Cultural heritage
Study-unit Code
In all curricula
Alessandra Di Pilla
  • Alessandra Di Pilla
  • Alessandra Di Pilla
  • 36 ore - Alessandra Di Pilla
  • 12 ore - Alessandra Di Pilla
Course Regulation
Coorte 2020
Learning activities
Civiltà antiche e medievali
Academic discipline
Type of study-unit
Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities
Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction
"A journey through Latin literature: authors, texts, cultural themes"

The course aims to offer a panorama of Latin literature from its origins to Augustine of Hippo. The main authors, framed according to chronology and literary genres, will be presented through the commented reading of selected texts and the in-depth study of some cultural themes.
Reference texts
For the knowledge of the authors indicated in the detailed program, students can choose the following handbook:

- A. Cavarzere, A. De Vivo, P. Mastandrea, Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica. Nuova edizione, Carocci (Manuali universitari) 2015.

Students interested in a handbook in another language are asked to consult the teacher.
Educational objectives
The objectives of the course are the following:

- that the student acquires a good knowledge of the main moments of the history of Latin literature and its articulation by literary genres;

- that the student make contact with the works of some of the main authors of Latin literature, developing a taste for reading and for comparison with the classics, gaining awareness of their permanence in the culture of later ages.
No prerequisites.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, also with use of multimedia supports.
Integrative teaching with frontal modality, with possible use of multimedia supports.

As required by the note of the Minister of University and Research relating to phase 3 COVID-19 (September 2020-January 2021), without prejudice to any other change communicated by the competent authorities, it will be possible to resort to blended teaching, i.e. in presence and telepresence simultaneously, with synchronous and/or asynchronous mode.
Other information
As required by the note of the Minister of University and Research relating to phase 3 of the COVID-19 emergency (September 2020-January 2021), without prejudice to any other changes communicated by the competent authorities, it will be possible to resort to blended teaching, i.e. in presence and telepresence simultaneously, with synchronous and/or asynchronous mode.
Even the oral exam, according to the aforementioned provisions, may take place in presence or in remote mode (through the Teams platform).

From the beginning of the lessons, students are required to register on the course page on the platform www.unistudium.unipg.it.

Not-attending students are required to contact the teacher.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, please visit www.lettere.unipg.it/home/disabilita-e-dsa.
Learning verification modality
A single oral exam (not divisible).

As required by the note of the Minister of University and Research relating to phase 3 of the COVID-19 emergency (September 2020-January 2021), without prejudice to any other changes communicated by the competent authorities, the oral exam may take place in presence or in remotely.

Objective of the exam: to verify in the student the knowledge of the authors and the related topics covered by the program; verify the ability to place authors within the broader panorama of literary history, also with reference to the literary genre of belonging.

The exam is indivisible and takes place entirely during the session chosen by the student, starting from the first useful session after the end of the course.
The exam consists of an interview with open-ended questions. The average duration is 20 minutes.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and / or DSA visit the page http://www.unipg.it/disabilita-e-dsa.
Extended program
"A journey through Latin literature: authors, texts, cultural themes"

The course aims to offer a panorama of Latin literature from its origins to Augustine of Hippo. The main authors, framed according to chronology and literary genres, will be presented through the commented reading of selected texts and the in-depth study of some cultural themes.

For the purposes of the exam, for the knowledge of the authors the student will stick to the following list:

1. Il sorgere della letteratura a Roma.
2. Plauto e la nascita del teatro latino.
3. Ennio e Catone.
4. Terenzio e il rinnovamento del teatro.
5. L’età di Lucilio.
6. Catullo e la poesia ‘nuova’.
7. Lucrezio.
8. Cicerone.
9. Storiografia ed erudizione nell’ultimo secolo della repubblica: Sallustio; Giulio Cesare; Varrone.
11. L’età augustea: politica e cultura. Virgilio.
12. Orazio.
13. La poesia elegiaca: Tibullo; Properzio; Ovidio.
14. Tito Livio.
15. Poesia e prosa da Tiberio a Claudio : Seneca il Vecchio; La poesia epica e didascalica; Fedro e la favola.
16. Seneca.
17. La letteratura nell'età di Nerone: Lucano; Persio; Petronio.
18. La letteratura nell’età dei Flavi: Quintiliano; Plinio il Vecchio; L’epica; Marziale e l’epigramma.
19. La letteratura da Nerva a Traiano: Plinio il Giovane; Giovenale.
20. Tacito.
21. L’età di Adriano e degli Antonini: Svetonio; Frontone e Gellio.
22. Apuleio.
23. L’avvento del cristianesimo. Gli inizi della letteratura cristiana; La letteratura sui martiri; L’apologetica; La crisi del III secolo.
24. Trasmissione e selezione dei testi, scuola e continuità dei generi: Cristianizzazione della società; la poesia di Ausonio; Ammiano Marcellino.
25. I Padri della Chiesa occidentale: Ambrogio; Girolamo; Agostino.
26. La fine del mondo antico. Claudiano; Rutilio Namaziano; Macrobio; Marziano Capella.

The Latin authors' texts (in Italian translation) read and commented during the lessons and any material relating to cultural topics will be communicated gradually during the lessons and made available on the platform www.unistudium.unipg.it.
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