Primary teacher education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Massimo Cimichella
  • Massimo Cimichella
  • 30 ore - Massimo Cimichella
Course Regulation
Coorte 2016
Learning activities
Laboratorio di tecnologie didattiche
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Themes of lectures:

Introduction. Binary representation of numbers and characters.
The microprocessor and main memory.
The mass storage.
Input devices.
Output devices.
Operating system.
Word processing programs.
The spreadsheet.
The presentation program.
Search engines and browsers.

Practical session topic:

Exploration of the hard disk.
Practice with Word.
Practice with Excel.
Practice with PowerPoint.
Reference texts
Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen e Cathleen Morin. Informatica di base 6e, 2016, MacGrawHill
S.C. SAWYER, B.K. WILLIAMS: Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, McGraw-Hill
Qualsiasi manuale ECDL Syllabus 5
Copies of the lecture overheads.
Educational objectives
At the end of the course the students must know the fundamentals of informatics on compuetr architecture, memories, input/output devices.
The students will be able to use the fundamental operations of a comnputer, will be able to create and delete folders, browsing the file system, manage the connected devices.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of worprocessing, like create and update a document using base formatting functions that also includes images and tables.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of spreadsheets, like import and organize data, create charts and plots, create simple functions and use statistical functions.
He/She will be able to use the main functions of softwares that can be used to prepare a presentation with simple formatting and graphical effects.
In order to better understand the course the students must have the normal notions acquired during high school.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lessons about the main theoretical concepts combined with practical demos on the use of the PC. A computer and a projector will be used to make demos and to visualizes slides.
Self-learning lessons with suggested autonomous deepening activities.
Practical lessons in the laboratory on the usage of softwares for wordprocessing, spreadsheet and presentations.
Other information
The course will consist in 21 hours of lectures, 5 hours of self-learning and 4 hours of practical lessons.
Learning verification modality
Candidates are evaluated through examination consisting in a test composed by (both theoretical and practical) multiple-choice questions. The examination is carried out by means of computer support. If the candidate answers correctly to 2/3 of the questions the test is passed. Wrong answers don't give penalties, simply don't add score.
Extended program
Base concepts of computers and softwares: Hardware architecture. CPU, RAM, kind of memories, Input/Output devices. Software: Base software and application software.
Operative system: general concepts and main operations of Windows SO, task, virtual memory, concepts of algorithm and program. Computer architecture. Microprocessor and main memory. Secondary memories. Input/output devices. The operating system.
Word Processor: general concepts and characteristics; properties of characters, paragraph, sections (styles, alignments, heading and footnote, notes, summary, images, tables, symbols etc.).
Spreadsheet: cells (strings, constants, formulas), absolute/relative references, refernces to a rectangular area, functions, standard formats (char type, height, etc.) and special formats (numnbers, currency, dates). Graphics and plots: type of cahrts (histogram, bars, pies, etc.); data series: single and multiple; labels, titles, formatting.
How to create a presentation.
Elements of net communications: computers net, net classification, communication modes, devises
Internet: functioning principles and services: TCP/IP, IP address and DNS, Email, FTP. The World Wide Web: Client and server Web, browsers and their main functions, URL, Information search: search engines and boolean functions like "and", "or", "not".
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