- Course
- Agricultural and environmental sciences
- Study-unit Code
- 80001806
- Curriculum
- Agricoltura sostenibile
- Teacher
- Francesca Todisco
- Teachers
- Francesca Todisco
- Hours
- 54 ore - Francesca Todisco
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Affine/integrativa
- Area
- Attività formative affini o integrative
- Academic discipline
- AGR/08
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- Water resources in agro-forest lands.
Fluids in motion
Pipe flow
Open channel flow
Hydrostatics in soil water zone.
Drainage systems - Reference texts
- 1. notes prepared by the teacher on some topics
2.FERRO V. Elementi di Idraulica ed Idrologia per le scienze agrarie, ambientali e forestali,
3.DE MARCHI G., NOSEDA G., CITRINI D., Nozioni di idraulica con particolare riguardo ai problemi delle bonifiche e delle irrigazioni, EDAGRICOLE, Bologna
4.FALCIAI M., Appunti di Idraulica Agraria, CUSL, Firenze. - Educational objectives
- Objective of the course: to introduce students to the study of the main processes of fluid mechanics aimed at the reading of land accommodation and land improvement projects. The most important hydrostatic and hydrodynamic phenomena will be illustrated and formulated, both for surface waters and for underground waters, in the context of the evaluation of water resources, of water supply and of the reclamation. At the same time the student will be introduced to the analysis of the problems and to the resolution of the calculations for designing and testing the pipelines (long and short), the open canals, the drainage systems and the wells
Knowledge (know)
1. Basic knowledge of fluids
2. Basic knowledge of the water cycle
3. Basic knowledge of deficit and excess water problems in agricultural land.
4. Basic knowledge of hydrostatics
5. Basic knowledge of hydrodynamics
6. Basic knowledge of pipeline design and verification issues
7. Basic knowledge of channel design and verification issues
8. Basic knowledge of water-land relations
9. Basic knowledge on water retention and motion in unsaturated media
10. Basic knowledge of water flow in saturated and unsaturated media
11. Basic knowledge of groundwater
Ability (know-how)
1. Understand and read remediation projects 2. Address the hydraulic problems in the farm management
3. Evaluate the soil water sontent in relation to the different phases of the hydrological cycle.
4. To understand the hydraulic processes in a context of water resources management
5. To frame the hydraulic processes in a context of environmental protection.
6. Design and testing of pipelines
7. Design and testing of open channels
8. Design and testing drainage systems
Behaviors (knowing how to be)
1. Be sensitive to water resource management
2. Be sensitive to environmental protection issues (hydraulic risk)
3. Knowing how to communicate and manage information and data.
4. Knowing how to work in an interdisciplinary context. - Prerequisites
- Prerequisites: Mathematics, Physics
- Teaching methods
- Lectures Practices Teaching and learning supports: seminar videos, set of university lectures on UNISTUDIUM, books
- Other information
- Professor address: Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali (DSA3); Borgo XX Giugno 74. Perugia; Phone: 075 5856052 e_mail: francesca.todisco@unipg.itReception time-table dependent on the semester: see http://www.unipg.it/personale/francesca.todisco or http://www.agr.unipg.it/ A student may be also received by appointement, via e_mail application to francesca.todisco@unipg.it
- Learning verification modality
- Oral exam aimed to verify the student knowledges, his discussion capacity, his applicative capacity related to solve hydraulics problems. The exam consists in a discussion of about 30-45 minutes on 3 questions at least. The questions are related to different topics (hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, soil water retention) of the program illustrated during the lectures.
- Extended program
Compressive and incompressible fluids. Density, Unit weight, viscosity.
Hydrological cycle. Precipitation. Evapotraspiration. Overland flow. Infiltration. Percolation. Groundwater.
Intensity of pressure. Variation of pressure in a liquid. Surfaces of equal pressure. Diagram of pressure in a plane area. Total pressure on a plane area. Center of pressure. Horizontal pressure on curved surface. Vertical pressure on curved surface.
Practical training: pressure diagram, water pressure on weir, fluids in motion,
kinematics of fluid flow. Continuity equation. Bernoulli's theorem. Extention of Bernoulli's theorem. Flow through pipes. Flow in open channel. Practical training: Bernouilli's applications, Hydraulics designs
Interfacial tension. Adsorption. Capillarity. Capillary pressure. Moisture Retention. Moisture distribution in a vertical profile. Retention curves.
Flow in the unsaturated zone (outlines). Aquifers. Darcy's law. Hydraulic conductivity. Wells. Practical training: wells. Drainage systems. Practical training: Drainage systems