- Course
- Veterinary medicine
- Study-unit Code
- GP005359
- Curriculum
- In all curricula
- Teacher
- Aldo Ranfa
- 6
- Course Regulation
- Coorte 2020
- Offered
- 2020/21
- Type of study-unit
- Obbligatorio (Required)
- Type of learning activities
- Attività formativa integrata
Code | GP005383 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Maria Chiara Lorenzetti |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | AGR/02 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Crops for livestock feeding and forage crops classification. Management and production of pasture, meadows-pastures, meadows and annual hay meadows. Main species for meadows and annual hay meadows. Storage techniques of fodder: hay making and silage. Cereals: growing barley and maize crops and forage. Manure management and use in agriculture. |
Reference texts | Lecture notes are available from lecturer. Recommended textbooks: Bonciarelli F., Bonciarelli U. 2001, Coltivazioni erbacee, Edagricole, Bologna During the theoretical work slides are used, some slides are available on the University site |
Educational objectives | D1 - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING It is intended to provide the student with: basic knowledge on sowing times and production of the main crops for livestock feeding, knowledge of conservation techniques for animal feeds. D2 - APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING With practical exercises the student will have to know how to recognize the spikes and kernels of cereals for livestock feeding and the seeds of the legumes used in feeding the farm animals. D3 - MAKING JUDGMENT At the end of the training the student must be able to: - independently assess the choice of forage species for a balanced feeding of animals, knowing how to produce animal feeds. D4 - COMMUNICATION The student must be able to know how to prepare and expose a report about the choice of forage species and practices related to their production and management in a clear and concise manner, to demonstrate language properties in written and oral form, using a appropriate technical terminology; the principles of effective interpersonal interaction, including communication, leadership, management and teamwork D5 - LIFELONG LEARNING SKILLS The student must be able to understand and interpret both the scientific and popular publications specific to the issues addressed, and that relating to the regulations that govern their functioning, so as to employ them in contexts related to the profession; have mastery of the general issues addressed, a necessary basis for continuing professional development through ongoing lifelong learning. |
Teaching methods | Lectures on all the topics of the course with the use of computer for getting gradually to the final concept. At the end of each lesson will be made short summaries with its application examples. The pratical lessons will be carried out in the classroom, the material for practical work will be brought into the classroom by the teacher for the observation of ears and kernels of grain and legume seeds. Student will be divided into four groups. |
Extended program | Introduction to the course. Field crops for livestock feeding. Natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. (1.5 hours) Farm with livestock. Definition of forage and forage crops. (1.5 hours) Classification of forage crops. Pastures. (1.5 hours) Pastures: agronomic evaluation, floristic composition, vegetative season. Grazing techniques. (1.5 hours) Meadow-pastures: management and floristic composition. Forage chains. (1.5 hours) Meadows: classification and usable species. Main grass grass species. (1.5 hours) Meadows: main legume species. Meadows oligophytes and polyphytes. (1 hours) Autumn-winter cereals: biological cycle and cultivation of barley for grains and forage production. Use of cereals, legumes and crucifixes for forage production. (1.5 hours) Spring-summer cereals: biological cycle of maize and cultivation for grains and forage production. (1.5 hours) Micotoxins in corn. Other species for annual hay meadows. (1 hour) Fodder conservation: hay making and silage. (1.5 hours) Management of livestock effluents and their utilization in the fertilization of crops. (1.5 hours) PRATICAL LESSONS: Morphology of cereals. Identification of ears. (1 hour) Cereals: identification of kernels. (1 hour) Grain legumes: seed identification. (1 hour) |
Code | GP005381 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Aldo Ranfa |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Discipline biologiche e genetiche vegetali ed animali |
Academic discipline | BIO/03 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | English |
Contents | Systematic classification of the plant kingdom with emphasis on morphological forage species of interest. Recognition of the main toxic species |
Reference texts | Recommended textbooks: EXEMPTION PROVIDED BY TEACHER STRASBURGER E., et al., 2007 - Trattato di Botanica per le Università, vol. 2. Antonio Delfino Editore 3. JUDD W.S., et al., - 2007 - Botanica sistematica, un approccio filogenetico. Piccin Editore During the theoretical activity, transparencies, slides and CDs are used. Other teaching materials can be found on the University website |
Educational objectives | Know Knowing the basics of systematic botany and taxonomy, the cell, the concept of species, subspecies, variety, cultivar, clone, hybrid, the rules for proper scientific nomenclature, the morphological and systematic of the Spermatophyta, morphology, reproduction and evolution, and Gymnospermophytina Angiospermophytina, the systematic features of the main families of species of veterinary interest, the morphological and systematic vetgerinario the main species of interest, the enforcement of the main species of veterinary interest Know-how Being able to describe a species, to identify the membership of a species to a family, recognizing the important parts of a species from the veterinary point of view. Competences, knowledge and understanding: 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the organisation, management and legislation related to a veterinary business. 2.4 A knowledge of the businesses related to animal breeding, production and keeping 2.11 Principles of effective interpersonal interaction, including communication, leadership, management and team working Skills: Through educational activities in the educational laboratories with practical activities related to productions animate with recognition of forage species LD, AP, 3 |
Prerequisites | |
Teaching methods | THEORETICAL ACTIVITY: Lectures in the classroom on all the topics of the course with the use of IT supports that allow you to gradually arrive at the final concept. At the end of each lesson there will be brief summaries with relevant application examples. PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES: Practical activities or exercises will be carried out in the classroom; students will be divided into four groups. At the end of the practical activities or guided exercises students will have free access to the same sites for further individual analysis |
Other information | |
Learning verification modality | |
Extended program | THEORETICAL LESSONS Introduction to the course. Peculiarities. Bibliographical references. Theoretical and practical lesson time. Criteria for Exceeding Examination. Binomial nomenclature (1 hour) Plant classification systems. Systematic classification of living things. Concept of Systematic Botany or Plant Taxonomy. Systematic framing of the vegetable kingdom. Concept of species, cultivar and hybrid (1,5 hours) The plant cell: definition and functions. Organelles and functions. Middle lamella. Plasmodesmal. Vacuole and components. Cellulose. Secondary metabolites. Cell wall, primary and secondary wall. Fouling (Lignification, pigmentation, Mineralization), Affixing (Cutinization and suberisation). Lignin. (1,5 hours) Interactions in biocenosis between plants and animals: neutrality, competition, parasitism, predation, commensalism, sympathetic mutualism. Pollination and dispersion. Stem morphology. Metamorphosis of the stem: tuberous roots, rhizome, stolone, bulb, tuber, aculei, cladodes, photosynthetic stems. Morphology of the root. Root metamorphosis: aerial roots, australis, mycorrhizae, radical nodules, adventitious roots. Differences between stem and root (1 hour) Morphology of leaves. Leaf metamorphoses: owls, squamous leaves, antofillas, sporofils, cotyledons, succulent leaves, thorns, tendrils. Flower morphology. Flower Types and Classification (1 hour) Simple and composite inflorescence. Sporephiles: androcean and gynecologist. Ovum. Pollination. Fertilization. Fruits. Classification of fruits. Dispersion. Seed. Seed evolution strategies (1 hour) Differences between Dicotiledonopsida and Monocotiledonopsida Classes. General and systematic features of the Leguminosae Family. General and systematic characteristics of species of foraggery of the Leguminosae family: Arachis hypogaea, Hedysarum coronarium, Glycine max, Lotus corniculatus, Lupinus albus, Medicago falcata, Medicago sativa, Melilotus officinalis, Onobrychis viciifolia, Pisum arvense, Trifolium alexandrinum, Trifolium incarnatum, Trifolium Trifolium repens ladino, Trifolium repens sylvestre, Trifolium squarrosum, Vicia faba equina, Vicia faba minor, Vicia faba minor, Vicia sativa, Vicia villosa (1,5 hours) General and Systematic. Characteristics of the Graminaceae Family (1 hour) General and Systematic Characteristics of the Forage Species of the Graminaceae Family: Avena sativa, Bromus inermis, Cynodon dactylon, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca sheep, Festuca pratense, Festuca rubra, Hordeum vulgare distichum, Hordeum vulgare exastichum aequale, Hordeum vulgare exastichum inaequale , Triticum dicoccum, Triticum durum, Triticum monococcum, Triticum polonicum, Triticum, Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum, Triticum durum, Triticum monococcum, Triticum polonicum, Triticum vulgare vulgaris, Sorghum vulgare vulgaris, Spelled, Zea mays (1.5 hours) Cruciferous Family: General and Systematic Features. General characteristics of the most important species from the veterinarian point of view of the Cruciferae family: Brassica napus oleifera, Brassica rapa campestris, Some spontaneous species (1.5 hours) Umbelliferae family: general and systematic features. General characteristics of the most important foraggery species: some spontaneous species and toxicity phenomena (1.5 hours) Composite Family: General and Systematic Features. General characteristics of the most important veterinarians of the treated family: Helianthus annuus and some spontaneous species (1.5 hours) Family Linaceae and Chenopodiaceae: general and systematic features. General characteristics of the most important species from the veterinary point of view of the treated families: Linum usitatissimum, Beta vulgaris andsome spontaneous species (1 hour) Plant toxicity phenomena in the veterinary field (1 hour) PRACTICAL LESSONS 1) Medieval Garden Visit with systematic framing of the vegetable kingdom (1 hour) 2) Visit Botanical Garden and Experimental Fields with Recognition of Lesson Planned Species (1 hour) 3) Visit the catalog field with recognition of the lessons treated species (1 hour) |
Code | GP005382 |
CFU | 2 |
Teacher | Massimo Chiorri |
Teachers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Academic discipline | AGR/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | ITALIAN |
Contents | Demand, supply and price formation in major market forms. The company, the factors of production. Budget types, determination of the various components of budgets.Production costs of the main livestock production. The main methods of estimating zootechnical enterprises |
Reference texts | Lessons provided by Professor, Slide of the recommended text integration lessons: MESSORI F. Istituzioni di Economia, Editrice CLUEB, Bologna, 1994 |
Educational objectives | D1 - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING It is intended to provide the student with: the basic knowledge of the functioning of zootechnical markets and their products, of the formation of the relative prices; knowledge of the main tools for managing the agro-livestock company the ability to understand the main economic results of the agro-livestock company; D2 - ABILITY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING With practical exercises the student: - will have to know how to set up a business financial statement; must be able to define the optimal production technique and its productivity; D3 - MAKING JUDGMENT At the end of the training activity, the student must be able to: independently assess the company's economic results; making judgments about the profitability of the main livestock species; evaluate the profitability and the applicability of new production techniques. D4 - COMMUNICATION The student must be able to know how to prepare and present a report about: - the functioning of the market for a product of zootechnical origin; - a breeding technique with the relative production costs; a brief businnes plan regarding the installation of a new livestock activity; to support an adversarial approach on the issues addressed with people of equal preparation and experts on different issues. demonstrate language properties in written and oral form, with the use of an appropriate technical terminology. D5 - LIFELONG LEARNING SKILLS The student must be able to: - understand and interpret both the scientific and popular publications specific to the issues addressed, and that relating to the regulations that govern their functioning, so as to employ them in contexts related to the profession. - have mastered the general issues addressed, a necessary basis for continuing professional development through ongoing lifelong learning. |
Prerequisites | none |
Teaching methods | Frontal lessons for Elements of General Economics (10 Hours) and Agro- Tech Plant Theory (7 Hours) for a total of 17 hoursClassroom exercises, 3 hours per four rounds, about determining the economic outcomes and production costs of the main breeding species |
Other information | |
Learning verification modality | |
Extended program | THEORETICAL LESSONS Economic science - Definitions and basic concepts. Economic assets and goods: basic definitions and classification; definition of utility and its classification. 2 hours. Question Demand analysis: single and collective consumption; 2 hours The conditions of choice and constraint of the individual individual; income and savings; 2 hours. The price elasticity of demand and income. 2 hours. The offer The production theory; the company and the company; 2 hours. The direct and indirect factors of production; 2 hours. Production costs: classification and definition; 2 hours. The optimal level of production; 1 hour The market - Generalities: definition and basic concepts; the main market forms. 2 hours. PRACTICAL LESSONS The company and the agro-livestock company The control and business planning tools: the economic balance of the agro-zootechnical company; 2 hours; Determination of economic results and production costs of the main zootechnical productions; 1 hour. |