- Course
- Agricultural and environmental sciences
- Study-unit Code
- 80017209
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Primo Proietti
- Teachers
- Primo Proietti
- Hours
- 81 ore - Primo Proietti
- 9
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2021
- Offered
- 2022/23
- Learning activities
- Caratterizzante
- Area
- Discipline della produzione vegetale
- Academic discipline
- AGR/03
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa monodisciplinare
- Language of instruction
- Italian
- Contents
- In summary, the program includes:
Uses, organography and biology of trees/shrubs.
Life/vegetative/productive cycle.
Planting/cultivation techniques.
Control of production quantity/quality/cost/environmental impact.
Legislation and structure for tree/shrub nursery.
Nursery cultivation in field, tunnels, greenhouses and container.
Propagation techniques. - Reference texts
- 1. Proietti P. - Lecture notes and slides PDF available in UNISTUDIUM.
For further information on the basis of individual interests of the students:
C. Peano, F. Sottile - Principi di arboricoltura. Edises, Napoli.
2. Sansavini S. - Arboricoltura generale. Pàtron Editore, Bologna .
3. Valli R. - Arboricoltura generale e speciale. Edagricole, Bologna.
4. Tesi R. - Colture protette. Edagricole, Bologna.
5. Vezzosi C. - Vivaistica ornamentale. Edagricole, Bologna.
6. Gradi A. - Vivaistica forestale. Edagricole, Bologna.
7. Tesi R. - Moderne tecniche di protezione in orticoltura floricoltura e frutticoltura. Edagricole,
8. Alpi a., Rognoni F. - Coltivazione in serra. Edagricole, Bologna. - Educational objectives
- General objective of course is to provide students with the foundation for designing, planting and managing tree cultivation systems and nursery techniques in order to optimize the quantitative and qualitative results and reduce costs and environmental impact.
The specific objectives are:
- Acquire and process knowledge on morphology, biology, physiology, phenology and environmental and human factors interacting with tree systems to obtain production of high quantity/quality and economically and environmentally sustainable.
- Explain the principles and define techniques for the control of vegetative and productive activities of tree species to pursue these objectives, with particular reference to planting, soil management, fertilization, irrigation, pruning and training system, harvesting.
- Provide knowledge on laws, on nursery structures, the physiological bases and techniques of propagation and training in the nursery of trees and shrubs in order to plan and manage nurseries for plants with adequate guarantees of genetic , health and agronomic quality, cost-effective and environmentally friendly. - Prerequisites
- In order to achieve the learning objectives of the teaching of General Arboriculture and nursery technique it is necessary that the student has passed the exam of Botany.
In addition, the student, at the beginning of the lessons or at the beginning of the study, should have acquired the basic knowledge of the principles of agronomy and agricultural ecology, the objectives and techniques of genetic improvement and application of agricultural hydraulics. This knowledge, in fact, constitute a useful requisite to be able to successfully attend the course and prepare adequately the exam. - Teaching methods
- The course is organized as follows:
Lectures on the topics listed in the program under "lectures".
Laboratory exercises on the topics listed in the program under "classroom exercises / laboratory".
Exercises on the topics listed in the program under "classroom exercises / laboratory".
Field exercises on the topics listed in the program in the "field activities".
Seminars conducted by students of the course: if any (to be agreed with the students and to be included in the practice).
Activities in foreign language: if any (to be agreed with the students and to be included in lectures).
Tutorial support activities, in addition to teaching hours, programmed in number of hours suitable to meet the needs of students.
Educational visits and seminars with experts on the topics listed in the program under "educational visits / seminars with experts".
Some exercises will be carried out for groups of students in relation to the capacity of the laboratories. - Other information
- The lesson frequency is strongly recommended.
Reception timetable: Morning and afternoon from Monday to Thursday and Friday morning.
Prof. Primo Proietti - tel. 0755856257 - mobile 3485174454 - e-mail primo.proietti@unipg.it - facebook primo proietti - (Specific interactive Facebook or Whatsapp group - ask to the teacher) - Learning verification modality
- For the assessment of learning of knowledge relating to the course, there is an oral exam or a written exam.
Both exams, based on the preferences of the students, can be supported in one or two solutions on different dates, each corresponding to an equivalent part of the program.
The exams will help to determine the level of knowledge acquired, the analytical skills and independent revision of the knowledge to solve problems related to the design, planting and management of tree cultivation systems and for the management of nursery. The exams will also assess the presentation skills of the student.
The oral test will consist of a discussion of about one hour (or half hour for each solution) to ascertain the level of knowledge about the contents of the program and the processing capacity / implementation of the knowledge acquired by the student. The oral exam will also evaluate the communication skills of the student in relation to the property of language of the discipline and the organization of a personal exhibition on the contents of the program.
The written exam will consist of at least 3 open-ended questions and in the description and critique of images related to the topics of the program. The test will last up to 2 hours. The written test, like the oral one, will ensure the level of knowledge about the contents of the program and the processing capacity / implementation of the knowledge gained by the student. This test will also serve to evaluate the ability of communication in writing of the student in relation to language of the discipline and the organization of a personal exhibition on the contents of the program.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or SLD, visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa - Extended program
- General arboriculture - lectures
Functions and uses of trees and shrubs. Organography of trees and shrubs recalls: the root system (development and function of roots) and epigeal organs (buds, shoots, twigs, branches, trunk, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds).
Elements of shrub/tree biology and physiology. Life cycle: stage of youth, stage of maturity and senescence in shrubs and trees. Annual vegetative cycle: budding, growth of sprouts, lignification, leaf drop, rest.
Productive cycle: induction, differentiation, flowering, pollination, fertilization, fruit set, fruit growth and ripening, alternate bearing.
Relationships between soil, climate and anthropic environment and vegetative and productive tree activity; environmental suitability, choice of species, cultivars and rootstocks.
Principles and cultivation techniques for planting and management of trees and shrubs in relation to their use, optimization of production quantity/quality, control of production costs and reduction of environmental impact: orchard planting, soil management, fertilization, irrigation, pruning and training systems, harvesting.
General arboriculture - classroom/laboratory practice
Organography of trees and shrubs; determination of the main fruit quality characteristics in order to determine the optimal stage of harvesting.
General arboriculture - field practice
Recognition of tree and shrubs; techniques and equipment for the management of trees and shrubs with particular reference to marking out (squaring), planting, pruning and training systems.
General arboriculture - Seminars on topics of arboriculture. Educational trip to farms with fruit orchards.
Nursery technique - lectures
General information: definitions, main branches of the nursery, conditions for the activity tree nursery sector; importance of nursery. Community and national legislation relating to the nursery activity: pest management, genetic integrity and quality.
Structure of the nursery: farm center (offices, warehouses, workshops, cells refrigerator, show garden, packaging and shipping area), propagation center (defense structures - windbreak, anti-hail nets, shade structures, mulching; semi-forcing structures - tunnels, forcing structures - greenhouses); crop area (seedbed, cutting-bed, grafting area, etc.).
Greenhouses for shrubs and trees propagation and cultivation: location, size, orientation, shape, type of bearing structure, loads and materials used, cover materials and greenhouse effect; greenhouse conditioning (heating, cooling, lighting, humidification, carbon dioxide enrichment). Strategies to improve environmental compatibility of greenhouses.
Field nursery cultivation of shrubs and trees: planting, crop rotation and soil sterilization, pruning and training systems, weeding, fertilizing, watering, transplanting bare-root, root balled and container grown trees. Cultivation in tunnels and greenhouse of shrubs and trees: banquette, caissons, benches, irrigation, fertilization, pest and weed control. Cultivation in container for shrubs and trees: container area, growing media (characteristics, preparation and sterilization), characteristics of different types of containers, potting and arrangement of plants in the container area, fertilization, irrigation, closed-cycle irrigation, weed control. Commercialization: shipping time, preparation, loading. Gamic and asexual propagation techniques for trees and shrubs, with particular reference to the propagation by seed, micropropagation, cuttings, layering and grafting.
Nursery techniques - Laboratory practice
Materials for growing trees in container.
Nursery techniques - field practice
Propagation techniques for trees and shrubs, with particular reference to micropropagation, cutting and grafting. Structures and materials for construction of semi-forcing and forcing structures in the nursery.
Nursery techniques - educational trip in farms with nursersry.