. The employment contract.
Flexible working relationships. Time and place of work performance.
Powers of the employer. The classification of the worker, the duties required and their change. The salary.
Equal treatment and fight against discrimination in the workplace.
The suspension of the employment relationship. Termination of relationship. Remedies.


Code 50145101
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/44
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Angela Gambelunghe
  • Angela Gambelunghe
  • 15 ore - Angela Gambelunghe
Language of instruction
Working environments and occupational hazards.
Prevention of injuries and occupational diseases.
Legal and Regulatory Issues
Prevention of occupational injuries and diseases in Health Workers and in Research Laboratory Workers.
Reference texts
handouts provided by the teacher
L.Alessio – P. Apostoli. Manuale di Medicina del Lavoro e Igiene Industriale – Piccin Nuova Libraria – Padova 2010
Educational objectives
Basic knowledge on:
Main risk factors in the working environments, with special emphasis on health workers and biomedical research workers.
Main legal and regulatory issue in prevention in the working environments.
Prevention of injuries and occupational diseases in health workers and research laboratory workers.
not required
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons/lectures
Other information
Learning verification modality
the exams consists of a writtentest in form of multiple choice test. The test has a duration of 40minutes (30 questions). It is designed to evaluate the ability to correctly apply the theoretical knoledge and the understanding of the issues proposed.
Extended program
1.Definition, Main Purposes, Principle and Practice of Occupational Medicine.
2.Epidemiology of Occupational Injuries and Occupational Diseases.
3.Hazards in the Workplace (Chemical, Physical, Biological); Psychophysiologic Stressors and Work Organization.
4.Environmental and Individual Prevention of Occupational Injuries and Diseases.
5.Work Environment and work-related diseases.
6.Environmental Monitoring and Occupational Threshold Limit Values.
7.Biological Monitoring and Biological exposure Indices.
8.Prevention in the Work Environment (Legal and Regulatory Issues)
9. Occupational Hazards in Health Workers and in Research Laboratories Workers: Chemical and Physical agents including radiations.
10.Occupational Hazards in Health Workers and in Research Laboratories Workers: Biological agents, Psycophysiologic Stressors and Work Organization.
11.Prevention of occupational injuries and diseases in Health Workers and in Research Laboratory Workers

Canale B

Emilio Paolo Abbritti
  • Emilio Paolo Abbritti
  • 15 ore - Emilio Paolo Abbritti


Code 50145102
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/43
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Massimo Lancia
  • Massimo Lancia
  • 30 ore - Massimo Lancia
Language of instruction
Legal Medicine in the Criminal and Civil fields. Bioethics. Main laws governing the profession. The relationship with the patient.
Reference texts
Cicognani A, Fallani M, Pelotti S. Medicina Legale. Società editrice Esculapio, Bologna 2019.
Educational objectives
Awareness of the ethical and legal framework in which the healthcare professional operates
Not provided
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information

Learning verification modality
Oral examination
Extended program
Normative framework of the profession.
The code of ethics.
The Forensic criminal law: the essential elements of the offense, the material causality, the psychological elements of the crime, crimes against life, crimes against personal safety.
Informed consent.
Euthanasia and aggressive therapy.
The civil Legal Medicine: liability, personal damage, professional liability.
INAIL and Civil Protection Inability.

Canale B

Cristiana Gambelunghe
  • Cristiana Gambelunghe
  • 30 ore - Cristiana Gambelunghe
Language of instruction
Legal Medicine in the Criminal and Civil fields. Bioethics. Main laws governing the profession. The relationship with the patient.
Reference texts
Cicognani A, Fallani M, Pelotti S. Medicina Legale. Società editrice Esculapio, Bologna 2019.
Educational objectives
Awareness of the ethical and legal framework in which the healthcare professional operates
Not provided
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Other information

Learning verification modality
written exam: 30 multiple choice questions (with 3 answers each).
Each question is worth 1 point if correct; wrong answer -0.25; no answer
0 points. Assigned time 45 minutes.
Extended program
Normative framework of the profession.
The code of ethics.
The Forensic criminal law: the essential elements of the offense, the material causality, the psychological elements of the crime, crimes against life, crimes against personal safety.
Informed consent.
Euthanasia and aggressive therapy.
The civil Legal Medicine: liability, personal damage, professional liability.
INAIL and Civil Protection Inability.


Code 50155101
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze infermieristiche
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Rosita Morcellini
  • Rosita Morcellini
  • 15 ore - Rosita Morcellini
Language of instruction

Contextualization of the topic.
Historical reference conceptual excursus.
The development of the organizational models of assistance.
The main reference models in current affairs.
The role development of the nursing profession in the evolving healthcare context.
Reference texts

Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica. Infermieristica generale e teorie del nursing. Edoardo Manzoni ELSEVIER 1996.
Il modello delle prestazioni infermieristiche. Marisa Cantarelli ZANICHELLI 2017.
L'INFERMIERE CASE MANAGER. Dalla teoria alla prassi. Paolo Chiari - Antonella Santullo - McGRAW - HILL EDUCATION 2010.
CURARE CHI NON PUO' GUARIRE. HOSPICE: cure palliative e approccio interdisciplinare. A cura di Giorgio Cavicchioli. FRANCO ANGELI/SANITA'.
INNOVAZIONE E GOVERNANCE delle professioni sanitarie. Bruno Cavaliere - Edoardo Manzoni - Franco Piu. CEA 2015.
Educational objectives

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
contextualize the different types of organization of health services in evolving socio-demographic structures.
Understanding the sense and conceptual dynamics that have produced changes in the profession.
Know the main reference models and inspiration of current organizations.
Project yourself with a forward-looking vision, in an innovative perspective, with respect to the role settings.
Know the current management guidelines for the various hospital and territorial care settings.
Identify the importance of technological infrastructures in support of nursing operations.
Know the central aspects of the system in the prevention and management of the adverse event.
Know the organizational elements characterizing the care settings with limitation of the personal freedoms of the patients.

At least general knowledge of hospital and territorial operating contexts.
Generalist knowledge of care needs and the main ways of responding.
Knowledge of nursing planning tools
Teaching methods

Interactive frontal lessons.
Exercises on topics of interest to teaching also through the use of the computer network for research.
Brainstorming and group return.
Other information

Learning verification modality

Oral individual exam.
Extended program

The health system.
Historical evolution of the nursing profession.
The contribution of theorists.
Historical evolution of the organizational models of care: technical models, professionalizing models (assistance for small teams, primary nursing, nursing case management).
The model of nursing services.
The model of analysis of care complexity.
Organization by intensity of care and complexity of care.
Operational Unit Nursing management responsibility Model.

Canale B

Palmiro Riganelli
  • Palmiro Riganelli
  • 15 ore - Palmiro Riganelli
Language of instruction
Contextualization of the topic.
Historical reference conceptual excursus.
The development of the organizational models of assistance.
The main reference models in current affairs.
The role development of the nursing profession in the evolving healthcare context.
Reference texts
Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica. Infermieristica generale e teorie del nursing. Edoardo Manzoni ELSEVIER 1996.
Il modello delle prestazioni infermieristiche. Marisa Cantarelli ZANICHELLI 2017.
L'INFERMIERE CASE MANAGER. Dalla teoria alla prassi. Paolo Chiari - Antonella Santullo - McGRAW - HILL EDUCATION 2010.
CURARE CHI NON PUO' GUARIRE. HOSPICE: cure palliative e approccio interdisciplinare. A cura di Giorgio Cavicchioli. FRANCO ANGELI/SANITA'.
INNOVAZIONE E GOVERNANCE delle professioni sanitarie. Bruno Cavaliere -Edoardo Manzoni - Franco Piu. CEA 2015.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
contextualize the different types of organization of health services in evolving socio-demographic structures.
Understanding the sense and conceptual dynamics that have produced changes in the profession.
Know the main reference models and inspiration of current organizations.
Project yourself with a forward-looking vision, in an innovative perspective, with respect to the role settings.
Know the current management guidelines for the various hospital and territorial care settings.
Identify the importance of technological infrastructures in support of nursing operations.
Know the central aspects of the system in the prevention and management of the adverse event.
Know the organizational elements characterizing the care settings with limitation of the personal freedoms of the
At least general knowledge of hospital and territorial operating contexts.
Generalist knowledge of care needs and the main ways of responding.
Knowledge of nursing planning tools
Teaching methods
Interactive frontal lessons.
Exercises on topics of interest to teaching also through the use of the computer network for research.
Brainstorming and group return.
Case study
Learning verification modality
Individual vritten test with closed stimulus and open answer
Extended program
Historical evolution of the organizational models of care: technical models, professionalizing models (assistance for small teams, primary nursing, nursing case management).
The model of nursing services.
The model of analysis of care complexity.
Organization by intensity of care and complexity of care.
Operational Unit Nursing management responsibility Model.


Code 50155201
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Management sanitario
Academic discipline MED/45
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Valerio Di Nardo
  • Valerio Di Nardo
  • 15 ore - Valerio Di Nardo
Language of instruction
Specifiche organizzative dei modelli ospedalieri e territoriali; Modelli organizzativi innovativi; Ambiti di responsabilità dell'infermiere nei diversi modelli.
Reference texts
Innovazione e governance delle professioni
sanitarie. Di Bruno Cavaliere, Edoardo
Manzoni, Franco Piu. 2015, Casa Editrice

I principi dell’organizzazione professionale
dell’infermiere – Viaggio nella professione
infermieristica. Paola Ripa, Piera Bergomi,
Enrico Frisone, Duilio Loi. 2013, Maggioli
Educational objectives
Conoscere caratteristiche, punti di forza e elementi di debolezza dei diversi modelli organizzativi e assistenziali; Conoscere il contributo che la tecnologia e le competenze avanzate possono fornire ai vari modelli; Conoscere l'ambito proprio di responsabilità dell'infermiere nei diversi modelli;
Conoscenza degli strumenti operativi per la pianificazione dei piani di assistenza; Conoscere i bisogni di salute attuali e emergenti; Conoscere i principali servizi sanitari presenti sul territorio nazionale.
Teaching methods
Lezione frontale; Discussione; Brainstorming.
Other information

Learning verification modality
Esame scritto
Extended program
Modelli Assistenziali in area critica:
Il metodo Tri.Co.; Il Triage; Il See &Treat e il Fast Track in pronto soccorso;
La Centrale Operativa 118 e il NUE 1-1-2.

Modelli Assistenziali Ospedalieri
Dal Pronto soccorso alla degenza;
Il sistema di Bed Management;
Degenza ordinaria e degenza a ciclo breve e/o programmata;
Unità Operative a gestione infermieristica;

Modelli Assistenziali Territoriali:
La Sanità territoriale e il Distretto; La medicina d'iniziativa;
Le Case della Salute; Il Chronic care model.

L'ADI (Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata).
Le cure di fine vita, cure palliative, Hospice; modelli di riferimento organizzativo.
Le RSA (residenze sanitarie assistite) - Case del sollievo.
Il sistema d'integrazione Ospedale/Territorio; le dimissioni protette.
L'infermiere di famiglia e di comunità.
Ambulatorio Infermieristico.
L'infermiere nella farmacia dei servizi.

Canale B

Palmiro Riganelli
  • Palmiro Riganelli
  • 15 ore - Palmiro Riganelli
Language of instruction
The organizational specifications in the various care settings.
Autonomies and integrations in the network of hospital and local services.
Technologies at the service of organizations.
Reference models in the prevention and management of clinical risk.
Organizational models in local settings limiting personal freedoms.
Reference texts
Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica. Infermieristica generale e teorie del nursing. Edoardo Manzoni ELSEVIER 1996.
Il modello delle prestazioni infermieristiche. Marisa Cantarelli ZANICHELLI 2017.
L'INFERMIERE CASE MANAGER. Dalla teoria alla prassi. Paolo Chiari - Antonella Santullo - McGRAW - HILL EDUCATION 2010.
CURARE CHI NON PUO' GUARIRE. HOSPICE: cure palliative e approccio interdisciplinare. A cura di Giorgio Cavicchioli. FRANCO ANGELI/SANITA'.
INNOVAZIONE E GOVERNANCE delle professioni sanitarie. Bruno Cavaliere - Edoardo Manzoni - Franco Piu. CEA 2015.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to:
Contextualize the different types of organization of health services in evolving socio-demographic structures.
Understanding the sense and conceptual dynamics that have produced changes in the profession.
Know the main reference models inspired by current organizations.
Project yourself with a forward-looking vision, in an innovative perspective, with respect to the role settings.
Know the current management guidelines for the various hospital and territorial care settings.
Identify the importance of technological infrastructures in support of nursing operations.
Know the central aspects of the system in the prevention and management of the adverse event
Know the organizational elements characterizing the ass.li settings with limitations of the patient's personal freedoms.
At least general knowledge of territorial and hospital operating contexts.
Generalist knowledge of care needs and the main ways of responding to them.
Knowledge of assistance planning tools.
Teaching methods
interactive frontal lessons.
Brainstorming and group return.
Exercises with the use of the computer network for research on issues relating to the specific disciplinary area.
Case study
Learning verification modality
Individual vritten test with closed stimulus and open answer
Extended program
Operating units for post-acute nursing management.
Critical models in critical areas.
Triage in first aid.
See & Treat - Fast Track.
Integration Models in Critical Area.
Short cycle hospital stays: reference models.
Territorial health: network organization.
Initiative medicine and the Health Houses.
The Chronic care model.
ADI (Integrated Home Assistance).
End of life care, palliative care, Hospice; organizational reference models.
The RSA (assisted healthcare residences) - Houses of relief.
Nursing clinic.
The hospital / territory integration system; protected resignation.
The family and community nurse.
The nurse in the service pharmacy.
Psychiatric nursing: organizational models.
Penitentiary nursing: organizational models.
Risk management; organizational definition structures.
The Healt technology assessment model.


Code 50107501
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Prevenzione servizi sanitari e radioprotezione
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Cristina Lavorgna
  • Cristina Lavorgna
  • 15 ore - Cristina Lavorgna
Language of instruction
Tipologie di sistemi sanitari ¿
Organizzazione ed evoluzione del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Strutture centrali e strutture periferiche del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Programmazione sanitaria e strumenti per il controllo di gestione
Reference texts
VITALE F., ZAGRA M., “Igiene epidemiologia e organizzazione sanitaria orientate per problemi” (Elsevier,2017).¿
Educational objectives
Conoscere i principali aspetti strutturali, organizzativi e gestionali dell’assistenza sanitaria primaria, delle attività di prevenzione e dell’ospedale, incluse le problematiche relative all’integrazione di tali servizi tra loro.
Descrivere e mettere a confronto i principali modelli organizzativi della sanità, analizzandone le caratteristiche specifiche e le differenze.
Conoscere le attribuzioni del “management”.
Individuare e valutare i problemi di salute della popolazione.
Programmare attività ed interventi sanitari capaci di rispondere in modo appropriato ai bisogni di salute emersi.¿ ¿
Conoscenza dei fondamenti dell'epidemiologia
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali
Other information
Contatti docente:
Learning verification modality
Prova scritta finale da svolgersi sulla piattaforma LibreEOL. Il test consiste in un totale di 40 domande (del tipo vero/falso, risposta singola e risposta multipla) e ha una durata complessiva di 60 minuti.
Extended program
Modelli di sistemi sanitari ¿(mutualistici, universalistici, libero mercato)
La struttura organizzativa dei sistemi sanitari ¿
I rapporti professionali, il coordinamento e la direzione ¿
Il Personale Sanitario ¿
L’organizzazione del sistema sanitario italiano ¿
L’Unità Sanitaria Locale ¿
Primary Health Care e Distretti Sanitari ¿
Il Dipartimento di Prevenzione ¿
Efficacia, efficienza, equità ¿
I Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza¿
I Bisogni, la domanda e l’offerta di prestazioni sanitarie¿
La programmazione degli interventi sanitari ¿

Canale B

Cristina Lavorgna
  • Cristina Lavorgna
  • 15 ore - Cristina Lavorgna
Language of instruction
Tipologie di sistemi sanitari ¿
Organizzazione ed evoluzione del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Strutture centrali e strutture periferiche del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Programmazione sanitaria e strumenti per il controllo di gestione
Reference texts
VITALE F., ZAGRA M., “Igiene epidemiologia e organizzazione sanitaria orientate per problemi” (Elsevier,2017).¿
Educational objectives
Conoscere i principali aspetti strutturali, organizzativi e gestionali dell’assistenza sanitaria primaria, delle attività di prevenzione e dell’ospedale, incluse le problematiche relative all’integrazione di tali servizi tra loro.
Descrivere e mettere a confronto i principali modelli organizzativi della sanità, analizzandone le caratteristiche specifiche e le differenze.
Conoscere le attribuzioni del “management”.
Individuare e valutare i problemi di salute della popolazione.
Programmare attività ed interventi sanitari capaci di rispondere in modo appropriato ai bisogni di salute emersi.¿ ¿
Conoscenza dei fondamenti dell'epidemiologia
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali
Other information
Contatti docente:
Learning verification modality
Prova scritta finale da svolgersi sulla piattaforma LibreEOL. Il test consiste in un totale di 40 domande (del tipo vero/falso, risposta singola e risposta multipla) e ha una durata complessiva di 60 minuti.
Extended program
Modelli di sistemi sanitari ¿(mutualistici, universalistici, libero mercato)
La struttura organizzativa dei sistemi sanitari ¿
I rapporti professionali, il coordinamento e la direzione ¿
Il Personale Sanitario ¿
L’organizzazione del sistema sanitario italiano ¿
L’Unità Sanitaria Locale ¿
Primary Health Care e Distretti Sanitari ¿
Il Dipartimento di Prevenzione ¿
Efficacia, efficienza, equità ¿
I Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza¿
I Bisogni, la domanda e l’offerta di prestazioni sanitarie¿
La programmazione degli interventi sanitari ¿
Condividi su