Animal science
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Massimo Zerani
Course Regulation
Coorte 2018
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004377
Teacher Massimo Zerani
  • Massimo Zerani
  • 27 ore - Massimo Zerani
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline VET/02
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
General aspects of physiology of adaptation. Main nervous and endocrine mechanisms involved in adaptation. Homeostasis concept and regulation mechanisms. Stress and its actions on the reproductive and immune system. Stress in animal production. Physical climatology; Adaptation to ambient temperatures: thermoregulators; Effects of thermal stress in animal production. Energy homeostasis.
Reference texts
Educational objectives What to Know: The main objective of the module is to provide PA students with adequate knowledge of the functional mechanisms underlying the adaptation to the environment of animals of animal interest with particular emphasis on the stressful conditions caused by breeding systems and energy homeostasis. The main knowledge gained will provide: - the basics for understanding the functioning of specific organs / systems involved in the adaptive stress mechanism; - the basics for understanding the mechanisms of regulation of individual organs / systems and of functional interactions between different organs / systems; - the essential elements for the understanding of homeostasis and causes that alter it (stress, nutrition); - elements for the understanding of livestock practices useful in limiting the negative effects of stress. What to be able to do: The main skills derived from applying the above knowledge will be: - critically evaluate functional parameters and adaptation mechanisms to different types of stress; - identify the main causes of stress that may alter the normal functioning of the animal organism; - the basis for understanding the pathophysiology and pathology associated with animal production (reproduction, milk production, growth, etc.).
Prerequisites An essential prerequisite for understanding the contents of the course and the learning objectives of the course is that the student has successfully supported the animal physiology examination of zootechnical interest.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows: - Classroom lessons on all subjects covered; - laboratory exercises on endocrinology topics applied to the physiology of adaptation: "methods for stress assessment". In relation to the number of students who follow the course, they can be divided into groups following guided exercises of 1-2 hours each; - Classroom seminars on topics related to the course: Effects induced by thermal stress on animal podusions, Adaptation to fasting. From the Moodle platform you can download the slides used in the official course.
Other information
The teaching activity is carried out during the first semester of the second year of the course. The student is invited to consult the page on the calendar of lessons on the website of the Department of Veterinary Medicine (http://www.medvet.unipg.it/) for further details on the start and end dates of the teaching activities. Lessons and seminars will be held at the Educational Pole (Department of Veterinary Medicine), Educational Laboratories of the Department. Some exercises will be carried out at the Didactic Animal Husbandry Company (Sant'Angelo di Celle) or in other classrooms/structures according to the needs.
Learning verification modality The exam provides for an oral test consisting of a discussion lasting about 20 to 30 minutes to determine the level of knowledge and understanding acquired by the student on the theoretical and practical content provided by the course starting from a topic chosen by the student . The oral test will also allow you to verify the candidate's critical capacity, communication skills, language ownership, and the degree of autonomous organization in the display of the arguments required.
Extended program Arguments of physiology of adaptation and physioclimatology. Meaning of environment and adaptation. Definition and analysis of the main adaptation mechanisms. The hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic nerve structures involved in adaptation responses. Short and long-term physiological responses. Homeostasis and feedback control systems (feed back). Homeostasis and homeostasis: definition of the "zone of physiological comfort"; influence on animal productions. Definition of stress, specific analysis of hormonal action and adaptation in stress. Influence of stressors on immune responses. The temperature and its effects. Heat exchanges between animals and the environment. General mechanisms of adaptation of animals at cold or hot environmental temperatures: heat production (shivering and shivering thermogenesis), heat distribution (heat exchanges against the current), thermal insulation, heat loss regulation. Physiological effects of temperature: short, medium and long-term enzymatic adaptations, induction of stress proteins. Specific analysis of the problems of thermoregulation and of the effects induced by thermal stress in the breeding of dairy and meat cattle, in the breeding of sheep and pigs: climate comfort limits in lactating cattle and calves; limits of climatic adaptability of pigs and sheep related to the age of the animals; the housing of hens and broilers.


Code GP004378
Teacher Sergio De Vincenzi
  • Sergio De Vincenzi
  • 27 ore - Sergio De Vincenzi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Academic discipline AGR/18
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Nutritional value of feed and animal digestive-metabolic strategies. Factors influencing the nutritional value of forages and concentrates. ANFs (Glucosides, Tannins, Alkaloids and amines, NSPs and factors of least interest). Mycotoxins. Inactivating treatments and related implications.
Reference texts Didactic material provided by the teacher.
Educational objectives Provide basic knowledge for the safe use of various feed in livestock.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of nutrition and animal feeding.
Teaching methods Theoretical lectures: in the classroom with illustration of ppt presentations.

Practical lessons: in the classroom.
Other information --
Learning verification modality Oral exam, lasting about 30 minutes, aimed at ascertaining the student's level of knowledge, the language property and the ability to connect between the topics.

The possibility of ascertaining the knowledge acquired by the student through the discussion of a ppt presentation will be evaluated.
Extended program Introduction: Nutritional value and animal digestive-metabolic strategies. Factors that influence the nutritional value of feed.
Health and safety of feed for livestock. Classification of xenobiotics. Main anti-nutritional and risk factors in fresh and conservated fodder: lignin, silica, nitrates.
Glycosides: introduction, ecological role, classification. Cyanogenetic glucosides. Pyrimidine glucosides (vicin and convicin).
Glucosinolates. Saponins: anti-nutritional and nutritional additive role.
Tannins: chemical structure, biological actions and anti-nutritional effects, uses in animal nutrition as modulators of the digestive process of ruminants, prevention of anti-nutritional effects.
Nitrogen compounds with anti-nutritional and / or toxic action: aminoacids, nitrates, alkaloids and amines.
Classification of anti-nutritional polyphenols. Estrogen-like substances: phyto-, mico- and xenoestrogens. Coumarins with anticoagulant, photosensitizing, toxic action.
Anti-nutritional factors that interfere with digestive processes: chelating compounds, antiproteases, tannins.
NSP (Non Starch Polysaccharides): anti-nutritional role and use of enzymes.
Mycotoxins: aflatoxins (AF), ochratoxins (OT), trichothecenes, zearalenone (ZEN), fumonisins (F) and ergot alkaloids. Carry over.
FAN of minor interest and contaminants of the ensiling process.
Antibiotics, contamination of feeds, antibiotic resistance.
Treatments that can inactivate ANFs or reduce their action.
The liver detoxification process: phase I and phase II and related implications.
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