Primary teacher education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Andrea Baroncelli
  • Andrea Baroncelli
  • 48 ore - Andrea Baroncelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2022
Learning activities
Psicologia dello sviluppo e psicologia dell’educazione
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
Introduction to developmental psychology from a life cycle perspective,
with attention to traditional theories and the most recent ecological theories. Methods and techniques for the study of development; the various models to explain the interactions between hereditary factors and
the environment. Prenatal development, birth, physical, motor, and
perceptual development. Processes concerning cognitive and socio-emotional development, with attention to the dynamics of typical development and atypical development. The addressed topics will be declined in an operational way to facilitate the development of kindergarten and primary school teachers' skills.
Reference texts
1) Santrock, J. W., Deater-Deckard, K., Lansford, J., & Rollo, D. (2021).
Psicologia dello Sviluppo (IV edizione). McGraw Hill. ISBN:

2) Selected passages from Vygotskij, L. S. (1934). Pensiero e linguaggio (we reccomend the italian edition by Angiola Massucco Costa). Giunti. ISBN: 9788809041165.

3) Slides or other materials provided by the professor are study materials.
Educational objectives
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: the course aims to provide a knowledge on: a) theoretical aspects of developmental psychology from a life cycle perspective, with reference to both typical and atypical development, and with a particular attention to the aspects of interest to a future kindergarten and primary school teacher; b) developmental psychological mechanisms that regulate biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional processes; c) ability to recognize risk factors, protective factors, needs and resources concerning individuals and groups.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: the course aims to provide future teachers with the necessary skills to understand the processes of psychological development of individuals and groups, in order to act from their professional position with greater awareness and to know how to collaborate with the professional figure of the psychologist in prevention, evaluation or intervention activities, in accordance with one’s specific professionalism.
MAKING JUDGMENTS: promotion of a critical reflection that goes beyond the notional knowledge of the topics.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: promotion of a technical language to communicate clearly with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
LEARNING SKILLS: stimulate interest in discipline and in-depth study.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, individual and group exercises.
Learning verification modality
Written examination. The exam consists of open questions (or requests), with a maximum time of 90 minutes. There are five questions: three require a short and concise answer, while two require a more extensive and articulated answer. Specifically, four questions (short answer type) will be proposed, and the student will have to choose three of them. Each question will be evaluated with a maximum of 10 points, and the three evaluations will be added to obtain a maximum score of 30 points. In addition, three questions (extensive answer type) will be proposed, and the student will have to choose two of them. Each question will be evaluated with a maximum of 30 points. The final evaluation derives from the average of the above-mentioned evaluations. Students with disabilities, learning disabilities, or
special needs are invited to consult https://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa/studenti-con-disabilita
Extended program
Introduction to developmental psychology from a life cycle perspective:
theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of human development. Prenatal development, birth, physical, motor, and
perceptual development. Cognitive and socio-emotional development.
ATTENTION: The final program actually carried out will be uploaded to the Unistudium page at the end of the teaching period.
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