Medicine and surgery
Study-unit Code
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Coorte 2020
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Obbligatorio (Required)
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Attività formativa integrata


Code GP005837
Teacher Aldo Ferraresi
  • Aldo Ferraresi
  • 75 ore - Aldo Ferraresi
Learning activities Base
Area Funzioni biologiche integrate di organi, sistemi e apparati umani
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Cardiovascular system. Principles of hemodynamics. Cardiac conduction system. Electrocardiogram. Cardiac mechanics. Cardiac output. Blood pressure. Capillary circle. Local flow regulation. Regulation of short-term PA. Regulation of the PA in the medium and long term. Venous return. Coronary circle. Renal system. Hydro-electrolyte balance. Glomerular filtration. VFG control. Tubular reabsorption. Renal clearance. Regulation of osmolarity. Regulation of Sodium and Potassium. Urine elimination.
Reference texts Fisiologia medica

12a edizione
Di Hall J.E

Editore: Edra
ISBN: 9788821432293
Anno: 2012
Pagine: 1088

Berne & Levy Fisiologia
Settima edizione
Di Bruce M. Koeppen, Bruce A. Stanton

Editore: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
ISBN: 9788808480040
Anno: 2018
Pagine: 960
Educational objectives Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the cardiovascular and renal systems.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of chemistry and physics. Adequate knowledge of anatomy and biochemistry.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information None
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Cardiovascular system. • Anatomical and functional characteristics. Large and small circle, vessel wall structure, vessel compliance. • Principles of hemodynamics. Flow equation, pressure gradient, vessel elasticity, flow and velocity, Bernulli's principle, laminar and turbulent motion, viscosity, Poisseuille's law, series and parallel resistances, 's law, effects of gravity. • Cardiac conduction system. Functions of nodal, conduction and working tissues, nodal tissue self-regression, functions of the atrioventricular node and Purkinje network, refractory period and re-entry. •Electrocardiogram. Vector theory, derivations from the limbs and precordials, pathophysiology of the ECG. • Cardiac mechanics. Control of the contraction and role of calcium, inotropic effect, isometric and isotonic contraction, cardiac cycle, differences between Dx and Sn ventricles, length-tension, preload and afterload relation, Frank-Starling law, pressure, volume, cardiac work relations. • Cardiac output. Measurement according to the Fick principle, determinants of GC, heart-lung preparation, homeometric regulation, heart rate / range relationship. •Blood pressure. Determinants of BP, dicrote wave, time constant, sphygmic wave, pulse pressure and flow pulse, pulsatility, measurement with the Riva-Rocci method, oscillations of the PA. • Capillary circle. Capillary and capillary circulation structure, diffusion and filtration, Starling model, filtration coefficient, lymphatic circulation. • Local flow regulation. Vessel tone, neurogenic and basal, role of calcium, Bayliss myogenic response, effect of local metabolites, endothelial autacoid factors, functional and reactive hyperemia. • Regulation of short-term PA. organization of regulatory mechanisms, baroreceptors and baroceptive reflexes, voloceptors and Bainbridge reflex, chemoreceptors, central ischemic response. • Regulation of the PA in the medium and long term. Relationship volemia pressure, endocrine mechanisms (ADH, PNA, Angiotensin, Aldosterone), pressure diuresis, effects of Angiotensin on the renal function curve. • Venous return. Pressures and resistance in venous return, venous return curve, venous compliance, venous return and cardiac function curves, muscle pump, thoraco-abdominal pump, valve plane mechanism. • Coronary circle. Structure of the coronary circulation, cardiac metabolism, critical oxygen supply, mechanical, metabolic and nervous factors, heart attack and angina pectoris. Renal system. • Hydro-electrolyte balance. Liquid body compartments, water balance, determination of the volumes of the compartments, osmolarity and tonicity, redistribution of liquids. • Glomerular filtration. Functional anatomy of the kidney, urine formation mechanisms, glomerulus filtering structure, Starling model applied to the glomerulus, afferent and efferent arterioles, VFG and filtration fraction.
• VFG control. Myogenic autoregulation, tubulo-glomerular feedback (juxta-glomerular apparatus, role of Sodium). • Tubular reabsorption. Transport mechanisms involved, reabsorption of sodium, water, cotransport and against transport, maximum transport, glomerulo-tubular balance. • Renal clearance. Definition of clearance, inulin clearance, creatinine clearance, PAI clearance, osmolar clearance and free water. • Regulation of osmolarity. Water reabsorption in the various segments of the nephron, hyperosmolarity of the interstitium, multiplication mechanism against the current, the role of ADH, control of ADH secretion. • Regulation of Sodium and Potassium. Control of Sodium reabsorption, Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system, PNA; balance of potassium, mechanisms of elimination of potassium. • Urine elimination. Bladder, detrusor muscle and internal and external sphincters, urination reflex, pontine and cortical control, urination disorders.


Code GP005838
Teacher Aldo Ferraresi
  • Aldo Ferraresi
  • 25 ore - Aldo Ferraresi
Learning activities Base
Area Funzioni biologiche integrate di organi, sistemi e apparati umani
Academic discipline BIO/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Respiratory system. Respiratory mechanics. Elastic resistances. Flow resistances. Ventilation and perfusion. Honeycomb exchanges. O2 and CO2 transport. Nervous control of ventilation. Chemical control of ventilation. Acid-base balance. Alterations of the acid-base balance.
Reference texts Fisiologia medica

12a edizione
Di Hall J.E

Editore: Edra
ISBN: 9788821432293
Anno: 2012
Pagine: 1088

Berne & Levy Fisiologia
Settima edizione
Di Bruce M. Koeppen, Bruce A. Stanton

Editore: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
ISBN: 9788808480040
Anno: 2018
Pagine: 960
Educational objectives Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the respiratory system
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of chemistry and physics. Adequate knowledge of anatomy and biochemistry.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information None
Learning verification modality Oral examination
Extended program Respiratory system. • Respiratory mechanics. Events involved in respiration, functional anatomy of the respiratory system, lung volumes and capacities, anatomical and functional dead space, pulmonary and alveolar ventilation, role of pleurae, residual functional capacity, inspiratory and expiratory muscles. • Elastic resistances. Thoraco-pulmonary, pulmonary and thoracic relaxation (compliance) curve, surface tension and surfactant, alveolar stability.
• Flow resistance. Resistance distribution, lung strength / volume relationship, resistance to forced expiration, flow-volume diagram and FEV1, restrictive and obstructive pathologies, pressure-volume relationship and respiratory work. • Ventilation and perfusion. Characteristics of the pulmonary circulation, vessel-alveoli ratios, effects of pressure variation in pulmonary vessels, Starling model, hypoxic vasoconstriction, regional distribution of ventilation and blood, areas of West, ventilation-perfusion ratio. • Honeycomb exchanges. 's law, composition of atmospheric, inspired and alveolar air, alveolar air equation, solubilization and diffusion, Fick's law, diffusion of oxygen in particular conditions. • O2 and CO2 transport. O2 transport mode, hemoglobin and relative saturation curve, Bohr effect, determinants of O2 transport and hypoxia; CO2 transport mode, role of bicarbonate, Haldane effect. • Nervous control of ventilation. Requirements to be met, bulbar and pontine control centers, discharge characteristics of respiratory neurons, pulmonary receptors, anticipatory responses. • Chemical control of ventilation. Central chemoreceptors, peripheral chemoreceptors, sensitivity to O2 and CO2. and pH, adaptation to altitude. • Acid-base balance. Blood buffer systems, effects of ventilation on bicarbonate swab, renal bicarbonate reabsorption, elimination of H + ions, urinary swabs. • Alterations in the acid-base balance. Respiratory and metabolic acidosis, respiratory and metabolic alkalosis, alkaline and bicarbonate reserve, anion gap, acid-base nomogram, diagnostic criteria.
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