Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Domenico Caivano
  • Domenico Caivano
  • 39 ore - Domenico Caivano
Course Regulation
Coorte 2017
Learning activities
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Methodological bases for the direct clinical examination of the different apparatus, the etiopathogenesis and the pathophysiology of the most common diseases of the horse, ruminants and swine. The applicative criteria of the main collateral and instrumental exams needed to diagnose the internal medicine of large animals are outlined.
Reference texts
1) SEMEIOLOGIA CLINICA VETERINARIA, Ciaramella Paolo - Poletto Editore, Milano, 2014.
2) MEDICINA INTERNA E CHIRURGIA DEL BOVINO, Gerrit Dirksen, Hans-Dieter Grunder, Matthaeus Stöber – PVI, Milano, 2014.
3) EQUINE INTERNAL MEDICINE, Stephen Reed, Warwick Bayly, Debra Sellon - Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri, 2017.
Educational objectives
The student must
- know the methodological bases for direct clinical examination of the different apparatuses of large animals
- know the etiopathogenesis and the pathophysiology of the most common diseases of large animals.
- know the application criteria of the main instrumental examinations necessary for the diagnosis of internal medicine in large animals.

At the end of the training the student must
- Knowing how to perform the general and particular physical examination of the single systems in large animals
- know how to express a diagnostic suspicion and identify the most useful collateral and instrumental exams for confirmation of the diagnosis.
- knowing how to interpret the main instrumental tests useful for the diagnosis of diseases in large animals.

At the end of the training the student will have to demonstrate language properties and ability to employ a sufficiently appropriateD1 - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING
The student must
- know the methodological bases for direct clinical examination of the different apparatuses of large animals
- know the etiopathogenesis and the pathophysiology of the most common diseases of large animals.
- know the application criteria of the main instrumental examinations necessary for the diagnosis of internal medicine in large animals
At the end of the training the student must
- Knowing how to perform the general and particular physical examination of the single systems in large animals
- know how to express a diagnostic suspicion and identify the most useful collateral and instrumental exams for confirmation of the diagnosis.
- knowing how to interpret the main instrumental tests useful for the diagnosis of diseases in large animals.

At the end of the training the student will have to demonstrate language properties and ability to employ a sufficiently appropriate terminology.

At the end of the training activity, the student must possess a sufficiently broad mastery of the subject to guarantee an acceptable basis for continuing professional development through ongoing lifelong learning.
Teaching methods
The module is organized in 27 hours of theoretical lectures and 12 hours
per student of practical lessons (practice and clinical rotation).
THEORETICAL LESSONS: in the classroom on the topics described in the program.
PRACTICAL LESSONS: at the Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, at the Teaching Farm or at local farms.
Learning verification modality
The exam is oral and practical.

The ascertainment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course in its entirety involves an oral examination on the topics covered in class and indicated in the program. Through the questions concerning the contents of the course it will be ascertained if the student has achieved the objective of knowledge and understanding of the contents.

A practical test is provided to ascertain whether the student has achieved the objective of being able to apply knowledge and understanding of the contents.

The tests will be evaluated based on the following elements:
- Argumentative and executive rigor
- Completeness
- Language properties
- Depth of analysis and connection capacity

The determination of the vote is based on knowledge (67%) determined through the oral test and skills (33%) through the practical test in relation to the division of the program into 67% theoretical and 33% practical.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa
Extended program
LECTURES: Introductory lesson - Signalament, medical history and general objective examination. (2h)
Cardiovascular system: particular objective examination. Common congenital and acquired cardiovascular diseases in horses and ruminants. (6h)
Respiratory system: particular objective examination. Diseases of the respiratory tract in racehorse and not: deep respiratory tract diseases, IAD, COPD / BCO / RAO. Respiratory diseases of ruminants: diseases of the respiratory tract, pneumonia/ brocopneumonia. Diseases of respiratory tract of the swine. (8h)
Gastrointestinal system: particular objective examination. Diseases of digestive system of ruminants: metabolic diseases in dairy cattle during the transitional and lactation period. (6h)
Tegumentary system: particular objective examination. Skin and appendages in ruminants: mammary gland diseases. (2h)
Muscular system: particular objective examination. Diseases of muscular system in ruminants: enzootic myopathy. Diseases of muscular system in racehorses and not: nutritional and exercise myopathies. (1h)
Nervous system: particular objective examination. Diseases of nervous system in horses and ruminants. (2h)
PRACTICAL LESSONS: general and particular objective examination in large animals admitted to OVUD. Clinical exam and relative instrumental investigations on large animals admitted to the OVUD, in animals present at the Teaching Farm of the Department of Veterinary Medicine or at local farms.
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