- Course
- Speech and language therapy
- Study-unit Code
- GP003910
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | GP003925 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Francesca Riuzzi |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze biomediche |
Academic discipline | BIO/16 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Skeletal and muscular systems: splanchno-skeleton. Cardiovascular system. Respiratory apparatus. Respiratory muscles. Oral cavity. Endocrine system. Nervous system: organization, sensory system, motor system, Autonomic Nervous System. Proprioceptors. Cranial nerves. Ear and acoustic sensitivity |
Reference texts | 1) Anatomia dell'Uomo, AA.VV., EdiErmes (vol. unico); 2) Atlante di Anatomia Prometheus, EdiSES (facoltativo; volume unico): 3) Anatomia Umana, Martini et al., Edises. There are courses, materials and/or assessment methods consistent with the needs of students with disabilities and / or SLD. |
Educational objectives | The student at the end of the course will acquire the ability to: 1) describe shape, position and structure of human organs in relationship to their function with appropriate terms; 2)Use the acquired knowledge about the morphology and structural organization of the organs designated to breathing, swallowing, phonation and the hearing function, as the basis for the subsequent subjects of the degree course; 3) Acquire a scientific and technical language useful to appropriately communicate with patients, collegues and other health care professionals. |
Prerequisites | Knowledge of the physic, biology and biochemistry. |
Teaching methods | Face-to-face theoretical lessons with the Powerpoint slides. Use of plastic models related to the topics developed at lessons. Practical laboratories organized in shifts of 25 students in the times communicated at the beginning of the lessons. Their object are practical demonstration of the anatomy of the heart , lung , trachea and esophagus by dissection of pig organs. The education material presented during the lessons (with the exclusion of illustrations protected by copyright) will be made available to the student in electronic format (pdf files). There are courses, materials and/or assessment methods consistent with the needs of students with disabilities and / or SLD. |
Other information | Frequenza: Compulsory. Orario di Ricevimento: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 15:00 until 17:00, after contacting by email at francesca.riuzzi@unipg.it Sede: Dept. Experimental Medicine University of Perugia Building D, 1th Floor Piazzale Lucio Severi, 1 06132 Perugia-Italy |
Learning verification modality | The level of learning achieved will be evaluated by an oral final examination consisting of questions on the anatomy, general physiology and nervous system physiology. A test is designed to assess the level of knowledge reached on theoretical contents listed in the program related to anatomy and physiology of the topics of the program. The student will be asked to answer three different questions by three different professors of the course. The test is considered passed if the student achieves sufficiency in all three questions. The oral exam will also verify the student communication skills, his ability to organization and exposure of the theoretical topics. There are courses, materials and/or assessment methods consistent with the needs of students with disabilities and / or SLD. |
Extended program | 1. General organization: anatomical apparatuses and systems. 2. Skeletal and muscular systems. Splanchno-skeleton. Muscles of facial expression, muscles involved in mastication. Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. 3. Cardiovascular system: heart and major vessels. 4. Respiratory apparatus: nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs. Respiratory muscles. Diaphragm. 5. Alimentary apparatus: oral cavity, salivary glands. 6. Endocrine system: general organization and principal endocrine glands. 7. Nervous system: general organization and nervous activities. Spinal cord; brainstem; cerebellum; diencephalon; cerebrum. Primary, secondary and associative cortical areas. 8. Sensory system. Motor system. Proprioceptors. 9. Autonomic Nervous System: sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. 10. Cranial and spinal nerves. 11. Ear (outer, middle, and inner ear). Acoustic sensitivity |
Code | GP003923 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Aldo Ferraresi |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze biomediche |
Academic discipline | BIO/09 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Physiology of the cardiovascular system. Physiology of the respiratory system. |
Reference texts | Fisiologia dell'uomo di Autori Vari Editore: Edi. Ermes Anno di Pubblicazione: 2002 ISBN: 8870512517 Pagine: XVI-600 |
Educational objectives | Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the heart, the vascular system and the respiratory system |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge of physics and chemistry, adequate knowledge of anatomy. |
Teaching methods | Frontal lessons |
Other information | None |
Learning verification modality | Oral examination |
Extended program | Biophysics of muscle tissue. • Diffusion and transport. Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, ionic channels, primary active transport, secondary active transport. • Cellular potentials. Ion distribution and membrane permeability, membrane potential, action potential, refractory period. • Biochemistry of muscle contraction. Striated muscle cell structure, thick filaments and fine filaments, control mechanism, ATP role. • Biomechanics of muscle contraction. Striated muscle: types of contraction, length / voltage curve, load / speed curve. Motor units, fiber types, simple shock and muscle tetanus, force modulation. Smooth muscle characteristics. Cardiovascular system. • Anatomical and functional characteristics. Large and small circle, vessel wall structure, vessel compliance. • Principles of hemodynamics. Flow equation, pressure gradient, vessel elasticity, flow and velocity, Bernulli's principle, laminar and turbulent motion, viscosity, Poisseuille's law, series and parallel resistances, Laplace's law, effects of gravity. • Cardiac conduction system. Functions of nodal, conduction and working tissues, nodal tissue self-regression, functions of the atrioventricular node and Purkinje network, refractory period and re-entry. • Cardiac mechanics. Control of contraction and the role of calcium, inotropic effect, isometric and isotonic contraction, cardiac cycle, length-tension, preload and post-load relationship, Frank-Starling law. • Cardiac output. Determinants of GC, prepared heart-lung, homeometric regulation, heart rate / range relationship. • Blood pressure. Determinants of BP, dicrote wave, time constant, sphygmic wave, pulse pressure and flow pulse, measurement with the Riva-Rocci method. • Capillary circle. Capillary and capillary circulation structure, diffusion and filtration, Starling model, lymphatic circulation. • Local flow regulation. Vessel tone, role of calcium, Bayliss myogenic response, effect of local metabolites. • Regulation of short-term PA. organization of regulatory mechanisms, baroreceptors and baroceptive reflex, voloceptors and Bainbridge reflex, chemoreceptors, central ischemic response. • Regulation of the PA in the medium and long term. Relationship volemia pressure, endocrine mechanisms (ADH, PNA, Angiotensin, Aldosterone), pressure diuresis. • Venous return. Pressures and resistance in venous return, venous return curve, venous compliance, venous return and cardiac function curves, muscle pump, thoraco-abdominal pump, valve plane mechanism. Respiratory system. • Respiratory mechanics. Events involved in respiration, functional anatomy of the respiratory system, lung volumes and capacities, anatomical and functional dead space, pulmonary and alveolar ventilation, role of pleurae, residual functional capacity, inspiratory and expiratory muscles. • Elastic resistances. Thoraco-pulmonary, pulmonary and thoracic relaxation (compliance) curve, surface tension and surfactant, alveolar stability. • Flow resistance. Resistance distribution, lung strength / volume relationship, resistance to forced expiration, flow-volume diagram and FEV1, restrictive and obstructive pathologies, pressure-volume relationship and respiratory work. • Ventilation and perfusion. Characteristics of the pulmonary circulation, vessel-alveoli ratios, effects of the variation of pressure in the pulmonary vessels, Starling model, hypoxic vasoconstriction, areas of the West, ventilation-perfusion ratio. • Honeycomb exchanges. Dalton's law, composition of atmospheric, inspired and alveolar air, alveolar air equation, solubilization and diffusion, Fick's law, diffusion of oxygen in particular conditions. • O2 and CO2 transport. O2 transport mode, hemoglobin and relative saturation curve, Bohr effect, CO2 transport mode, role of bicarbonate, Haldane effect. • Ventilation control. Bulbar and pontine control centers, discharge characteristics of respiratory neurons, pulmonary receptors, anticipatory responses. Central chemoreceptors, peripheral chemoreceptors, sensitivity to O2 and CO2. and pH, adaptation to altitude. • Acid-base balance. Blood buffer systems, effects of ventilation on bicarbonate swab, renal bicarbonate reabsorption, elimination of H + ions, urinary swabs. |
Code | GP003924 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Vito Enrico Pettorossi |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Scienze biomediche |
Academic discipline | BIO/09 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | nervous and muscle excitability, sensory system, motor system |
Reference texts | Conti, Kandel, Rindi-Manni |
Educational objectives | knowledge of the nervous system |
Prerequisites | In order to be able to understand the topics of the teachings at the beginning of the course the student must have the knowledge about the previous teachings and in particular: knowledge about the hunam anatomy. Important knowledge of biochemistry. Important knowledge of general physics. Important |
Teaching methods | frontal lesson,practical exercise |
Learning verification modality | The level of learning achieved will be evaluated with an oral final examination consisting of two tests that the student can support at different times. A test is designed to assess the level of knowledge reached on theoretical contents listed in the program related to physiology of the systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and digestive systems) and the other about contents related to the physiology of the nervous and endocrine systems. In each test, the student will be asked two questions by two different teachers of the course. The test is considered passed if the student achieves sufficiency in both questions. The sequence of tests is chosen by the student. The oral exam will also verify the student communication skills, his ability to organization and exposure of the theoretical topics. The final grade will be the average of the marks obtained in the 4 questions. |
Extended program | Excitability of the nervous and muscle cells, resting potential, action potentila, impulse conduction, synapses, Sensory system: propioception, touch, pain, thermosensor:threshod, transfer characteristics, spatial discrimination, descending control; Visual and acustic systems. Motor sytem: propioceptive and defence spinal reflexes, posture, voluntary movement, cortex, Cerebellum, Basal nuclei |