Veterinary medicine
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Maria Teresa Antognoni
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005429
Teacher Maria Teresa Antognoni
  • Maria Teresa Antognoni
  • 26 ore - Maria Teresa Antognoni
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Reference texts Ematologia e medicina trasfusionale- Day, Mackin, littlewood- UTET Veterinary Hematology: A Diagnostic guide and color atlas. Jon W. Harvey-ELSEVIER Small Animal Cinical Diagnosis by laboratory methods. Willard Tvedten Le principali abilità saranno
Educational objectives Main objective of teaching: interpretation of different laboratory parameters in relation to the different diseases
Main knowledge gained will be: techniques and methods of intra vitam withdrawal of blood samples, bone marrow and linfonodoli knowledge relating to laboratory investigations in connection with several samples The main skills are: evaluate the results obtained from different material also according to the different animal species interpret the results obtained from samples of different materials according to diverse animal species enter the results in the context of clinical cases regarded different animal species face-to-face
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Extended program Essential hematologic concepts. Erythrocite disorders. Leukocyte disorders. Classification and laboratory evaluation of anemia. Clinical platelet disorders. Lymphoid neoplasia. neoplasia non lymphoid. Hemostasis: introduction. Congenital and acquired vascular wall diseases. The complete blood count: anticoagulant, microhematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell cont, erytrocite indices. Blood smears analysis. Evaluating blood smears. Erytrocyte, white cell and platelet morphology.
Anemia.Erytroid regeneration, polycromasia, macrocytosi,anisocytosis. Morphologic classification of anemia. regenerative anemia and non regenerative anemia. Leukogram, leukocytosis


Code GP005431
Teacher Maria Teresa Antognoni
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP005430
Teacher Maria Teresa Antognoni
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP005428
Teacher Maria Teresa Antognoni
  • Domenico Caivano (Codocenza)
  • 39 ore (Codocenza) - Domenico Caivano
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The contents of the module cover the methodological bases for the direct
clinical examination of the different apparatus and the etiopathogenesis
and the pathophysiology of the most common diseases of the horse, ruminants and swine. The applicative criteria of the main collateral and
instrumental exams needed to diagnose the internal medicine of large
animals are outlined.
Reference texts 1) SEMEIOLOGIA CLINICA VETERINARIA, Ciaramella Paolo - Poletto Editore,
Milano, 2014.

2) Large animal internal medicine – Smith; Mosby Ed

3) Equine internal medicine – Reed; Bayly; Saunders Ed
Educational objectives At the end of the course the student must be able to:
- perform the particular objective examination of the individual
- know the etiopathogenesis and the pathophysiology of the most
common diseases of large animals.
- express a suspect diagnostic and identify the most useful collateral and
instrumental exams to confirm the diagnosis.
- use the main tools for collateral analysis in the internal medicine of
large animals and provide an interpretation of the results.
Teaching methods The module is organized in 27 hours of theoretical lectures and 12 hours
per student of practical sessions.
THEORY: in the classroom on the topics described in the syllabus.
PRACTICE: at Internal Medicine and Acceptance Service of the Veterinary
Teaching Hospital and at the Teaching Farm o the Deparment, on cases with spontaneous diseases and raised at the Teaching Farm.
Other information .
Extended program LECTURES: Introductory lesson; semeiotics vs medical pathology; clinical signs vs clinical findings. (1h)
Cardiovascular system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Heart disease vs heart failure. Common congenital and acquired cardiovascular diseases in horses and ruminants. (5h)
Respiratory system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Cough, dyspnoea and respiratory distress. Diseases of the respiratory tract in racehorse and not: deep respiratory tract diseases, IAD, COPD / BCO / RAO, pneumonia / brocopneumonia. Respiratory diseases of ruminants: diseases of the respiratory tract, pneumonia / brocopneumonia. Diseases of respiratory tract of the swine. (6h)
Gastrointestinal system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Diseases of digestive system in racehorses and not: diseases of the esophagus, stomach (Syndrome of gastric ulcers / EGUS, neoplasia, etc.). Diseases of digestive system of ruminants: metabolic diseases in transitional dairy cattle. Diseases of digestive system of ruminants: metabolic diseases in the dairy cow (SARA) and ewes during the gestation. (6h)
Tegumentary system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Skin and appendages in ruminants: mammary gland diseases. (4h)
Muscular system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Diseases of muscular system in ruminants: enzootic myopathy. Diseases of muscular system in racehorses and not: nutritional and exercise myopathies. (3h)
Nervous system; signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination. Diseases of nervous system in racehorses and not: tetanus infection. (2h)

PRACTICE: particular objective examination of the different apparatus in horses and large animals admitted to OVUD.

CLINICAL ROTATION: the activities prevent both the visit and the relative instrumental investigations on large animals admitted to the OVUD and in animals present at the Teaching Farm of the Department of Veterinary Medicine or at local farms.


Code GP005427
Teacher Maria Teresa Antognoni
  • Francesco Birettoni (Codocenza)
  • 39 ore (Codocenza) - Francesco Birettoni
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Academic discipline VET/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The contents of the module cover the methodological bases for the direct
clinical examination of the different apparatus and the etiopathogenesis
and the pathophysiology of the most common diseases of the dog, cat
and unconventional pet. The applicative criteria of the main collateral and
instrumental exams needed to diagnose the internal medicine of small
animals are outlined.
Reference texts 1) SEMEIOLOGIA CLINICA VETERINARIA, Ciaramella Paolo - Poletto Editore,
Milano, 2014.

2) Medicina interna del cane e del gatto – 2010
di Richard W. Nelson (Autore), C. Guillermo Couto (Autore), T. Furlanello (a cura di), G. Lubas (a cura di)

3) (opzionale) Trattato di Clinica Medica Veterinaria Ettinger 7a Edizione: Malattie Del
Cane e Del Gatto
Stephen J. Ettinger, Edward C. Feldman
Antonio Delfino Editore, 2015
Educational objectives At the end of the course the student must be able to:
- perform the particular objective examination of the individual
- know the etiopathogenesis and the pathophysiology of the most
common diseases of the animal of affection.
- express a suspect diagnostic and identify the most useful collateral and
instrumental exams to confirm the diagnosis.
- use the main tools for collateral analysis in the internal medicine of
small animals and provide an interpretation of the results.
Teaching methods The module is organized in 27 hours of theoretical lectures and 12 hours
per student of practical sessions.
THEORY: in the classroom on the topics described in the syllabus.
PRACTICE: at Internal Medicine and Acceptance Service of the Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, on cases with spontaneous diseases.
Extended program Introductory lecture; Semeiotic vs. medical pathology; Clinical signs vs.
clinical findings
Cardiovascular system; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective
examination. Cardiopathy vs. Heart Failure.
Most common dog and cat cardiopathies, congenital and acquired.
Echocardiography and electrocardiography.
Respiratory system; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective
examination. Cough, dyspnoea and respiratory failure
Anamnestic collection and direct clinical examination in patients with
cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. Basis of echocardiography
and chest ultrasound.
Common dog and cat respiratory diseases.
Radiographic and ultrasound examination of the chest.
Gastrointestinal tract; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective
examination. Maldigestion and malabsorption.
Pathologies of the most common gastrointestinal tube of the dog and cat.
Common pathogens of the liver and pancreas of the dog and cat.
Digestive examination of the digestive tract
Urinary Apaproth; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination.
Disorientation, polyuria and anuria.
Common urinary tract pathologies of the dog and cat.
Ultrasound examination of urinary tract
Semeiotic and medical pathology of unconventional pets (exotic). In
collaboration with Dr. Gianluca Deli
Anamnestic collection and direct clinical examination in patients with
digestive, urinary or tegumentary conditions. Digestive and Urinary
System Ultrasound.
Anamnestic collection and direct clinical examination in patients with
digestive, urinary or tegumentary conditions. Digestive and Urinary
System Ultrasound.
Nervous system; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination.
Neurological deficiency and epilepsy.
Tissue apparatus; Signaling, anamnesis, particular objective examination.
Primary and secondary dermatopathies.
Semeiotic and medical pathology of unconventional pets (exotic ones). In
collaboration with Dr. Gianluca Deli.
Most common endocrine disorders in dogs and cats
Ultrasound examination in endocrinopathy and module closure.
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