- Course
- Speech and language therapy
- Study-unit Code
- GP003912
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | GP003928 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Nicola Donti |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze del linguaggio teoriche e applicative |
Academic discipline | M-FIL/05 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course explores the concepts of language, communication and relationship from the philosophical point of view. Therefore, a theoretical frame of reference will be provided which is indispensable for the understanding of the complex reality of the phenomenon of human language, in order to achieve its conscious use in order to make it more effective also in the helping relationship. The critical study of the foundations, nature and conditions of validity of knowledge on: language, communication and relationship will be stimulated. |
Reference texts | - slides projected in class - handouts provided by the teacher |
Educational objectives | Understanding the complexity of human language, to arrive at an aware use of it in order to make it more effective also in the helping relationship |
Teaching methods | - Frontal lessons - Active teaching |
Learning verification modality | Oral examination |
Extended program | Specifically, the following topics will be addressed: - Language and reality - Naturalism and conventionality (Aristotele) - Dialogue, maieutics and anamnesis (Socrates and Plato) - Communication, limits and misunderstandings. - Structural linguistics (de Saussure) - Language games (the second Wittgenstein) - Hermeneutics (Gadamer) - From phenomenology to deconstruction (Deridda) - Ethics of the relationship (Levinas) - Relationship and unease, the interpretation of the world (Ricoeur) - The medium is the message (McLuhan) |
Code | GP003930 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Paola Bonucci |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze del linguaggio teoriche e applicative |
Academic discipline | L-LIN/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | italian |
Contents | Subjects of study are human verbal language and levels of linguistic elaboration (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics). |
Reference texts | G.Graffi- S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, Bologna, Il Mulino |
Educational objectives | The course objectives are knowledge of the fundamental properties of human language; ability to analyze linguistic structures at the levels phonetic / phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic. |
Prerequisites | no one |
Teaching methods | lessons and exercises |
Other information | attendance is compulsory |
Learning verification modality | oral exam |
Extended program | The course of Linguistics aims to present the methods of the scientific study of language. Students will be provided with tools for the analysis of different levels of linguistic processing. The course will cover the following topics: - Preliminary notions: Definition of linguistics and natural languages. Semiotic systems, communication. - Phonetics and Phonology: Vocal apparatus and classification of sounds. Concept of phoneme. Supra-segmental features. - Morphology: The notion of morpheme. Word classes. Derivation, Composition, Inflexion. Allomorphy and suppletion. Other relevant morphological processes. - Syntax: Valency. Phrase and criteria for phrase identification. Classification of clauses (principal and subordinate). The concept of subject. - Semantic and pragmatics: introduction to the semantic change and to the linguistic acts. |
Code | GP003929 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Enrico Caniglia |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze propedeutiche |
Academic discipline | SPS/08 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian. International and Erasmus students are invited to attend the lessons. Readings and other course material are also available in English; written and/or oral exams, as detailed in the course program, may be taken in English. Please contact the instructor for further details and to schedule an appointment during the first week of the Fall/Spring Semester. |
Contents | Analysis of talking in interaction. Definitions of communication and sociological perspective on communication. Communication as a practice. The approaches selected are ethnomethodology and conversation analysis |
Reference texts | Giolo Fele, L'analisi della conversazione, il Mulino 2007 |
Educational objectives | The student will acquire knowledge on the main sociological approaches to verbal language in interactional situations. It will acquire the basic skills to set up an empirical research on the language and the skills and knowledge necessary to set up a basic strategy in the field of communication in the professional field, in interaction with patients and in the field of speech defects (aphasia and autism), and greater awareness of the importance of speaking and interaction in the professional field. |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge on Sociology and Human Sciences |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follow: classroom lectures dedicated to the exhibition and discussion of all major topics and issues of discipline. It will also be provided opportunities for discussion and critical evaluation of some collective research contributions and on current issues. Individual lessons will carry out with the support of projection screens and video from the Internet. In case of covid emergence the lessons will be held in blended mode |
Other information | attendance recommended |
Learning verification modality | oral examination. Disability studens see web pagehttp://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa |
Extended program | What is communication. Communication as transmission and communication as sharing. The Shannon-Weaver model and criticisms by Erving Goffman. Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Language and face to face interaction. Mediated communication and media communication. The verbal interaction in professional practices. The doctor-patient interaction and its constitutive practices. The problems of language users and language dysfunctions in a sociological perspective. |