Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Roberto Cirocchi
Course Regulation
Coorte 2019
Type of study-unit
Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa integrata


Code A001248
Location TERNI
Teacher Roberto Cirocchi
  • Roberto Cirocchi
  • 12.5 ore - Roberto Cirocchi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Clinica generale medica e chirurgica
Academic discipline MED/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The aim of the course is to offer at the students a clinical summary of digestive surgery.
- The abdominal pain
- The general physical examination in surgical patients
- The examination of local swellings

Physical examination and clinical symptomatology
- Neck (thyroid evaluation)
- Arterial pulses
- Breast
- Anus
- Abdomen
• Inspection
• Palpation
• Percussion
• Auscultation
• Signs and painful points abs

Knowledge of semiological findings and their correlation with the main pathophysiological mechanisms of the following diseases:
• hernias of the abdominal viscera
• the digestive haemorrhages
• peritonitis
Reference texts Dionigi R: Chirurgia: basi teoriche e chirurgia generale, VI ed., Masson Ed.
Cavallaro A: Semeiotica chirurgica. L'incontro del chirurgo con il paziente- Pozzi Ed.
Educational objectives The purpose of the course is to teach students the technique of the history and methodology of the patient visit. Will be taught how to perform general physical examination and subsequently the local physical examination
Prerequisites Basic knowledge is need in anatomy, pathophysiology and surgical pathology.
Teaching methods Front-end lessons using powerpoint projections. The lesson material (except copyright-protected illustrations) is always made available to students electronically (file in pdf) the day before the lesson on the ateneum platform: https://www.unistudium.unipg.it/unistudium/login/index.php.
Other information
Learning verification modality Interview
Extended program - The abdominal pain
- The general physical examination in surgical patients
- The examination of local swellings
Physical examination and clinical symptomatology
- Arterial pulses
- Breast
- Anus
- Abdomen
• Inspection
• Palpation
• Percussion
• Auscultation
• Signs and painful points abs

Knowledge of semiological findings and their correlation with the main pathophysiological mechanisms of the following diseases:
• hernias of the abdominal viscera
• the digestive haemorrhages
• peritonitis
• bowel obstruction
• jaundice of surgical interest and portal hypertension
• anorectal diseases
• the ischemia of the lower limbs
• varicose veins of the lower limbs


Code A001249
Location TERNI
Teacher Roberto Cirocchi
  • Roberto Cirocchi
  • 25 ore - Roberto Cirocchi
Learning activities Altro
Area Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Academic discipline MED/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The purpose of the course is to teach students the technique of the history and methodology of the patient visit. Will be taught how to perform general physical examination and subsequently the local physical examination
Reference texts Cirocchi R, Boselli C, Noya G. Appunti di semeiotica chirurgica - Minerva Medica - 2013
Lumachi F, Norberto L, Angriman I. Semeiotica chirurgica. Unipress, 2010
Educational objectives The student must be able to exercise independently and automatically the following procedures:
- Perform complete physical examination of the abdomen
- Run the identification and delimitation of ascites
- Detecting signs of peritoneal inflammation and intestinal obstruction
- Perform maneuvers semeiological to detect the sign of Murphy, McBurney and Blumberg
- Scan for abdominal and inguinal hernias
- Perform a physical examination of the arteries
- Determine the signs of the inadequacy of the veins of the lower limbs
Prerequisites Basic knowledge is need in anatomy, pathophysiology and surgical pathology.
Teaching methods Simulation-Based Medical Education: skilllab, simulated patient and Technology Enhanced Learning:Terni site of the Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Training at the bedside
Other information
Learning verification modality Interview
Extended program The student must be able to exercise independently and automatically the following procedures:
- Perform complete physical examination of the abdomen
- Run the identification and delimitation of ascites
- Detecting signs of peritoneal inflammation and intestinal obstruction
- Perform maneuvers semeiological to detect the sign of Murphy, McBurney and Blumberg
- Scan for abdominal and inguinal hernias
- Perform a physical examination of the arteries
- Determine the signs of the inadequacy of the veins of the lower limbs
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