Agricultural and environmental sciences
Study-unit Code
Luciano Morbidini
Course Regulation
Coorte 2021
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A002049
Teacher Simona Mattioli
  • Alessandro Dal Bosco (Codocenza)
  • Simona Mattioli
  • 27 ore (Codocenza) - Alessandro Dal Bosco
  • 27 ore - Simona Mattioli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline delle scienze animali
Academic discipline AGR/20
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction italian
Contents Products quality concept (technological, nutritional, organoleptic) of fish and livestock products and their processed products; the factors that influence the quality of products of animal origin; the major problems of the sector; the quality requirements and the main analytical techniques for the qualitative characterization of different types of products such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and their processed products and novel food.
Reference texts 1. Handouts and materials provided by the teacher.
2. LAWRIE R.A. (1983): Scienza della carne, Edagricole, Bologna.
3. Paolo Cabras, Aldo Martelli (2004) Chimica degli alimenti. Piccin-Nuova Libraria
4. Igiene e tecnologie degli alimenti di origine animale. Accademia, G. Colavita.
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to introduce the qualitative bases (technological, nutritional, organoleptic) of some foods of animal origin, as well as the main analytical techniques for assessing the quality of livestock and fish products. In order to allow graduate students to have adequate knowledge to operate in the quality control sector regarding the production chains of meat, eggs, dairy and fish products. Moreover, will be instructed also novel food (insect)
The main knowledge acquired will be on:
- different types of products such as meat, milk, eggs and fish products;
- quality control of products of animal origin and its processed products;
- analytical evaluation for quality control.
Prerequisites The ability to perform simple mathematical calculations is required, as well as, also some knowledge of physics, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.
To this aim, for efficiently follow the course, it is recommended to have passed other exams of the first and second year such as Chemistry and Biochemistry. It is also necessary to follow the Zootechnics module (within the course in Animal Production), in order to understand the factors that can affect the quality of animal products.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows
- Lectures on all the topics of the course;
- Laboratory exercises for the evaluation of the quality of the studied products;
- Classroom exercises for bibliographic research of scientific articles in English relating to the factors that influence the quality of products;
- Seminars held by small teacher/student working groups on processed products
- Interactive quizzes to understand the seminar activities carried out by the teacher/student working groups
- Foreign language activity
Other information the teacher can be contacted for any clarification by e-mail
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral test and the presentation of a paper in the classroom group product concerning a processed product of their choice.
The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting about 20 minutes
aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and the ability to understanding achieved by the student on the technical contents indicated in program.
The exam will also have the purpose of verifying the student's ability to connect, analyze and communicate with particular attention to language properties and the ability to organize the required topics.
The presentation of the paper in the classroom represents the final phase of one training course carried out in collaboration with the teacher and with experts of the sector and aimed at identifying and searching for real solutions to issues taken into consideration.
Extended program Concept of quality (technological, nutritional, organoleptic)
• Quality of meat and its processed products
• Quality of wild animals
• Quality of fish products (fish, molluscs and crustaceans)
• Quality of eggs
• Quality of milk and its derivatives
• Novel Food
• Analytical evaluations for the determination of quality in the laboratory
During the exercises, students will be involved in:
1. visits to companies that process and transform food products of animal origin;
2. in the laboratory, the application of the main analytical techniques for assessing the quality of animal products;
3. the bibliographic research of scientific articles in English relating to processed products, and in the use of the main search engines of international bibliography, choosing the most appropriate keywords for identifying the articles;
4. the preparation of a Power Point presentation and in the evaluation through interactive quizzes of the presentation activity.


Code A002044
Teacher Luciano Morbidini
  • Luciano Morbidini
  • 54 ore - Luciano Morbidini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline delle scienze animali
Academic discipline AGR/19
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Basic knowledge related to animal nutrition (feed principles, evaluation methods and rationing. Elements of animal morphology and ethnography. Main rearing techniques and production quality, according to the farming systems, the genetic types reared and relations with the territory.
Reference texts Slides of lectures and exercises, pictures of the main breeds, tables of nutrition, distributed by the teacher through the Official University multimedia support.
For a closer look at the topics:
-Bittante G., Andrighetto I., Ramanzin M. 1990 . Fondamenti di Zootecnia. Liviana Ed.
- Bittante G., Andrighetto I., Ramanzin M. 1997- Tecniche di Produzione Animale. Liviana Ed.
Educational objectives The goal of education is to transmit basic knowledge about animal nutrition, ethnology, rearing techniques of the main breeds of farm animal.
Main Knowledge (know) will be:
1. morphological and functional types
2. differential characteristics of genetic types treated
3.nutritional value of the main feeds in animal nutrition
4. parameters which determine the needs of the animals
5. parameters rationing of animals
6. breeding techniques of buffalo and cattle for milk and meat
7. rearing techniques of sheep
8. rearing techniques of goats
9.rearing techniques of pigs
10. the basic values of the quality of animal products

The main concern skills developed (skills):
1. Evaluate morphologically and physiologically an animal according to the standard types
2. Know how to describe morphologically an animal
3. To recognize an animal breed because of differential characteristics
4. Knowing how to read the tables of feed in animal science
5. Knowing how to read tables of needs of animals of various species, aptitude and category
6. Know how to design a simple ration for animals of various species, aptitude and category
7. Know how to analyze the technical differences of the various farms

The main behaviors include activated (interpersonal skills)
1. Always take into account the impact on the environment of all types of farming
2. Always take into account the risk to the health of consumers, linked to the farming techniques
3. The breeding as a synthesis of various skills (botanical, agricultural, animal husbandry, veterinary, economic, social, etc.)
Prerequisites The lessons does not require any prerequisites. However, it is required the ability to perform simple mathematical calculations and basic knowledge of animal biology.
Teaching methods The lessons is organized in lectures in the classroom, with media, on the topics listed in the syllabus, and in practical lessons in the classroom or in the field on topics of troubleshooting with rationing, on recognition of the major breeds with ethnographic illustration of discriminating characteristics of each, and educational visits in the field at local farms.
Other information No.
Learning verification modality The oral examination must be preceded by the sending, one week before the oral examination, of a written, preparatory report (suitability for the oral test), which consists in calculating a simple ration for a category of livestock animals of your choice, along the lines of the exercises carried out during the course.
The oral examination consists of a discussion of about 30-40 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the topics presented in class and listed in the syllabus.
The questions will focus first on the fundamental aspects of the principles of animal feed, followed by the presentation of two slides on many genetic types, respectively, cattle, sheep or goats and pigs, of which the student will illustrate morphological evaluation, breed recognition, rearing techniques and quality of their productions. Overall, the oral test will check communication skills, the properties of language, the ability to apply the acquired skills and develop solutions in independent judgment.
Extended program Theoretical lessons

1) Outline of feed principles and their role in animal nutrition. Chemical and physiological feed assessment. Feed utilization by animals: digestibility and rumen degradability and influencing factors. Dry matter, energy and protein: an outline of the evaluation methods. Nutritional requirements and rationing methods of main livestock species. Characteristics of main feed categories. Notes on the influence of the techniques of feed preservation (hay, silage, drying) on their quality.

2) Animal morphology: body regions, morphological and functional types, coats.

3) Major farming systems of in livestock and their influence on the environment.

4) Ethnography.

5) General aspects on bovine animals. Technological aspects of farm management and buffalo.

6) Main breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs raised in Italy: morphological differences, origin and spread, signs of reproductive and productive characters. Main rearing techniques, aspects to consider about management technologies. 7) Evidence on the environmental impact and the repercussions on product quality and consumer health.

Practical lessons
1) Aspects relating to the design of a ration for livestock: differentiation between dry matter and as fed, reading tables of feed, reading rationing tables of different livestock species, production attitude and category. Calculation of basic rations for farm animals.
2) Practical morpho-functional evaluation of farm animals.
Recognition differential genotypes of livestock species with use of multimedia or in the field.
3) Examples of farming systems, with the study in the field of practical issues and problems relating species, breeds, reproductive and productive parameters. Technologies for management of farms and their relapse on environmental issues and on health of consumers.
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