Primary teacher education
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Fabio Marcelli
  • Fabio Marcelli
  • 15 ore - Fabio Marcelli
Course Regulation
Coorte 2015
Learning activities
Discipline delle arti
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
The course aims to provide a basic knowledge of the history of art, especially Italian, from the end of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth century, educating the student on the pedagogical and cultural value of the history of art, and on the civil cultural heritage as one of the founding principles of our democracy.
Reference texts
For the study of the History of Italian Art (XV-XVIII centuries) we recommend a manual used in upper secondary school courses. It is preferred not to mention any title because the quality of the main manuals available on the market, or published in the last quarter of a century, is adequate for the training needs of this course.
Educational objectives
The history of art "trains the critical sense and free judgment, and because, as history, it tends to restore heritage to its true meaning" (T. Montanari).¿¿The specific skills developed by the course of History of Modern Art can be usefully listed through the international system of the 5 descriptors of Dublin (Dublin descriptors):¿¿I - Knowledge and understanding: the student will have acquired in-depth knowledge and understanding to read the cultural heritage of the modern age in relation to the historical-political, cultural, socio-religious and economic context that has product, determined and favored, applying an analytical, interpretive and comparative study methodology.¿¿II - Applying knowledge and understanding: the course aims to enhance the ability and talent of the student, educating him to the value of personal reflection and the use of the most updated resources, to disseminate with rigor methodological and communicative and pedagogical effectiveness of the identity and value of our rich cultural heritage.¿¿III - Making judgments: the knowledge acquired during the course of study will allow the student to develop a solid ability to read the cultural heritage, as an expression of Italian and European identity.¿¿IV - Communication skills: the student will acquire solid communication skills, exercising and refining skills and talent in the dissemination of cultural contents in a lucid and sensitive way to the empathic dialogue with the interlocutor, enhancing the ethical physiognomy of the protection of cultural heritage and transmission of knowledge as founding values ¿¿of democracy and civil society.¿¿V - Learning skills: the student will enhance his personal ability to learn and understand artistic facts, stimulating his ability to read history and the reality of our cultural heritage.
Is required a basic knowledge of modern history in Italy and Europe.
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali con proiezione di diapositive, esercitazioni, seminari, visite a musei e monumenti.
Learning verification modality
The exam is oral and will consist of verifying the level of knowledge of the course topic, according to the bibliography indicated. Preparation will be considered adequate if the student demonstrates the ability to using the required terminology and if he / she will be autonomously familiar with works, styles, iconography and techniques, establishing relationships and links of cultural interdependence.
Extended program
The study of artists and works of architecture, figurative and plastics representative, will provide the methodological tools that allow a student to read the works of art in their stylistic physiognomy, iconographic, technical and cultural history.
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