Sciences of education
Study-unit Code
Educatore dei servizi educativi per l'lnfanzia
Mario Tosti
  • Mario Tosti
  • 54 ore - Mario Tosti
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Discipline storiche, geografiche, economiche e giuridiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The first module aims to present the centuries of the so-called modern age, from the end of the fifteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century, often defined as 'the era of expansion of Europe in the world' and for this reason told as a process of progressive, unstoppable extension of the model of European civilization to other parts of the planet. Today, faced with renewed and no less shocking processes of globalization, the historical reconstruction of those centuries can only be done in a profoundly different way. The modern age is not the triumphal march of Europe, its states, its economy, its values, but it is the time of birth of the space-world, through the creation of a series of connections - political, economic, cultural - which now assume a capillarity and a constancy of functioning never previously possessed.
The second module intends to retrace the tragic events of the anti-Jewish persecution, careful to grasp not only the gaze that childhood had in the swirl of the facts, but the political significance of a wound impossible to heal, if not, perhaps, in a profound attempt. of understanding. Poised between two registers - narrative and historiographic - the module is part of a line of investigation that sees interest in the history of childhood in the twentieth century growing internationally.
Reference texts
LUIGI MASCILLI MIGLIORINI, L'età moderna. Una storia globale, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2019; BRUNO MAIDA, La Shoah dei bambini. La persecuzione dell'infanzia ebraica in Italia (1938-1945), Einaudi, Torino 2019.
Educational objectives
The first module intends to make the periods, aspects, issues, events and the most significant characters related to the time span of modern history known from a general historical-geographical point of view. - Provide essential information on the most recent themes and trends in modern history - Propose thematic itineraries and information on some topics that revisit various parts of the manual, with the aim of making their reading and memorization easier and more reasoned. attention also to the extra-European dimension of political and social processes. - Knowing the changes and ruptures that have deeply marked the history of the world in the modern age, emphasizing changes rather than continuity and uniformity. - Knowing the plurality of political models, cultural, religious and forms of organization of society operating in world history - Reconstruct the processes that led to today's condition, identifying European expansion, the emergence of a world economy, the connection of contents through mass emigration , in the planetary enlargement of international relations, in the formation of u in cosmopolitan culture, the roots of contemporaneity.
The second module represents an extraordinary pedagogical occasion, also in relation to our present. A possibility to develop the antibodies necessary to recognize and fight the new manifestations of discrimination, racism and resurgent anti-Semitism and understand how intolerance towards someone is always a symptom of intolerance and more generalized violence. The study and analysis of the Shoah as a whole can allow us to grasp the warning signs that jeopardize the development of civil and democratic life and respect for fundamental human rights. Decomposing the past and trying to understand it helps to understand and live the present and learn to exercise an active and aware citizenship which is hoped to be based on democracy, respect and education.
Knowing how to place facts and events in space and time

- Reorganize data and concepts

- Knowing how to read, obtain information and compare historical documents

-Know The main conceptual tools and terminology of the discipline

- Understand changes and permanence of historical processes

- Evaluate the difference between the historical consciousness and the cultural stereotype of an event or period
Teaching methods
face-to-face with PPT
Learning verification modality
The evaluation is composed from n. 3 trials, 2 in progress and 1 final oral examination. The written tests consist of a written exam with multiple choice questions that aim to induce the student to consolidate gradule specific knowledge, determine the skills and concepts acquired in applying the procedures and logic skills. The first takes place in the first week of November and the second the second week of January. The test duration is 60 minutes. The written tests in stimulus ended and closed-ended consist of n. 30 questions and are evaluated in 30/30. The student who exceeds the two-course tests, getting a vote of not less than 18, relates only to the oral text adopted for the second module. Students who do not pass the course tests also report on the general, while those who pass only one of the course tests will report orally on the chapters of the general subject of the written test. The vote of the course tests you can not refuse. The final oral examination consists of an interview of 30 minutes max wants to ensure that the command of the language, the ability to use the acquired knowledge and to link them in the argument and to discuss in depth in several respects the different topics covered.
Extended program
The course is divided into two modules. The first module (6 CFU) will offer thematic itineraries and information on some topics that revisit various parts of the manual transversely, with the aim of making their reading and memorization easier and more reasoned. This objective will be achieved through knowledge and study of the following topics: The fracture of modernity- Stability and transformations- Global modernity- The world revolution.
The second module (3CFU) traces the history of the persecution of Jews carried out by fascism between 1938 and 1945, insisting in particular on the meaning of those tragic seven years for Italian children.
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