- Course
- Food science and technology
- Study-unit Code
- 80026712
- Curriculum
- Viticoltura e enologia
- Teacher
- Alberto Palliotti
- 12
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2019
- Offered
- 2020/21
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | 80523006 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Alberto Palliotti |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline della tecnologia alimentare |
Academic discipline | AGR/03 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Current state and future prospects of vine cultivation. Viticulture statistics. Anatomy, morphology and physiology of the vine. Vegetative and productive cycle. Evolution of quality parameters during ripening of grapes. Vineyards and vegetation microclimate. Vineyard efficiency and vegeto-productive equilibrium indices. Massive and clonal selection. |
Reference texts | Manuale di Viticultura (2018). Authors: Palliotti A., Poni S., Silvestroni O. Edagricole (Bologna) La Nuova Viticoltura (2015). Autori: Palliotti A., Poni S., Silvestroni O. Edagricole (Bologna) Scientific articles and Power point lessons provided by the teacher. |
Educational objectives | The aim of the course is to convey appropriate knowledge on the evolution of viticulture and planetary distribution, the study of the constituent elements of the plant, the environmental vocation to the cultivation of the vine, the analysis of the terroir and its influence on the parameters of the grapes and plant productivity, as well as on the evaluation of the vineyard efficiency and the influence exerted by the main abiotic stresses. The main acquisitions will be on: - Evolution of the wine sector in the regional, national, European and world markets - Organism of the genus Vitis and vegetative and reproductive phases - Biology of the development and ripening of grapes - Eco-viticultural physiology and environmental stress - Terroir and cru (description, evaluation and analysis) - Vegeto-productive equilibrium indices and evaluation of the efficiency of vineyards The student will be able to apply knowledge of acquired knowledge, gaining the following ability to do: - analyze and communicate and discuss the evolution of the wine sector worldwide; - relate to specific aspects of vine development and soil and climatic factors affecting its productive and qualitative performance; - ability to interpret the relationship between environment and plant to optimize physiological processes and overcome environmental stresses; - ability to identify vines and clones more suitable for different environments on the basis of physiological, ecological and productive criteria; - analyze the efficiency of the vineyard (an indispensable prerogative for the application of the corrective cultivation techniques that will be addressed in the Viticulture II module) - ability to find and interpret recent researches in the wine-growing sector to optimize production and increase biotic and abiotic resistances also in light of the ongoing climate change and changing market demands. |
Prerequisites | In order to be able to understand and apply salient aspects of several issues, i.e. ecophysiology and varietal/clonal recognition, it is useful that the students must have successfully passed the exams of Chemical and Biology. This prerequisite is valid both for students who attend classes and for those who do not attend. |
Teaching methods | The Course is organized as follows: - frontal classroom lessons on all topics of the program; - specific seminars on innovative topics; - Practices carried out at the laboratories and at the experimental and commercial vineyards. |
Other information | n. 3 examination appeals in the first session (June and July); n. 2 appeals in the 2nd session (September); n. 3 appeals in the 3rd session (January and February). n. 1 extraordinary appeal (February). |
Learning verification modality | Verification of learning involves a verbal assessment consisting of a discussion of about 40-45 minutes aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired by the student, as well as evaluating the critical abilities expressed in relation to the main problems of the sector, especially in the light of change Climate and changing market needs. The questions will cover aspects of organography, physiology, vegetative and reproductive activity, metabolism of grape ripening, and relationships between the pedo-climatic environment and the genetic potential that can be used. Particular attention is devoted to the study of synergism among the numerous factors influencing the evolution of the various phenological phases and the adaptability of the plants to the cultivation environment, in order to highlight the criteria of choice both in the design of the vineyard and in the technical interventions culture. Overall, the oral exam will allow you to verify the communicative ability of the student, the ability to apply the skills acquired, and to develop appropriate solutions to judgment. |
Extended program | 1. History and evolution of grape cultivation, distribution of viticulture in the world, in the EU, in Italy and in its regions. Current trends and prospects of the crop. 2. Systematics of the Vitis genus and vine species. Organography: anatomical, morphological and functional characteristics of the various organs of the vine and plant as a whole. 3. Annual cycling and vegetative and reproductive activity. Biology of development in relation to radical absorption processes, production and translocation of assimilates. 4. Physiology of grape ripening (technological, phenolic and aromatic) and evolution of the main parameters of grape quality. Analysis of interactions between genetic potential (vine and clone) and climatic and pedological factors. 5. Viticulture ecology and study of environmental vocation (bioclimatic indices and zoning) 6. Vine ecophysiology: photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration and distribution of assimilates according to environmental and antropic factors 7. Ampelography: usable descriptors for varietal recognition, techniques and date of detection. 8. Vegeto-productive equilibrium of the vineyard: methods of evaluation and analysis of the efficiency 9. IGP and DOP appellation rule 10. Mass and clonal selection and homologation of clones |
Code | 80533006 |
CFU | 6 |
Teacher | Alberto Palliotti |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline della tecnologia alimentare |
Academic discipline | AGR/03 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Propagation, rootstocks, vineyard design, training systems, winter and summer pruning, fertilization, irrigation systems, soil management, manual and mechanical harvesting, precision viticulture and variable rate management, sustainable viticulture models. |
Reference texts | Manuale di Viticultura (2018). Authors: Palliotti A., Poni S., Silvestroni O. Edagricole (Bologna) La Nuova Viticoltura (2015). Autori: Palliotti A., Poni S., Silvestroni O. Edagricole (Bologna) Scientific articles and power point lessons provided by the teacher. |
Educational objectives | The aim of the course is to convey adequate knowledge on the design of the vineyard and its management to obtain high quality and sustainable grapes. The main acquisitions will be on: - Vineyard design and choice of materials - Training systems - Winter and summer pruning - Fertilization - Nutritional deficiencies: diagnosis and treatment - Management of the soil - Mechanization of cultivation operations The student will be able to apply knowledge of the acquired knowledge, obtaining the following skills: - analyze and discuss / dialogue on design and planting of the vineyard; - relate to the training systems proposed in relation to the pedo-climatic characteristics of the cultivation site; - ability to interpret nutritional deficiencies and main phytopathies and to dictate appropriate resolution patterns; - ability to identify and propose suitable techniques for the management of grass and soil in relation to pedo-climatic aspects and business strategy; - analyze the efficiency of machines to be included in the vineyards in order to reduce production costs and improve salient aspects of labor and production. - ability to find and interpret recent researches in the wine-growing sector to optimize production and increase biotic and abiotic resistances also in light of the ongoing climate change and changing market demands. |
Prerequisites | In order to understand and to cope with salient aspects of some issues such as fertilization, irrigation and mechanization it is useful to have successfully passed the Chemistry and Biology Basics exams. This prerequisite is valid both for students who attend classes and for those who do not attend. |
Teaching methods | The Course is organized as follows: - frontal classroom lessons on all the topics reported in the program; - specific seminars on innovative topics; - practices performed in the laboratories and in the experimental vineyards. |
Other information | n. 3 examination appeals in the first session (June and July); n. 2 appeals in the 2nd session (September); n. 3 appeals in the 3rd session (January and February). n. 1 extraordinary appeal (February). |
Learning verification modality | The verification of learning involves a verbal assessment consisting of a discussion of about 40-45 minutes aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired by the student, as well as evaluating the critical abilities expressed in relation to the main problems of the sector, especially in the light of climate changes and the changing needs of national and international markets. The questions will cover aspects of vineyard design, breeding systems, rootstocks, canopy and soil management, water and mineral nutrition, harvesting, mechanization and precision viticulture. Overall, the oral exam will allow to verify the communicative ability of the student, the ability to apply the skills acquired, and to develop appropriate solutions. |
Extended program | 1. Propagation of the Vitis vinifera, production of grafted plants, in vitro propagation, marketing of propagation material. 2. Planting of the vineyard: preliminary operations, soil arrangement, soil analysis, burrowing or ripping, hydraulic drainage, size and shape of the plots, length and orientation of the rows, planting distances, planting time. Choice of materials for the planting (poles, guarders, wires, anchors, shelves, straps, etc.). 3. Rootstocks 4. Winter pruning: breeding and production pruning techniques (manual and mechanical), 5. Canopy management: vertical splitting of shoots, shoot trimming, laterals elimination, defoliation, shoot thinning, clusters thinning. 6. Mineral nutrition and fertilization: action of the main nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Z, Mn, B, Cu, Mo, Zn, Co), planting, breeding and Production fertilization, leaf and petiole diagnostics, fertilizers and organic substance, time and mode of administration, leaf fertilization. 7. Water nutrition and irrigation: water shortage, excess moisture, water-soil relations, water needs, water quality, water balance, irrigation systems. 8. Soil management: tillage, chemical weeds control, mulching, natural and artificial green cover. Manage of the under rows. 9. Grape harvest: time of vintage and harvesting methods. 10. Precision Viticulture, variable rate management and sustainability. 11. Viticulture models: conventional, integrated, organic and biodynamic. |