Study-unit Code
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Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003132
Teacher Chiara De Waure
  • Chiara De Waure
  • 30 ore - Chiara De Waure
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline MED/42
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Definition of health and public health, definition and classification of
health determinants and preventive interventions. The role of
epidemiology in public health. Epidemiology and prevention of
communicable and non communicable diseases. Health systems and
Reference texts Ricciardi W et al. [Editor]. Igiene per le lauree triennali e magistrali.
Idelson Gnocchi 2019
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills
to analyse population health and needs and to properly use preventive
Prerequisites Knowledge of secondary school mathematics and biology
Teaching methods Lectures
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral test
Extended program Definition of health and public health, definition and classification of
health determinants. Natural history of disease. Prevention: definition,
aims, levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) and methods. The role of
the epidemiology in the health planning:
approaches to the study of health and their applications. Epidemiology and prevention of
communicable diseases: direct (disinfection, sterilization, notification,
contingency measures, diagnostic assessment, vaccines) and indirect
methods. Epidemiology and prevention of non-communicable diseases:
health education and promotion and screening. Indoor-related risk and foodborne diseases and their prevention. History and
development of the Italian national health service. Organization of the Italian health system.


Code GP003880
Teacher Francesco Santini
  • Francesco Santini
  • 30 ore - Francesco Santini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze interdisciplinari
Academic discipline INF/01
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents HTML and CSS programming, visualization of content through a Webpage.
Databases and search engines in Life Sciences and Biomedical topics (PubMed).
Introduction to Word.
Introduction to Powerpoint.
Introduction to Excel. R language.
Reference texts Handouts.
Educational objectives Students will learn how the basics of computer programming in HTML/CSS and R languages. Moreover, they will be introduced to Word, Powerpoint and Excel, and how to search for information in PubMed.
Prerequisites No specific requirement.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons with slides and laboratory exercises.
Other information Website: www.unistudium.unipg.it

For the exam schedule, see:
Learning verification modality The exam project consists in choosing a scientific article through PubMed, and presenting it with a Website, a report in Word, a presentation in Powerpoint, and finally representing data with an Excel sheet. The assignment will be prepared in groups and individually discussed during the oral exam.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program HTML (tags and advanced tags).
Page composition and float sections.
CSS language. Font, colors, charset.
Life Sciences and Biomedical databases (PubMed, etc.).
Search for information in PubMed.
Introduction to Word and how to prepare a scientific report.
Mail merge.
Introduction to Powerpoint and how to prepare a presentation.
Introduction to Excel and statistical functions.
Introduction to R language. (optional)


Code 50518804
Teacher Eleonora Brillo
  • Eleonora Brillo
  • 30 ore - Eleonora Brillo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze ostetriche
Academic discipline MED/47
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course introduces students to the main issues in evidence based medicine (EBM), literature research and review, databases (Cochrane Library and Medline/PubMed), methodology for drawing up protocols and final reports of systematic reviews, key features of meta-analyses and forest plots, research designs of primary studies, reading and assessment of scientific texts, methodology for writing protocols for clinical trials.
Reference texts -Fain JA. La ricerca infermieristica. Leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2004.
-Polit DF, Beck CT. Fondamenti di Ricerca infermieristica. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2014.
-Vellone E, Piredda M. La ricerca bibliografica; strumenti e metodi per trovare e utilizzare la letteratura sanitaria. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2009.
-Jefferson T. Come leggere uno studio controllato randomizzato. 2nd ed. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore; 2012.
-Guidelines for Obstetrics and Gynecology.
-Selected scientific papers.
Educational objectives By the end of the course students should be able to:
-describe evidences meaning and importance for clinical decision-making;
-analyze critically and employ some support tools for decision making (procedures, protocols, guidelines, consensus conferences documents);
-formulate foreground questions using a structured framework (e.g. PICO);
-carry out a searching strategy to find information on a topic in different search engines (MedLine/PubMed and Cochrane Library);
-distinguish a systematic review from other types of reviews;
-describe the importance of systematic reviews/meta-analyses for clinical decision-making;
-describe the components of a search protocol for a systematic review;
-interpret a forest plot;
-describe the main distinctive features of different study types (in primary research);
-assess methodological quality of some study types (in primary research);
-plan a simple design of primary research, identifying the main elements and steps.
Teaching methods The course consists of 30 hours of class teaching during which a combination of lectures, discussions, small group works, in-class and computer-based exercises, and computer demonstrations.
Learning verification modality The examination includes an optional written exam (test) and a compulsory oral exam.
The test, which covers module I, lasts 12 minutes and consists of ten multiple-choice questions, each with four answers and only one correct. Correct answers gain one point, blank answers score zero points, and incorrect answers lose one-quarter point. The lowest passing grade is seven. No grades are assigned (only approved/not approved). If a student chooses not to take the exam or he does not pass the test, the final oral exam cover all three modules. If student pass the test, the oral exam cover modules II and III.
Students are required to register in advance for the final oral exam through SOL Servizi On Line according to the general rules of the University of Perugia.
The grades for the final exam are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with "cum laude" (30 cum laude).
-Concept of effectiveness, efficiency, appropriateness;
-Traditional medicine paradigm;
-Birth history, development, meaning and paradigm of EBM;
-Evidence Based Public Health (EBPH);
-Clinical Governance;
-Evidence Based Health Care (EBHC);
-Evidence Based Practice (EBP);
-Evidence Based Midwifery:
-History of Evidence Based Midwifery:
-Healthcare professional EBP core-curriculum;
-Process clinical decision making: a comparison of models;
-Responsibilities of the midwife in the clinical decision-making;
-Methods and tools to support process clinical decision making: procedures, protocols, guidelines, consensus conferences documents;
-Guidelines: features and quality;
-Guidelines International Network (GIN);
-National Guidelines System (SNLG);
-Systems for grading the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations.
-Introduction and approach to scientific literature;
-White and grey/gray literature;
-Scientific literature search methodology;
-Literature review: scanning and searching methods;
-Literature searching techniques;
-Clinical queries;
-Background questions;
-Foreground questions;
-PICO/PECO and EPICOT models;
-Concept of population, sample and outcome;
-Primary and secondary sources, primary and secondary databases;
-Cochrane Collaboration;
-Cochrane Library database;
-Medline database;
-MeSH thesaurus;
-The use of PubMed (basic search; searching for a phrase, searching by a specific field; searching by author and journal title; combining searches using History; combining search terms with Boolean operators; using filters and limits);
-Traditional and systematic reviews;
-Methodology for drawing up protocols of systematic reviews;
-Methodology for writing a final report of a systematic review;
-Meta-analyses and forest plot.
-Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods;
-Analytic and non-analytic studies;
-Non-analytic (or descriptive) studies: case reports, case-series, qualitative and surveys (cross-sectional) studies;
-Analytic observational studies: case-control and nested case-control studies, cohort studies and analytic cross-sectional studies;
-Ethical issues in observational studies;
-Experimental studies (randomized controlled trials);
-Non-experimental designs;
-Quasi-esperimental designs;
-Experimental designs;
-Ethical issues in experimental studies;
-Type of biases;
-Reading, interpretation, understanding and assessment of scientific texts;
-Methodology to develop projects of scientific research.


Code 50A00030
Teacher Donatella Lanari
  • Donatella Lanari
  • 15 ore - Donatella Lanari
Learning activities Base
Area Scienze propedeutiche
Academic discipline MED/01
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction Italian
Contents 1) La statistica finalità e definizioni

2) Tipi e scale di misura

3) Misure di sintesi: tendenza centrale, e variabilità

4) Rappresentazione dei dati in grafici e tabelle

5) Distribuzioni teoriche di probabilità

6) Curva normale standardizzata

7) Statistica inferenziale

8) Stime puntuali ed intervallari

9) Test di ipotesi: ipotesi nulla e ipotesi alternativa

10) Test di significatività statistica

11) Tabelle di contingenza

12) Misure di rischio

13) Correlazione e regressione lineare semplice

14) Database e software statistici
Reference texts “Statistica per le professioni sanitarie”, J. Fowler, P. Jarvis, M. Chevannes. Ed. EdiSES Università, Napoli, 2006

Saranno messe a disposizione degli studenti nella piattaforma Unistudium le slides utilizzate a lezione.
Educational objectives
Teaching methods
Other information
Learning verification modality Prova scritta. Il test prevede domande con risposta vero/falso, domande a risposta multipla e una domanda aperta (es. definizione, commentare una tabella o un grafico ..).
Extended program 1) La statistica finalità e definizioni
Campione e universo
Parametri e stime
Disegno dello studio
Tipi di studio
2) Tipi e scale di misura
Di intervallo
Di rapporto
3) Misure di sintesi: tendenza centrale e variabilità
Deviazione standard
Range interquartile
Coefficiente di variazione
4) Rappresentazione dei dati in grafici e tabelle
Grafici a barre
Stem and leaf plot
Dot plot
Box and whiskers plot
Grafici a torta.
5) Distribuzioni teoriche di probabilità
La distribuzione normale
6) Curva normale standardizzata
7) Statistica inferenziale
Distribuzione campionaria della media
Teorema del limite centrale
8) Stime puntuali ed intervallari
Errore standard
Limiti di confidenza
9) Test di ipotesi: ipotesi nulla e ipotesi alternativa
Formulazione dell’ipotesi
Criterio di decisione
Errore statistico di 1° e di 2° tipo;
Potenza del test
Dimensione campionaria.
10) Test di significatività statistica
Test parametrici per dati indipendenti
Test parametrici per dati appaiati
Test non parametrici per dati indipendenti
Test non parametrici per dati appaiati
11) Tabelle di contingenza
Test chi quadrato
Correzione di Yates

12) Misure di rischio
Rischio relativo
Odds ratio
13) Correlazione e regressione lineare semplice
Correlazione tra variabili
Coefficiente di correlazione parametrico e non parametrico
Retta di regressione e coefficienti di regressione

14) Database e software statistici
Come preparare un database
Quali software statistici utilizzare
Free software e non
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