Unit International and EU migration law and policies
- Course
- International relations
- Study-unit Code
- A001447
- Curriculum
- Migration, globalisation and world governance
- Teacher
- Amina Maneggia
- Teachers
- Amina Maneggia
- Hours
- 54 ore - Amina Maneggia
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2022
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Giuridico
- Academic discipline
- IUS/13
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- English
- Contents
- The course provides an introduction to the international and European legal framework regulating migration and migrants’ protection, with a special focus on rules and policies applicable to the current migration flows in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Key contemporary problems in the fields of immigration, asylum and refugee law will be examined through the study of the most significant case-law of national, international and European courts.
- Reference texts
- V. CHETAIL, International Migration Law, Oxford, O.U.P. 2019
C. THOMAS, Disorderly borders: How International Law Shapes Irregular Migration, New York, Oxford University Press, 2021 (selected chapters)
C. BARNARD, S. PEERS (eds.), European Union Law, 3rd ed., Oxford, OUP, 2020 (chapter 13: C. BARNARD, Free movement of natural persons and citizenship; and CHAPTER 25: S. PEERS, Immigration and asylum)
M. KOTZUR, D. MOYA, ÜLKÜ SEZGI SÖZEN, A. ROMANO (eds.), The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies: Border Management, Human Rights and Development Policies in the Mediterranean Area, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2020 (selected Chapters)
Further readings will be made available on Unistudium - Educational objectives
- The aim of this teaching is to provide students with basic knowledge and critical understanding: 1) of the International and European legal framework regulating migration and the protection of refugees and other persons in need of international protection, also in the light of international and European human rights law; 2) of its application to some key issues and problems related to the contemporary migration crisis.
At the end of the course students are expected to have acquired:
• Knowledge of the core sources of International and European migration and refugee law, their main content and prospective evolution and reform.
• Knowledge of the legal constraints stemming from International Human Rights Law upon national and European migration policies
• Knowledge of the most significant European case-law on migration, asylum and migrants’ human rights of migrants.
• Knowledge of the international and European institutional architecture promoting cooperation in migration governance
• Knowledge and critical understanding of some main issues characterising the current “migration crisis” and of the applicable legal framework
As to the skills, students will acquire:
• The ability to apply the legal framework studied to concrete factual circumstances
• The ability to assess current trends, debates and proposals at the national and European levels regarding legal and policy choices in the governance of migration
• The ability to provide legal expert advice on issues and cases involving the application of European and international migration law
• The ability to communicate the knowledge acquired to specialist and non-specialist audiences;
• awareness of the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge, in particular of how their expertise and its correct communication can promote the evolution of legal rules and steer social and political choices;
• a method of study and critical assessment of European and international legal documents and policies and data on migration and asylum. - Prerequisites
- Basic knowledge of EU law and Public International Law.
- Teaching methods
- Face-to-face lectures; guided in-class reading and debate of texts and documents; use of audio-visual materials.
If required by an enduring situation of health emergency due to Covid-19, a blended learning methodology will be used - Other information
- Contacts
Phone: +39 075 585 2468
Students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders
https://www.unipg.it/en/international-students/general-information/facilities-for-special-needs-students - Learning verification modality
- Final oral exam. The oral exam consists of a discussion-interview of about 25 minutes on topics and cases included in the course programme. The test aims at verifying the level of knowledge, critical discussion and ability to make use of the theoretical tools acquired by the student.
If required by an enduring situation of health emergency due to Covid-19, exams will take place online - Extended program
- PART I. International Migration and Refugee Law: 1) Introduction: The migration phenomenon and its complexity; types and causes of migration including environmental migration, and legal implications; 2) Origins of international migration law (IML); 3) Founding principles of IML: rules on departure, admission and the sojourn of migrants, stemming from International Law and International Human Rights Law; 4) The Treaty Regimes of International Migration Law: a) Refugees; b) Migrant workers; c) Trafficked and Smuggles Migrants; 5) Soft Law in Global Migration Governance; 6) The Architecture of Global Migration Governance; 7) Case-studies on migration and International/European Human Rights Law.
PART II. EU Migration Law and policies. 1) Origins, legal basis and evolution of the EU migration policy (from the Treaty of Amsterdam Treaty and the Tampere Programme of Action to the New Pact on Immigration and Asylum 2020. 2) Main features and achievements in the following sectors: border control and visa policy; regular migration; fight against irregular migration; the Common European Asylum System; the external dimension of the EU migration policy.