Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabrizia Veronesi
  • Fabrizia Veronesi
  • 0 ore - Fabrizia Veronesi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Learning activities
Discipline delle malattie infettive ed infestive
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction

Reference texts

Educational objectives

According with LM42: A) General Physiology; B) General Veterinary Pathology; Could be useful for a better comprehension of the host-parasite interactions, as well as the epidemiology and management of parasitic diseases, to have notions about Immunology, Veterinary Epidemiology, Prophylaxis and Public Health, as well as Pharmacology.
Teaching methods

Other information
Recommended Optional Courses: -ADE "Diagnostics of parasitic diseases" -ADE "Management of parasitic diseases of pets and horses" -"Advanced Green Parasitology Week".
Learning verification modality
The exam aims to ascertain the achievement of the objectives of the overall course through a written and then an oral tests on the topics of the first teaching module (Parasitology of domestic animals) and a final oral test aimed at ascertaining the knowledge and understanding of the topics treated in class and contained in the program of the second teaching module (Parasitic Diseases of domestic animals). The exam can be carried out in succession all together within each appeal or, at the end of the "Parasitology of domestic animals" teaching module, and set aside as exoneration.
The exoneration of "Parasitology of domestic animals" will consist of a written test with closed answers conceived as follows: 40 questions with answers to a choice between 3 possible, of which only one will be correct. The topic of the questions of the written test will be divided as follows: 10 to ascertain the knowledge of the part relating to the specific scientific terminology of the matter, 10 related to the taxonomic aspects of the parasites and 20 concerning the morpho-biological aspects of the individual parasites. Each question will receiv a score of 1 for correct answer and 0 for missed and / or wrong answer. The written test will be considered passed if the candidate has answered exactly at least 20/40 questions. The test will be delivered on the morning of each official appeal and can be performed in a maximum time of 2 h, after which it will be corrected and the results will be displayed on the notice board outside the Section by 2.00 pm on the same day, to allow the beginning of oral tests later.
The oral exam may be carried out only after passing the written test and will consist of a discussion lasting about 30 minutes with 3 open questions on the main morpho-biological aspects, and epidemiology of the parasites included in the program, as well as on the implications in the field of public health. The oral test will be evaluated based on the following criteria: at each of the 3 questions will be assigned a maximum of 10 points that take into account the argumentative and executive rigor (1-5 points), depth of analysis and connection skills (1-3 points), language properties (1-2 points). The exoneration test will be passed with a minimum score obtained in the oral exam of more than 18 points, corresponding to 18/30.
Students who have successfully passed the two tests (written and oral) of the "Parasitology of pets" module will be able to take the final oral exam which will consist of a discussion lasting about 45 minutes around 3 questions on the pathogenetic aspects, clinical, diagnostic and prophylactic therapeutic of parasitic diseases explained in class and reported in the program. The evaluation criteria will be the same of those identified and described for the previous module and will contribute to passing and awarding the mark.
The final grade of the exam will be given by the arithmetic average obtained from the scores of the two oral tests of the two teaching modules. Praise will be given at the discretion of the teacher to those students who have distinguished themselves by argumentative ability and language properties.
Extended program

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