Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Andrea Verini Supplizi
  • Andrea Verini Supplizi
  • 65 ore - Andrea Verini Supplizi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Discipline della zootecnica, allevamento e nutrizione animale
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Practical animal evaluation (phenotype) by information about coat colour, conformation, gaits and performances. Knowledge of cattle, sheep, goat, horse, pig, poultry, and some fish farming systems is required. Utilisation of biotechnologies in farm animals
Reference texts
All the slides used during lectures and free lecture notes are available to student on-line in the faculty web site (Teledidattica) .
The suggested books are "Valutazione morfo-funzionale del cavallo" by A.L. Catalano and "Zootecnia speciale" by A. Falaschini
Educational objectives
The student must have knowledge of evolution and consistency of the livestock sector . It must also know the methods of morphologic evaluation and methods of farming of the main farm animals , the different types of livestock facilities , the composition and quality of animal products . Knowledge of cattle, sheep, goat, horse, pig, dog and cat breeds is required. Knowing the principal biotechnologies applied to farm animals . It must be able to evaluate the livestock recognizing morphological defects , should be able to suggest whether or not the application of reproductive biotechnology in relation to the business situation , must know how to fill out a card signaling , must be able to determine the age of a horse and cattle analysis of the consumption of the teeth , must be able to assess at critical levels and functional in cattle .
Anatomy of Domestic Animals (Histology and Embryology general and special veterinary.
It is useful to have notions of molecular biology for the topic "biotechnology applied to livestock".
It is essential to know the physiology of lactation and reproduction to understand issues related to farm system and biotechnology applied to livestock production.
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons: classroom on all topics listed in the program . Seminars of experts in the field of pig breeding and poultry
Practical activity : visit of dairy cattle and beef cattle farms ; workshop for recognition of breed breeds , defects of conformation and age assessment by denture models
Self - directed learning activities : preparation of a presentation and description of a breed of dog and / or cat based on online searches and guided by the teacher
Learning verification modality
Oral exam on the topics covered in class and listed in the program. It will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content.

The student must demonstrate that they have knowledge about the morphological assessment of farm animals, on rearing and management of considered species, on the characteristics of the main products of animal origin, on biotechnology applied to farm animals with specific reference to reproductive biotechnology.
There will be a practical test to demonstrate his skills on the age determination by analyzing the consumption of teeth in horses and cattle (also on specimen), animal classification and morphological defect identifications and on breeding facilities including milking systems (on images).
It will be determined whether the student is able to evaluate critical aspects of health and animal welfare.

The exam is oral

It takes place on the dates indicate in exam timetable

The duration is about 30-40 minutes

It 'a test stimulus in open conversation with open-ended

The determination of the vote contribute knowledge (67%) and skills (33%) in relation to the division of the program in 67% theoretical and 33% practical activities.
Extended program
Evolution and Current Situation of Zootechnics in Italy (1.5 hours)
Differences between livestock and companion animal. (0.5 hours)
Zoognostic concepts: quality and defect (1.5 hours)
Zoognostic concepts: type (1.5 hours)
Regions (Part I): Head, neck, shoulder, back, loin, tail (1.5 hours)
Regions (Part II): Shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, knee (1 hour)
Regions (Part IIIa): Thighs, flank, stifle, gaskin, hock, cannon, ankle, fetlock, pastern, coronet, hoff (1.5 hours)
Abnormal leg conformation (2 hours)
Gaits (1.5 hours)
Cloaks and signaling (2 hours)
Linear morphological evaluation of dairy cows (1.5 hours)
1) Dairy cattle:
- Production, herd management and milking system, (3 hours)
- Milk composition and laws (0.5 hours)
- Breeds: Frisona Italiana, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Angler ( (1.5 hours):
2) Meat-Dairy cattle
- Organization, productions (0.5 hours)
- Breeds: Bruna, Grigio Alpina, Pezzata Rossa Italiana, Pinzgauer, Rendena, Valdostana, Pezzata Rossa d’Oropa, Reggiana, Modenese, Burlina, Cabannina, Agerolese, Modicana, Cinisara, Sarda (1.5 hours)
3) Meat Cattle and Buffalo
- Categories, breeding facilities, organization, meat composition (1.5 hours)
- Breeds: Piemontese, Chianina, Marchigiana, Romagnola, Maremmana, Podolica, Limousine, Charolaise, Blonde d'Aquitaine, Blue Belga Angus, Shorthorn, Hereford, Bufala e Zebu (2 hours)
4) Sheep-goats
- Situation, structures, productions (1.5 hours)
- Sheep breeds: Altamurana, Comisana, Delle Langhe, Massese, Moscia Leccese, Pinzirita, Sarda, Valle del Belice, Appenninica, Bergamasca, Biellese, Fabrianese, Barbaresca, Merinizzata Italiana, Laticauda, Gentile di Puglia, Sopravissana, Merinos, Suffolk, Ile de France, Berrichon du Cher, Dorset, Texel (1 hour)
- Goat breeds: Camosciata delle Alpi Garganica Girgentana Jonica Maltese Orobica Saanen Sarda Cashmere Capra d’Angora (0.5 hours)
5) Pig
- Situation, structures, productions, breeds (2 hours)
6) Poultry
- Situation, structures, productions (2 hours)
7) Aquaculture
- Situation, structures, productions (2 hours)
- Trout farming (1.5 hours)
- Spigola and Orata farming (2 hours)
Molecular Biotechnologies with Impact on livestock (1.5 hours)
MOET (1 hour)
IVM-IVF-IVC and Therapy (2 hours)
Cloning and Transgenesis (1.5 hours)

1) Visit dairy cattle farms (6 hours)
2) Visit beef cattle farms (6 hours)
3) Age rating from the consumption of teeth by models (6 hours)

1) Presentation of canine or feline race (2 hours)
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