Food science and technology
Study-unit Code
Tecnologie birrarie
Euro Pannacci
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code 80999406
Teacher Euro Pannacci
  • Michela Farneselli
  • 54 ore - Michela Farneselli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Description of the most widespread and meaningful species of field brewing crops (malted and unmalted cereals; other smaller starch crops, hops and other minor herbaceous crops for flavourings) with regard to morphology, biology and eco-physiology; cultivation techniques as related to cultivar, yield and quality; objectives and perspectives of breeding.
Reference texts - slides, scientific and technical papers.
- F. Bonciarelli e U. Bonciarelli, Coltivazioni erbacee, Calderini EdAgricole, Bologna, 2001
- Remigio Baldoni, Luigi Giardini. Coltivazioni erbacee. Cereali e proteaginose. Patron Editore, Bologna, 2001
- M. Biendl, B. Engelhard, A. Forster, A. Gahr, A. Lutz, W. Mitter, R. Schmidt, C.Schönberger. Hops: Their Cultivation, Composition and Usage (BRAUWELT Knowledge) 
- V. Rybacek Editor. Developments in Crop Science, vol 16, Hop production 1991. (Elsevier)
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to provide students with specific knowledge on arable field brewing crops.
In particular students will be provided with: knowledge on the implications that agricultural techniques may have on the qualities of yield; knowledge on economic importance and diffusion of field brewing crops; agronomical and technological abilities on the field arable brewing crop cultivation. Moreover students will be educated at identifying the main cultivated species.
Prerequisites Topics covered in the module “Brewing crops” require basic knowledge of agronomy and agricultural ecology.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures concerning all the subject of the course: 40 hours;
- Practices in laboratory dedicated to the analysis of plant material useful to the recognition of individual species (8 hours). During the practical training, seeds / fruits, inflorescences and plants of the major species described during the course will be given to the students in order to be able to see and know the different morphology of various organs useful for recognition.
- Periodic field trips to the garden of the Department (2 hours), where many species are grown and where students can directly see the different phenological phases of each crop;
- Periodic field trips to farms and / or experimental station of the Department (2 hours) where students can see the plants included in cropping systems in order to facilitate direct knowledge of cultivation techniques.
Other information Means to help teaching and learning:
Overheads, slides and videos
Technical and scientific papers
Reference Books
Drafts based on slides
Seeds and plants of brewing crops

Learning means (besides attendance to lectures):
Study on reference books and drafts
Reading of technical and scientific papers provided by the teacher
Practicing for technical abilities on field crops
Practicing for technical and professional abilities on hypothetical farm contexts
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and understanding capability acquired by the student on program contents. The questions will focus on three among the following subjects: winter cereals, summer cereals, hop and other uncommon species for brewing.
The oral exam will also test the student communication skills and her/his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
Extended program The aim of the course is to provide students with specific knowledge on arable field brewing crops.
List of species:
- cereals (malted and unmalted): barley, wheat, oat, rye, spelt, rice, maize, sorghum, millets, panic
- other minor species for starch yield:
- flavouring species: hop, and other local species
For each species the following information will be given: diffusion and importance; morphology; phylogenesis; biology; soil and climate needs; eco-physiology; abiotic and biotic diseases; objectives and perspectives of breeding; cultivation technique (rotation, tillage, fertilization, choice of cultivar, sowing, weed control, irrigation and other operations, harvest). In particular, for each species will be focused the interactions between the choice of cultivar, the cultivation technique, the yield and quality of produce and brewing technology.


Code 80999306
Teacher Euro Pannacci
  • Euro Pannacci
  • 54 ore - Euro Pannacci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Academic discipline AGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is based on the knowledges of agronomy.
Lectures: Elements of ecology; Ecosystems and agro-ecosystems; Climatic environment; Soil; Agricultural techniques and management of agro-ecosystems (agricultural drainage systems, tillage, dryland farming, irrigation, fertilization, crop rotation and intercropping, methods of planting crops, seed, weed control). Theoretical lessons and practical training: Exercises in the classroom and the laboratory; Practical case studies; Field trips.
Reference texts 1. F. Bonciarelli e U. Bonciarelli, agronomia, Edagricole scolastico, Bologna. 2003.

2. P. Ceccon, M. Fagnano, C. Grignani, M. Monti, S. Orlandini. Agronomia, Edisen, 2017.

3. Learning and teaching materials.
Educational objectives The course objective is to provide students with the basic knowledge of ecology and Agonomy.

In particular:
Knowledge (know)
1. Components of agro-ecosystems
2. Climatic factors and microclimate at the base of crop production
3. Relations between agronomic fertility and chemical, physical, hydrological, and biological properties of the agricultural land
4. Cultivation System
5. agronomic techniques and sustainable management of agro-ecosystems

Skills (skills)
1. Measure and interpret the climate and microclimate parameters
2. Use the methods for the determination of agronomic traits and water status of the soil and interpret the analytical results
3. Manage the agronomic techniques in compliance with the qualitative, economic and environmental, and learn to predict the affects on the environment
4. Adapt the agricultural techniques to the climatic and environmental conditions of specific agricultural areas
5. Apply the main procedures for measuring the quality of seeds
6. Design agronomic interventions aimed at safeguarding the fertility of the soil, the environment and quality of agricultural production
7. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
8. Capacity of organization and planning

Behaviors (interpersonal skills)
1. Being able to work in multidisciplinary groups
2. Be aware of the ecological role of agricultural production techniques
Prerequisites Nothing
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:

- Lectures on all topics of the course;

- Theoretical lessons and practical training;

- Field trips (at the Experimental Station of Papiano, PG and any farms) to see directly and practically aspects of technical and practical nature regarding some topics of the course (tillage, fertilizing, irrigation, tools, farm implements , etc.).
Other information Lectures attendance is optional, but strongly recommended
Learning verification modality The oral exam consists on a discussion aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on the theoretical, methodological and practical contents mentioned in the program. The oral exam will also test the student ability to apply the acquired skills, the student communication skills and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical and practical topics.
Extended program The goal of the course is to provide students with the fundamental knowledges of ecology and agronomy.
Elements of ecology
Ecosystems and agro-ecosystems
Climatic environment: Radiation; Atmosphere (composition and physical properties, interaction between atmosphere and solar radiation, Wind); Temperature (air and soil temperature, temperature and vegetation); Water (water cycle, atmospheric humidity, hydrometeors, evapotranspiration); Climate (elements and climatic factors, climatic classification).
Soil: physical and mechanical characteristics, chemical and biological properties; hydrology and air.
Agricultural techniques and management of agro-ecosystems:
- Agricultural drainage systems;

- Tillage (aims, tools, types);

- Dryland farming (principles and applications);

- Irrigation (aims, types, irrigation techniques, systems and irrigation methods);

- Fertilization (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the plant and in the soil, laws of fertilization, the technique of fertilization, mineral and organic fertilizers);

- Crop rotation and intercropping (principles and types);

- Methods of planting crops;

- Seed (agricultural and genetic characteristics);

- Weed control (classification of weeds, indirect and direct weed control methods, non-chemical and chemical weed control methods).

Theoretical lessons and practical training:

- Exercises in the classroom and the laboratory on the course topics (determining the physical characteristics of the soil; determination of seed characteristics, etc.)

- Practical case studies related to the knowledge acquired in the Course

- Directly and visual depth of the course topics through field trips
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